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 D&D and such 
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Post D&D and such
This thread is for the discussion of D&D (any and all editions), GURPS, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying, Dark Heresy, and any other roleplaying tabletop games. I myself have played D&D 3.5 many times, pen and paper as well as over the internet, and have had three amazing sessions of WHFRP. I'm curious to see if anyone else on DRL has played or is interested in playing.

To start us off, I will tell a short but awesome story. During a session a few months back, my party and I were walking into a small village. Our Barbarian had a Charisma of 6, which led to us not being trusted and some orphan kid throwing a rock at him. Unfortunately for the orphan, the Barbarian took the prestige class Frenzied Beserker which makes him enter a frenzy(like rage but better) when ever he is attacked. The bad thing about this is that it lasts for 10 rounds and the character has to attack the nearest discernible enemy. If there are no discernible enemies, he attacks the nearest living thing. While he was busy killing orphans and the city guard, we promptly ditched him. He was more trouble than he was worth.

Feel free to post stories of your own, ask questions, what your favorite role in the party is and stuff like that.

EDIT: IRC Players:

I know I am missing someone.

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Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:46 am
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I've always wanted to try D&D, but I lack nerdy friends.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:58 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I've always wanted to try D&D, but Aspasia never goes through with his plans.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:01 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Is there an online version? Like Risk?

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:07 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I did DnD with friends once a week for a few months once.

Was fun, but when the winter set in they didn't want to cycle through the cold to my house, so we stopped.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:08 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Lord Tim wrote:
I've always wanted to try D&D, but Aspasia never goes through with his plans.

Actually, Me-me, ComradePyro, and I did a session right before thanksgiving break and were going to do one again tonight if Tucker wasn't Glined and Me-me came on at reasonable times. Jury's still out though we may or may not play tonight but we hope to make it more regular

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:43 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I have the same problem as Venn.
My friends fit into one of the three following categories:
1. Respond with "I knew you were lame, but that's a new low."
2. Would respond with "How are the graphics?"
3. Would create a hobo character and try to eat and/or rape everything in sight.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:15 am
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I'd play properly with you guys but not right now as I'm swamped with exams.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:16 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
I have the same problem as Venn.
My friends fit into one of the three following categories:
1. Respond with "I knew you were lame, but that's a new low."
2. Would respond with "How are the graphics?"
3. Would create a hobo character and try to eat and/or rape everything in sight.

My friends fit into:
1. Not gamers
2. Well... not gamers is actually about it.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:19 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
venn177 wrote:
My friends fit into:
1. Not gamers
2. Well... not gamers is actually about it.

My friends are all gamers to some extent, it's just that none are interested in pen and paper except that one spaz with the hobo thing.
Does anyone know of an online community for playing d20 Modern campaigns over the 'tubes?

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:23 am
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- Aspasia - Frenzieds are beasts but try playing as any of the fiend classes. by lvl 16 I could possess you, Force you to Wish and own your soul, then have you killed at will and get xp in the process. Good times had by me.

If I can get stuff up and running I could run your guys through a campaign over Maptools.
here's some copypasta from another forum where I played for a bit.

The 3.5 Srd - Use this for characters
Hamachi - For the fun of connecting
Teamspeak - Talky talk.

The current campaign rules
* We are using 3.5 Edition.
* Dying is serious business. You'll have to go through the strict means of reviving comrades. Don't get hurt!
* Try to stick to your alignment. Doesn't mean that you can't be persuaded to do good/bad things, it means that doing good/bad things on purpose will lead to... not good/bad things.
* Prestige classes have strict requirements, and need a tie-in to the campaign.
* Core only when it comes to books. Certain "homebrew" is allowed (IE stuff I add to fit into the campaign).
* Buying and selling items is realistic. No more phantom shop that gives the best deals. Magic items will be hard to buy, and unless you have a good appraise skill (which I shall akin to "haggle/barter"), you'll probably never get your money's worth.
* Roleplaying is required to gain full experience per game. Great roleplaying will be rewarded with bonus xp.
* Food, healing, rest, etc requirements will be enforced. Time and weather will be enforced too.
* Gold for each starting character is 1/4 of rollable max for that class. Exceptions may be debated.
* Stats will be determined by a point buy system (point-buy 28). Set every stat to 8, 8-14 = 1 point, 14-16 = 2 points , 18-20 = 3 points, etc.
* This is a dedicated campaign. What that means is that if you're going to play, I expect you to play every following week, barring the occasional situation where you can't show up.
* This rule is adjusted. I require that you do more than a one or 2 time drop in instead. Because of the rule below, the party will shuffle and not everyone committed can play at once... unless someone wants to drop out...
* More people are playing than the limit of 5. Therefore, a player cap of 5 will be enforced, per game. First come first served.

Ok thats the Copypasta

Essentially what I'm breaking down is that I can set up maptools as a virtual tabletop and people who want to play connect through hamachi to get on the same maptools board as myself. We use TC to talk and all that fun stuff. Only things allowed would be 3.5 SRD fun stuff, as I don't have my books on me, if we were to play. There also is PCGen for character creation but.. only if this gets off the ground.
Oh and I'll explain maptools later. Again, if this works.

Last edited by kamakazibob on Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:24 am
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Kamakazibob- I'll enlist.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:27 am
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Post Re: D&D and such

Talking on the internet in general:

A kick in my nuts.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:30 am
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You can type if you want to. The TS is mainly for me to talk to yous guys.

Oh... and a quick summary of an campaign of ye old. So, yeah, it can work nicely.

Including technical difficulties that session went for about six hours, so I guess that may have made for about five hours of adventuring.

After slaying the den of defenseless kobolds, Kestrel left the caves, navigating the pit traps again so she could clear her head outside and think about her calling in life. Eventually she just rode home without telling the party.

In the meantime, Gharam, Humboldt, and Elyas had piled up the kobold bodies in an impressively grisly display of what happens to any future kobold incursions to the area. Using the key they'd found, Gharam managed to reset all the pit traps and lock them into place so they could safely cross. While investigating the other branch of the tunnel, they found a shaft that went down 30 feet. Fortunately there was a rope already installed, so they climbed down with some difficulty, although Elyas fell and cracked a rib.

No sooner had they reached the bottom than did Humboldt hear cries for help echoing off the tunnel walls. They cautiously advanced, for they spotted a peculiar creature, which Humboldt identified as a Duegar-- a corrupt dwarf of a race born in halls that were never lit by shafts of sun. It was sleeping -- over the screaming they couldn't fathom -- just opposite cells containing a gaggle of kobolds, a human woman, and an elvish man. At least he looked very elvish. There was no time for introductions as they pleaded for their release, so Elyas planted himself in front of the dozing Duegar and cleanly took its head from its shoulders.

Pelor, who had gotten lost in a side passage but followed the noises until he reached the party, helped Humboldt and Elyas search the body. They each found a key. They took turns trying the keys on the cell doors, only Elyas's worked, so he released the captives, who rushed out into the open air. Humboldt, in the meantime, had determined that his key fit a nearby chest, but wouldn't turn it for fear of setting off a trap since he falsely believed the Elfish looking prisoner to be a rogue. Gharam stepped forward in a huff and opened it as everyone stepped back, to reveal the prisoners' belongings, and a sack of copper coins.

Gharam, Pelor, and Elyas opened up the kobold cell as Humboldt learned more about the prisoners. Nessa was a monk who had been abducted while sleeping alone, and Pick was a fighter who was too surly to answer, but they both agreed to join the party for a time. They moved down the hall and found a crude barracks.

The Duegar there spotted them immediately and formed a line, behind which a marksdwarf was preparing to attack. Nessa saw her opportunity to exact revenge against her captors and bravely charged. Elyas and Gharam looked between each other, shrugged, and followed, engaging the line of armored evil dwarves. Humboldt, smiling lifted his highly accurate friendslaying +2 enchanted crossbow, took aim, shouted "trust me!" and laid a bolt into the eye of the Duegar directly opposite Gharam. His enraged comrade responded by smashing Nessa in the face with a warhammer, giving her a concussion. Elyas cut down the third. Pick shot at the fiends with his shortbow while Humboldt continued ranged support with spells, not wishing to press his luck with the crossbow, and it was quickly over. A chest was found in the room which was empty, but an interrupted gambling session revealed the Duegar had been using uncut gems as markers. The party agreed on the value of the gems, and divided them.

Further down the passage they came to a cavern which, they reasoned, must have seen outlet in a nearby river. Across the rope bridge were a gang of rogues making off with a heavy chest, which they set down for a moment to light the rope bridge afire and pummel the party with arrows. The party was not pleased with this idea, least of all Humboldt, who took an arrow to the shoulder. Rightly pissed off, he responded by removing the scroll which Garald had given him when they left the village and cast the spell. A ball of fire enveloped four of the eight rogues, killing them instantly, and scattering their bodies.

In the meantime, Pick took an arrow to the gut while trying to engage the remaining rogues in a ranged duel, while Nessa landed on her head while trying to jump down the drop which led to the boat which was tied up on the party's side of the riverbank. Humboldt and Gharam were busied tending to the wounded party members, but Elyas and Pelor rowed across alone. Elyas climbed up the steep bank by himself, but Pelor decided it would be wise to return for the rest of the party.

Elyas charged ahead to engage the rogues, killed one, but was knocked unconscious and dragged away. Fortunately the party was able to catch up to the rogue and kill him, rescuing their half-orc companion from a life of slavery. In the chest they found a modest sack of gold and a banded mail armor, which Gharam claimed immediately.

Wandering down a bit further still, they found an entirely different exit to the mountain, where they made camp for the night. In the morning, they wandered around lost for a bit while Elyas used his survival instincts to move them in the "right direction" before Humboldt took the lay of the land and set them back on the right path, leading them to the road they came in on.

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:31 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Quick question- how much dickery is acceptable before it becomes annoying?
Is this pure srs bsns or is there some leeway for non-excessive stuff?

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:35 am
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