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 Snow Pack, lol. 
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Post Snow Pack, lol.
Seeing that it's winter (here in Denmark at least), i decided to make a mod pack that followed that theme... And the result is this pack, the Snow Pack. You can see it as my Christmas present for all you people here in DRLFF. :)
You might (or rather, WILL) notice that i've recycled the same sprite many times, but honestly, i just couldn't think of a design for the guns. Besides, all guns with that sprite are just a modification of our patented Winter Gun™! (Actually it's a resprite of the Concrete Gun, but hey)

What sane snow pack would exist without snowballs? Not this one. They come in three different sizes: Normal, Big and Huge. The normal one is just that, a normal snowball. You throw it, and it goes off in a puff of snow. Nothing special. The big one is twice as big as the normal, and eight times as heavy. It goes off in a bigger puff of snow, but it's still pretty much harmless. The huge snowball, however, is three times as large as the big one, and weighs 27 times as much. It's heavy and hard enough to gib limbs. And yes, you can lift and throw it. (Note, i'm talking about radius when i say something with their size)

Image Image Image

Snow Sprayer
If you want lots and lots of snow quickly, but there's no blizzard or anything like it within 18 lightyears, this is the tool for you. It hoses out lots and lots of snow, that easily sticks to terrain and the likes, forming various... Forms.


Ice Sprayer
Snow not tough enough, or is it just too hard to clog up a hole with it? Well, then grab the Ice Sprayer! It sprays out bits of ice, that sticks a little bit, but is highly effective at clogging up holes in the ground. The Snow Sprayer can be used to lay a foundation, and the Ice Sprayer can fill it up with a semi-tough filling...


Snowball Gun
Making and throwing snowballs too slow? Well, no problems! This gun makes and fires snowballs much faster than any meatbag can possibly achieve, at a staggering rate of 4 per second. They're still harmless though.


Snowball Cannon
If the smaller snowballs of the above gun just doesn't cut it, go for this guy. It fires the larger Big Snowballs, but at a lower rate of fire. Pretty much harmless, but lots and lots of hits at the same limb might gib it.


Icicle Gun
While the snowball guns are great fun, they really aren't that practical on the warzone that is Cortex Command. So, we took the liberty of making a gun that fires heavy icicles at high speeds, delivering a potentially fatal blow to anyone standing on the business end of this gun.


Basically the polar opposite of the Conflagrator found in the Pelian Army, this gun fires supercooled air and snowflakes, that freezes stuff on impact, and potentially causes severe frostburns. It's not quite as powerful as its fiery cousin though.


Blizzard Cannon
And since we were working so nicely with those inverted fire weapons, we also happened to invert the popular Pyro Cannon. The result? The Blizzard Cannon. Basically, it fires a large blast of snow, ice, snowballs and icicles. As seen in the above weapon, the Blizzard Cannon can't quite match up to the Pyro Cannon, but it is still quite powerful nontheless.


Canned Snowfall
And lastly, since there is no winter without snow (well, there shouldn't be >.>), we made this little gadget. Just crack it up, throw/drop it, and enjoy your one-minute snowfall!


Merry Christmas, Data Realms! :)

Edit: ♥♥♥♥, forgot this rather important part:

Thanks to Ragdollmaster for beta-testing, and the ideas of the Icicle Gun, Blizzard Cannon and Froster!

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Last edited by Shook on Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Hahahaha great. :grin:

Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:41 pm
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Wow. Shook strikes again! Now this is what I was talking about! YES! Time to test them out!

Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:03 am
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
:( I feel unappreciated... no credit for my ideas & criticism?

The Froster turned out nicely by the way.

Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:54 am
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
I love the idea of the canned snowfall :P
And huge snowball is huge!

Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:49 am
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Snowfall in CC, now THAT's a merry Christmas.

Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:19 am
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
my honest opinion of this mod is... well its good for novelty

none of the guns seem really new, and its not that fun to play with...


Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:32 am
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Looks pretty good, was looking for some snow weapons.
There's no snow in Denmark (Where I live, atleast) so I'm missing some snow!

Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:39 pm
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Shook wrote:
Basically the polar opposite of the Conflagrator found in the Pelian Army, this gun fires supercooled air and snowflakes, that freezes stuff on impact, and potentially causes severe frostburns. It's not quite as powerful as its fiery cousin though.

I see what you did there. :P

Neat ideas, if only for the novelty of them. The Icicle Gun reminds me of the Tarydium Shard Sprayer from Unreal...

Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:02 pm
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Hehe, thanks guys. :)
And yeah, they aren't really that new, these guns, but i really just felt that we needed a snowy pack for Christmas...
And worth noting is that i spat out a lot of curses while making the Icicle Gun. Perhaps it fires cursed icicles now...

@war_man: That goes for me as well, best thing over here is some rime frost or ice on a pond. >.>

Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:25 pm
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
I love how some of these weapons are pretty nonlethal.
And what makes this better at this moment we actullally have SNOW in Finland.
(Couple past years we have only had snow for couple days [not counting the far north part of the Finland])

Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:26 pm

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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
i was in vegas and it was the first time it legit snowed in 30 years. it was pretty cool. your mods are great as usual so instant dl as always.

Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
<3 snow, and <3 this mod.


Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:35 am
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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
Looks fun. DL now.

Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:14 pm

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Post Re: Snow Pack, lol.
lmao Thoughtprocess. snow is ftw. building ice forts for both teams and having snowball fights is great fun. and squashing the enemies with giant snow balls is also awesome.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:49 pm
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