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 CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (8-20-09) Tele bugs fixed 
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 CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (8-20-09) Tele bugs fixed
Mini-Mod Pack

File comment: Lots of stuff here and bug fixes
CricketsMiniMods.rte.rar [1.14 MiB]
Downloaded 1657 times

Image is slightly outdated

Newest Addition
Teleporter Device = Once you deploy the beacon with (Fire), press left, right, and crouch at the same time to warp to the beacon's location.


New stuff will be marked with a New


Dark Staff = Summon a pack of zombies armed with Jackhammers.
Sling Shot = shoots a rock.
Meteor Gun = Whatever you shoot at, a meteor falls on top of it.
Meteor Gun 2 = Has a vertical laser attached so you can aim this behind walls. use up and down to change
the distance of the laser from you.
Cage Gun = Trap enemies in cages to contain them, or point at the ground to trap yourself for protection.
Flare Gun = Shoots a bright, burning flare. Great for distracting the computer.
Stun Gun = Brought back from the dead, this device is a modified stun gun that fries flesh with high voltage shocks.
Poison Gasser = Use this to kill any enemies with anoying or dangerous gibs.
Mauler = A cross between a shotgun and a revolver makes a powerful, short-ranged weapon in a
conveniant size. Dual Wieldable.
Heavy Mauler = A Stronger, non dual-wield version of the Mauler.
C-AR = Medium ranged assault rifle with a 40 round mag.
C-Acid Sprayer = Sprays green acid at a low velocity, allowing you to dissolve things on the other side of a
Snipe Bow = Shoots arrows of unstablium that can have unpredictable results when you land a shot.
C-Sniper Rifle = Strong rifle with a long ranged scope.
C-Pulse Laser = Once the laser hits something, it explodes shortly after. Great against armored soldiers.
Laser Spinner = Fire a slow moving orb that projects lasers and spins when it comes in contact with an object.
5BMG = 5 barrelled machine gun that alternates between firing 3 barrels than 2.
SM Cannon = Shoulder Mounted Cannon that originally used to be attached to a pirate ship.
SM R-Cannon = A cannon that can have 6 shots loaded at a time.
SM B-Cannon = Pulverize opponets with large iron balls.
SM SG-Cannon = A big cannon with several cannon balls loaded and fired at once.
L-Mine Layer = Deploys laser trip mines.
Compact-RL = You don't need a massive cannon to fire a tiny little rocket.
C-GL = Lob grenades over walls, into bunker, and bounce them on different surfaces.
S-Grenade Launcher = Shoots sticky grenades.
UT Flak Cannon = Blast apart various armored things with this weapon.
RPRL = Fires a rocket launcher that shoots 3 rockets.


Medical Healer = Heal up you troops with this device. Works for both teams.
Ultra Digger = Stronger than the heavy digger, this tool makes short work of any mining job.
Vaper Digger = The toughest digger you'll ever get your hands on. The down-side? it can't harm actors or
mine gold.
Jack Hammer = good-old fashion hydraulic piston pummels anything that stands in your way.
Shield Generator Tweaked = Create and hold a tough energy shield in front of you.
Shield Deployer = Create and deploy static shields, although they aren't as strong as the Shield Gen's.
Teleporter Device New= Once you deploy the beacon with (Fire), press left, right, and crouch at the same time to warp to the beacon's location.
C-Flyer = High-powered hand-held propeller that cuts through the sky like a hot knife through cheese.
Puller GG = Pulls objects towards you.
Pusher GG = Pushes objects away from you
Levitater GG = Makes objects rise.


Flare Gun Shot = the round of a flare gun. Great for distracting computers.
C-Laser Mine = If the lasers on the mine are disturbed, the mine will explode.
Sticky Grenade = Unique grenade that "sticks" to actors and terrain,
Gold Seed = Grow your very own Gold Tree! just make sure your enemies don't harvest it.
Coloumn Grenade = Grow a tough spike of earth with this device.
C-Frag Grenade = A moderate strength grenade wwith a 5 second fuse that activates when you pull the pin. The grenade will flash a red light when activated.
C-Pulse Charge = Releases a quick burst of energy that rends flesh and armor.
Shuriken = A ninja's best friend. You can throw and pick it back up.
C-Claymore = A strong charge that blows in the direction you throw it. Even if it doesn't point the
the way you threw it, don't worry, it will still explode in the direction you directed.
ShieldGen Bomb = Think of the Halo 3 Bubble Shield. It works pretty much the same way, and lasts for 2
Instant Base = Throw to create an instant base. Duh.
Laser Baricade = Once activated, this device fires 4 lasers around it. A handy tool for blocking off bunker


Mauler* = Offhanded mauler you hold in place of a shield.
Absortion Shield = Safely absorbs powerful round and deflects weaker ones.
Blast Shield = A tough metal shield you can mount anywhere you want.
Hornet's Nest = Shooting a hornet's nest isn't the smartest thing to do, so they make great shields.
C-Plasma Shield = 360 degrees of protection. A must when fighting large groups of enemies.


C-Bot = A stronger version of the Robot 2 unit.
Flea Crab = Gibs into 2 flea crabs which gib into 2 more flea crabs and the process continues untll your CC
C-Translocater = Send this little beacon any where on the map to have your cargo translocated there.
Boarding Pod = Burrow into bunker with this craft.
Metal Barrel = Normally used to store various food stuffs, you can use it to trnasport nearly anything.
Drop Ship Junk = What does Trade Star do with old, broken drop ship parts? They rain it down on bad-guys, of course.

//Bunker Modules
Defense Lasers = Shreds limbs and turns clones to mush! find it in Bunker Bits.

///// Halo Weapons

This kept crashing CC when it was in the folder with the other mods, so I'll just leave it here.

Halo Weapons - I nearly forgot I had this. Credits to whitty for the Carbine sprite, and me for everything else.

File comment: It's only weapons, cause I suck at Actor spriting.
Halo.rte.rar [428.88 KiB]
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Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:08 pm, edited 39 times in total.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:09 am
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Post Re: Sling Shot (mini-mod)
Gotta say, it's a nice idea.
I mean, you can buy rocks to throw at someone, so why not shoot them?

Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:47 pm
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Post Re: Sling Shot (mini-mod)
Why not expand this mod to fire grenades?

Or rocks at different speeds.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:57 pm
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Post Re: Sling Shot (mini-mod)
Wow! This is just the Mod I've been looking for!

Do you know how many times I've been out in a gunfight against blood-thirsty robots and said "Boy, I sure wish I had a slingshot right now".


Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:26 am
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Post Re: Sling Shot (mini-mod)
This is neat.
It just kinda explodes into little pieces on people.
Would fit really well with a mod with little kids or midgets.

I'll have to give this slingshot awesome power.
The power to kill everything.

Then I can personally enjoy it when I shoot it randomly and hear 20 ughs, oohs, and blarghs.

2011 MLC does not approve of this post.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:48 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods
Update, Hurrah!

Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:39 am
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods
I ♥♥♥♥ love the gold seed. Good mini-work

Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:29 pm
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Post Re: Sling Shot (mini-mod)
crazyMLC wrote:
This is neat.
It just kinda explodes into little pieces on people.
Would fit really well with a mod with little kids or midgets.

I'll have to give this slingshot awesome power.
The power to kill everything.

Then I can personally enjoy it when I shoot it randomly and hear 20 ughs, oohs, and blarghs.

Dont forget the hwehs!

Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:52 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods
Haha, awesome sound.

Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:33 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods
Beanstalk much? Loveit.

Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:48 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (12-10-08)
Update - Now a mini-Halo Mod! It includes:

-Plasma Pistol
-Plasma Rifle
-Brute Plasma Pistol
-Brute Shot
-Plasma Grenade
-Kig-Yar Shield (Jackal Shield)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:12 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (12-28-08)
Another update. Added the Meteor Gun, which drops meteors on your targets. Also, feel free to contribute ideas for me to make.

Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:55 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (12-28-08)
I actually made a gun that made meteors fall on people, back in build 20.
It is in my 42guns pack, and it is called Mooncrasher. It makes moons and asteroids fall.
Although, it seems that it doesn't work on the current build, and as yours gun is better coded than mine, I'll let you have the pleasure of being called "the guy that invented the meteor-crashing gun".

BTW, your other guns are also great. Keep up the good work! :grin:

Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:37 pm
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (12-29-08)
A "shocking" update, now with the Electricuter.

Areku wrote:
I'll let you have the pleasure of being called "the guy that invented the meteor-crashing gun".

BTW, your other guns are also great. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, although aerial bombarding weapons have been made several times before.

Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:45 am
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Post Re: CaveCricket's Mini Mods *UPDATE (12-29-08)
Can you make a set of rocket propelled things so grif stops getting mad at people for making new topics for "stupid" mods.

Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:52 am
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