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 D&D and such 
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Post Re: D&D and such
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
No software which does char. generation and players who can not copy and paste.

The pathguy generator lets you c/p.
doing dnd over the internet is a bad idea.(tried it once and it quickly became difficult) so why are you doing it over irc? having everyone around a table with dice and books(or a computer) is much more fun than over irc.

I'm in Florida, Asp and Grif are on opposite sides of California, Domotor is in Pennsylvania, and Falcon is in Rhode Island.

Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:36 am
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Arizona reporting in.

DRL road trip 2011: D&D campaign.

Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:48 am
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We can all sit in the middle of the desert in full plate playing D&D around a card table.

Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:54 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Manticore wrote:
doing dnd over the internet is a bad idea.(tried it once and it quickly became difficult) so why are you doing it over irc? having everyone around a table with dice and books(or a computer) is much more fun than over irc.

Yet you keep posting stuff to use to play it online.

Quick news outline on what is going on so far: The world is called Saen. 16 months, 30 days each. 3 months to a season with one "transitional" month in between each, crazy ♥♥♥♥ happens during then. Gnomes are a dying race, highly paranoid and untrusting. This is the stuff that is mostly solid. Tossing around a bunch of other ideas. Always looking for input, so stop by #dragon every once in awhile and give me some.

Finals are next week. I will try to get maps done and scanned by the end of that week. Unfortunately, I estimate I will need to draw out at least 12 detailed maps, probably a shitton more, and one world map (working on it as we speak). This prospect is not at all motivating. As for the background, I am slowly working on it but again, input needed. It makes the process go faster/be cooler.

In terms of the amount of people, it seems more and more people want to play. We are at like 6 or so people and its hard to keep track. Maybe OpenRPG will help alleviate this, maybe not. If it doesn't, I may split the player base into two groups. This could lead to such interesting things as the two groups actively working against each other

Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:17 am
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Manticore urdumb. If I could get everyone around a table, I would.
And ophanim- when I say my players cannot copy and paste, I mean that all attempts to instruct them what they need to do for that have failed miserably.

Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:21 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
ctrl a ctrl c ctrl v
How is this hard?

Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:45 am
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Mini necro! Yay!
Well, when I say that my players are incapable, I mean that one of them is, specifically.
I'm dealing with three different operating systems (XP, Arch, and OSX), two of which I have only the slightest clue about, and the Arch user is a severe ADHD case.
I know have a ♥♥♥♥ multi-user map thing set up, where the one guy who can connect to Maptool does, and then relays that through webcam to the guy on OSX, and then they both yell at the Arch user until he understands what's going on. In order to simplify character creation (for me, mostly), I have basically taken my players' ideas about what they want their characters to be, mangled them, shoved them into the appropriate molds in the form of a few nice .xls character sheets I found online, and mailed them.
It's running pretty smooth now.
Maptool seems to be working great with the one guy who's running Windows; the Arch user can dual-boot, and that might fix some of the problems, as he has no idea how to configure his firewall.
The world is basically made up as I go along; I include frequent CONFLICT(s)! WITH GOBLINS! in order to satisfy the attention-span lacking one, and have thus far successfully kept my players engaged.
That said, DMing is still 50% agony.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:39 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
That said, DMing is still 50% agony.

This is normal.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:59 am

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It's more than 50% when your players enjoy antagonizing you.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:20 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Alenth Eneil wrote:
It's more than 50% when your players enjoy antagonizing you.

no, for me its about 90% agonizing with the players I get.

I created a modern setting, (D20 modern), it was a based on the real world, as if the US, collapsed, and split into 2 governments, one of which was a Utopian society, and the other was bent on ruining it. all but one of the players insist that the utopian society must die, simply because they think I'm lying to them and that there all insane.

If I say they find a chest full of gold, they say its not gold its pyrite, and that they refuse to check and throw it away, and then complain that I never give them any kind of reward for there work, which considted of ignoring all plot, to rob a gun-store, and sell them on the black market, and becoming multi-milionares

I'm tempted to just tell them that they saw the FNORDs and end the campaign.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:13 pm
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Your problem is that you and your players are playing a completely different game.
Try playing 'Paranoia'; I think that'd be more to their liking.
Also, believe it or not, finding chests full of gold in the modern day is really unbelievable.
And what kind of countries claim to be utopias? Oh, that's right, places like North Korea.
If they're going to antagonize you with excessive paranoia, and you want to continue to play d20 Modern as a serious game, make all of their paranoia justified; cars constantly getting bombed, food poisoned, hallucinations...
They started it, you might as well finish it.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:48 pm
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Realistic fantasy; the ultimate in DnD campaigns.

So our group at the university made our characters 3 times, the most recent time being one and a half weeks ago, and we will hopefully get to actually play sometime this next weekend. We've been at this for at least 3.5 weeks now. I'm still looking forward to it.

Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:05 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
Your problem is that you and your players are playing a completely different game.
Try playing 'Paranoia'; I think that'd be more to their liking.
Also, believe it or not, finding chests full of gold in the modern day is really unbelievable.
And what kind of countries claim to be utopias? Oh, that's right, places like North Korea.
If they're going to antagonize you with excessive paranoia, and you want to continue to play d20 Modern as a serious game, make all of their paranoia justified; cars constantly getting bombed, food poisoned, hallucinations...
They started it, you might as well finish it.

♥♥♥♥ Yeah Paranoia! I am still trying to learn how to run it but god when I figure it out...

Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:19 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
Your problem is that you and your players are playing a completely different game.
Try playing 'Paranoia'; I think that'd be more to their liking.
Also, believe it or not, finding chests full of gold in the modern day is really unbelievable.
And what kind of countries claim to be utopias? Oh, that's right, places like North Korea.
If they're going to antagonize you with excessive paranoia, and you want to continue to play d20 Modern as a serious game, make all of their paranoia justified; cars constantly getting bombed, food poisoned, hallucinations...
They started it, you might as well finish it.

Actually, I never did give them a box of gold, I was just giving an example. and its not that there playing a different game, its that there asses, they do this type of thing no matter what we play, its not about being paranoid, its about giving the GM the finger, whenever I give a plot-hook, no matter what it is, they say 'your trying to devolope a story or get us to do something, it aint happening, we go get drunk and ignore the fact that we just heard that theres a werewolf living in this town'. There just pricks.

and that whole seeing the FNORDs thing, is just me thinking of something to just get them to quit, because They've made me sick of running the campaign because they don't care.

Also, I did say I made a utopia, I never said they claimed to be a utopia, I just said that they simply where. with the exception of foreigners, there is no crime, no descent, because the laws are different, so that different things are considered crime. because people think of different things as normal, and different things as wrong, there is noone doing wrong, because it is.... wrong. and thus its a utopia. they don't call themselves a utopian society, nor do they claim to be the harbingers of peace and humanity.

Point is, players hate me and go out of the way to ruin everything I plan, and the short of it is, I need new players. also, when I say "FNORD" there is text there, you just can't see it.

Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:50 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Yes miles, we all got the discordian reference.
Seriously, you are not getting two things-
1. There is not and can never be a society with no crime. Claiming that there is should instantly set off alarm bells.
2. Your players hate you.
It's a personal relationship issue here; they obviously hate you.
don't have a utopia. The U is there for a reason.
if you haven't figured it out already then there's no helping you.

Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:02 pm
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