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 Asplode Corp - Last Updated 25th Jan 
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
dont underestimate the power that is the ambiguity of base gibs. a gib metal grey tiny a here, a gib metal rust micro there, a few device gibs about.. and you have metal splatters.

great to hear you'll be using the fire, ill look forward to some dirty explosions. also, my scraps die from 1 hit in the head, i think. this is an issue, as although they cost 20oz gold, i dont want my infantry to die from one stray gib. if this does stay, at least make it only the eye that is so weak, and give it some glass gibs, and a horrid sparky, fiery wound that consumes the dead robot's head. they feel a tad too fragile at the moment, we are past "held together with silly string" into "glued lightly with spittle", maybe a few more shot's durability? what i see is them getting blow apart easily, having limbs smashed etc, but holding on to life like an angry louse, sparking and failing but still pulling themselves along. then getting flattened by a dropship :)

able to survive multiple dismemberments (weak breakwounds)
weak spot - eye (attachable gibwoundlimit = 1 with an angry breakwound)
smokey, horrible things (i dont think emitters cause such a fuss now)
lots more gibs - i want some scrap left behind
smokeyer jetpack
still flattenable

that would make me happy as hell.

Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:04 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
Scrap now dies a few seconds after being wounded, as compared to before where it died instantly. I will tweak it if you want so you can take one or 2 hits, I'll make body/arm break hits instant kill and other hits 2 shots to kill.

My Checklist:
- messier wounds = done
- modify SCRAP wound damage + to do.
- More gibs = 50%, add in more base ones.
- Glass/lens gibs for head - to do
- make jetpack dirtier - to do (i'll make my own larger smoke for that as well as use Geti's.)

Update will be in the next few days, all that will take awhile when you factor in my general lazyness.

Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:00 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
id rather it if some limbs could get smashed off without the poor thing dying, it is a robot pulled together from the junk in a scrap yard after all, it cant be THAT component dependent.. unless when a limb is removed electricity arcs everywhere and vaporises the robot, i should be able to take a few legs off and the scrap just go through a mild $ panic sequence and then go back to failing. i can understand the torso exploding for no reason though :) ♥♥♥♥ realism there, the engine powering these would be 90% fuel tank and 8% spark plug. heck, the exhaust should just vent into the robot's torso and leak out everywhere.
i love this mod, can you tell? it just needs quite a bit more polish, and some logic applied to the low-end units. 20oz != absolutely no resistance. heck, my 3oz shovel can take more punishment.

Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:09 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
I agree with Geti, I think it'd be cool with robots if limb hits didn't cause damage at all, only headshots and bodyshots did. Maybe make it that one hit knocks anything off, and two shots to the body or one to the head kills?

Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:10 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
No limb damage eh? yeah, sure! I've since modified some wounds to 'almost' kill it, and shots to the torso amke it catch fire and die.

The wounds for removed limbs will just be some wires with sparks on them, much like the Oyster break wounds.

Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:18 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
if body shots cause it to catch fire and die, make it take 2 hits to cause unsurvivable damage (burn and die, but not straight away. you know how a coalition soldier bleeds out eventually from having 2 limbs removed? make it take just a short time less than that. use starttimems to make the fire get bigger over time.) and an exit wound take some wires and bits of engine with it and kill the poor thing instantly (its corpse can keep burning for a bit, but make exit wounds cause deathly damage).
1 hit kill for a body shot is a tad rediculous. i can see why for getting its eye smashed (having that as an attachable with a horribly fiery breakwound would be so cool) or its body ravaged with bullets, but 1 hit? no please..
however, no damage from limbs is cool. make them messy as hell aswell, not smokey too much (maybe a little..) but lots of chips of metal, especially when they gib. it would be nice if the attachables on these things actually did something, too. maybe give a little plating to the chest, and when that's broken there is the engine exposed?

Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:36 pm
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
it dosent look that new or interesting. make something crazy.

Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:47 pm
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
shut up, now.
this is one of the most interesting mods out, and has been since the old SCRAP's.
oh ♥♥♥♥ its 437, im going to bed. ><

Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:37 pm
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
deathbal101 wrote:
it dosent look that new or interesting. make something crazy.

It plays a little differently. I haven't made a 'normal' (boring) or particularly practical weapon yet, I'm planning to make just one.

I like the SCRAPs as useless as they are since making the limbs take damage. the whole idea is that it is ridiculous, they're so fragile they wouldn't even be allowed in a non-military environment.

Edit: I've been mucking around with the SCRAP's wounds, and I'm pretty close to just giving up. I remember why they have such dull wounds now: They just crash the whole game if you try and make it pretty, because they take so many wounds to quickly. I'm thinking my new approach is going to be instant-gibbing wounds, and I'll just make it gib nicely.

Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:00 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
if you make that happen on the legs and arms, thats fine. but having a burning body would be fun for a last minute panic. if you like, ill play with the wounds. ive had quite a bit of success with pretty wounds inthusfar..
id need some smaller scale fire sprites though, like burning orange flame to black smoke kind of MOSP..

Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:38 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
Ok, wounds are now DONE. I refuse to change them.

The scrap, when shot in the head or body, GIBS (head or body) when, or a second or two after being, shot.

I'm now working on the jetpacks.

Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:03 pm
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
awesomecool. any fire?

Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:24 pm
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
fire = lag/crashing, so sorry. No fire.

But I'll make up for it with jetpacks I promise!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:07 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
QQ alright.. cant wait for next release btw.

Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:46 am
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Post Re: Asplode Corp - Last Updated 14th Jan
More Sketches!
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Firstly there's a standard assault rifle but i think the bullets should be something really nasty. Like every 3rd round it's a miniature flachette weapon that explodes in a fan-shape of shrapnel about 20 yards downrange. I dunno, i couldn't think of anything and i felt like drawing an assault rifle. Since these are really cheaply made little robots i think it would fit if they weren't very specially outfitted, some of them just scrounging weapons off the battlefield after it's just a field again. The distinctive thing should be the rounds it fires, or maybe it doesn't fire rounds at all, it could be a weapon that's thrown or something. I think modding an assault rifle into something totally different feels very Asplode-esque to me.

Nextly there's the tesla pack, which is a little less boring. it's a pack that a scrap soldier can wear that was sort of inspired by the Darkstorm shield generator, but instead of shielding you, it charges all the particles in the air with a massive current, leaving the user unharmed due to their proximity to the coil. Everything more than six feet away is charred and ripped to small pieces (allies included) and it breaks after one use. It's like a suicide bomb, but without the suicide part. A last-ditch "f*ck-all-ya'll" weapon.

Edit: sorry about the green, i was drawing on just one layer and remembered halfway through that i couldn't easily make the background white after the fact.

Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:17 am
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