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 Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated* 
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
So why isn't this in the Pelian army?

Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:27 am
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
Because i didn't feel that it fit in, and because i felt that it was innovative enough to be in its own folder. Honestly, what sane military would put such a risky and unreliable weapon in their arsenal, that might as well kill the user and his friends right where they stand?

@Sashi: Running on Windows or Mac? Because i can't do anything if you're running on Mac... (Mainly because i've never actually used a Mac)

@Foa: You be hinting for a huge ♥♥♥♥ edition of this for MARS? :o
*Imagines the gun firing 18 lightning bolts at once*

Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:46 pm
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
Shook wrote:
@Foa: You be hinting for a huge ♥♥♥♥ edition of this for MARS? :o
*Imagines the gun firing 18 lightning bolts at once*

I honestly think this would be a good gun for the MARS.
Sure it's unpredictable, but I'm sure that it can handle at least 1 direct unified lightning bolt.
Assuming that only 1 bolt comes back at you (Yes, for me, only 1 bolt came back when it did).

And let's see.

18 initial lightning bolts
You concluded with 19 bolts theoretically could come out.
3.8 (Rounded it would be 4) bolts would come out each split.

So... Theoretically, for the MARS version, 68.4 (Or if rounded, it'd be 68) bolts of lightning would come out.

Good lord.
That would be the best weapon the MARS ever had.
If it ever had it.

Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:08 am
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
Well, if we think about this the other way, the MARS would fire two or three of those in his own face everytime the gun is fired, so after a few shots, maybe he won't be standing anymore.

Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:18 am
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
You know, if you wanted this to really be like ball lightning, it should all move much faster.
Ball lightning usually covers a few miles in about 30 seconds according to most witnesses.
I'm not saying it should be THAT fast, or it wouldn't be visible on the screen, but it should move pretty fast.
I think the sprites could use work too. I'm sorry Shook, but your usual spriting of explosions just doesn't do this type of thing justice. I know you can do better.

Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:37 pm
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
bbbzzz234 wrote:
I know you can do better.

No, no you don't. Why exactly do you think i usually stay with vanilla effects, and then make occasional glows if needed? Also, if i made it move any faster, it would start looking worse than it already does. There's also been witnesses saying that a ball lightning just slowly drifted through their living room or whatever, certainly not zipping by at mach 2. But, as ball lightning is such a poorly understood phenomena, it's quite open to interpretation, don't you think? You should also remember that i intended it to be rather short range, and if i have to keep it at the same range, there will be fewer chances of the bolt splitting up. That would be a detriment in my eyes. And lastly, i did NOT make it for the looks (i did of course put some effort into the looks, but it wasn't going to be the main point of the mod), i made it for the exotic coding. As far as i know, it's the only weapon so far that features randomly generated multiplication. As in, it's not predefined when and where it splits up.

@Roy-G-Biv: It's not going to happen, i'm afraid. I'm not ruling it out 100%, but it is very unlikely. If anything, it'll be next year. =P

Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:58 pm
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
Looks good but I don't see a download link. :???:

Fri May 29, 2009 1:16 am
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
BloodScreech wrote:
Looks good but I don't see a download link. :???:

you do realise this was before the whole 'incident', right? and its from aaaages ago, probably wont work with B23
so dont bump topics that are from months ago unless you have good reason, and if you want a mod converted, go into mod making, post the link to this topic without bumping it and then ask some people for help

otherwise, you'll probably get banned or something

Fri May 29, 2009 5:34 pm
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
TheLastBanana wrote:
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Fri May 29, 2009 6:45 pm
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
There, re-uploaded. I don't know if it works with B23, but ehh... I think it does. It didn't crash when i installed B23 over B22 (which conveniently borked my game), so i guess it's all good.

Fri May 29, 2009 7:05 pm
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Post Re: Lightning Gun, now with more lightning! *Updated*
I never played this, so I'll C/C: The backbone of the mod is secure (it works great), but I don't really like how it hurls these little 'balls' of lightning. When I think of a lightning-based weapon, I could see something that fires off arcs of lightning one by one, or something that fires a straight 'beam' of lightning, like a laser. Only with lightning. This really feels weird as a lightning gun :S But it is cool to use.

Fri May 29, 2009 10:42 pm
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