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 Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12) 
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Post Re: Dummyz Faction VERSION 1.75 (UPDATE 06/12)
Wow, thanks for putting all that effort in my mod... Your resprite was really cool...
Though I think that it seems a little... Thin for a weapons platform.
But it could fit a lighter version and ...
Yeah, I'll make a ''light hovership", with more mobility but less resistance, and then I think your sprite will be exactly what it needs! Thanks a lot! :grin:
By the way, about the name, it was more like a placeholder than anything... I have no imagination for names... :-(
No matter, I'll try making a better one, starting now!

Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:02 pm
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Post Re: Dummyz Faction VERSION 1.75 (UPDATE 06/12) made the soldiers jetpack look better. :grin: i just thought it looked silly with a little few sparks coming out.

Heres a suggestion,make a new weapon for the smasher thats a giant flamethrower :) .now i cant wait for V2. just one more thing,shars bullets seem very ineffective against the normal dummies,just saying.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:31 pm
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Post Re: Dummyz Faction VERSION 1.75 (UPDATE 06/12)
well yeah but I mean a hovership can't really be a heavy weapons platform. If you want a heavy weap platform, you need a gunship, with armor and the pilots being protected, they can't be exposed, perhaps just a head and shoulders, but that's it. Like, it's the difference between a tank and one of those off road vehicles the military has, those like atv like things, only with the frames and stuff, yeah.

E- also it doesn't look too thin when you put it against a background, there's supposed to be a screen there so there's no need for you to sprite controls, since the pilot would just hook up to the ship and the brain would control it remotely anyway.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:33 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
VERSION 2.0 is here!!!!

Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Good to see a better name for the faction. But still, sprites of the sniper gun, and the sprite of 'yourself' (and other stuff) needs some improvement. But other than the outlook, this mod is freakin creative. The hover vehicles, 'terror drones' and ceiling-walking actors.

If the sprites are re-worked, this would truly become an amazing mod.

EDIT: Just tested it out. A few things:
1. Sprites seriously need to be better.
2. How exactly do you get the ceiling walker work? It flies to the sky after it is delivered.
3. This mod has a high tendency of crashing my CC (for unknown reasons)
4. I love the Arach.

Thu Dec 25, 2008 5:41 am
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Hmm, yeah, the ceiling guy is kinda hard to deliver, your best option is to put him in place during the bunker creation mode... he is just a prototype, after all... :P
And the sprites, hum, well, I AM the worst spriter ever, but I'll try to be better...

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:17 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Heh... i've made that brain .

This mod needs some better sprites . The coding isnt that bad , but the sprites are bad .

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:49 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Putting together a whole bunch of default sprites. Ehw. No DL, no way.

Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:26 am
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
This is quite possibly the worst mod I have ever seen. Things like this are what is slowly degrading the community's integrity as far as decent mods go. If you want this to be a good mod (by conventional standards) , stop making these ♥♥♥♥ vanilla frankenstein actors and make use of your talents through ORIGINAL spriting.

Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:02 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Or rather you can incorporate some of your own spriting to bring out the "Scavenger" feel. Using the default sprites, but rather than gluing them together, you sprite it so that it looks PUT together. A metal bar with bolts, metal straps around the big fudge jetpack. Not only that make the default sprites look used, rather than brand new, by adding rust, metal with its paint scraped off...

Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:23 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Dude , the coalition *frankinsteins* was my first mod . This is his *1st mod* .

Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)

Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
grenade wrote:
Dude , the coalition *frankinsteins* was my first mod . This is his *1st mod* .

That still does not justify the release of obvious semi-resprites. Pardon me if I act curtly however it's just that I come from the old mindset where things like either of your mods (but not yours in its current condition) would have been roasted.

Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:59 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)

The concept of the mod is good but the sprite work is horrible.
They look nothing of a scavenger race, they look like vanilla dummies with crap glued to them.

Dump the mod, kill the thread, keep the concept, start over.

Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Scavenger Faction VERSION 2.0 (UPDATE 24/12)
Cyborg dummy bots of DEATH! oh yeah hey here is an idea.

1. Add a dummy that can grab and rip the crap out of enemies. LOL!

Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:47 pm
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