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 Starship Troopers Mod 
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Oh cool! Starship Troopers mod! I thought the movie won some kind of award for special effects...

Back on topic: You can add mechs if you like, they got them in that 3D animation. Oh, and don't forget the hand-held nuclear bazooka :D

And, the modded activities.ini Though are there any dropship units for the bugs that's small enough to be put into CC?

Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:33 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
I am officialy giving up on this mod - I seem to be incapable of making weapon and actors that fit with their inspirations. anyone who wants them can take over the sprites, only please give credit.

Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:27 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Ulac wrote:
thats precisely my point. I wasn't trying to make it overpowered, as such, and so what would be a good level of sharpness and velocity? its not finished, hence why it was in mod making not mod releases.
Well, going by the vanilla content - particularly the Coalition stuff, since the Ronin stuff has really weird stats - I'd give a rifle bullet a sharpness of 350. (rifles seem to have 350 and pistols 250) As for the velocity, it should probably be around 120-130. The bullet should have a mass of 0.004, since thats the mass of a 5.56mm round in kg. Going for this kind of accuracy isn't unreasonable, since the 7.62x39mm round that is defined in Base.rte has a mass of 0.008, which is pretty much the mass in kg of that calibur round in real life. Also, the "SMG round" that is defined in Base.rte has the same mass, which is accurate since that's not an unusual mass for the 9mm pistol round, which is often used in both handguns and SMGs.

That should give you an effective but not overpowered or terrain-raping rifle. The gun's accuracy is entirely up to you, though. I don't really have anything to say on that.

Ulac wrote:
I am officialy giving up on this mod - I seem to be incapable of making weapon and actors that fit with their inspirations. anyone who wants them can take over the sprites, only please give credit.

Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:33 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
yup. and?

Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:58 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Why give up on this anyway?

Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:16 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Fine. I may come back to it. although how it ended up in releases instead of mod making remains to be seen.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:23 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
dude if you continue with this i will respect you forever.

Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:42 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Stop necroing dead topics. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the topic, don't post at all.

Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:21 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Okay, I agree, but someone SHOULD continue this. Starcraft has a lot of potential as a mod.

Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:38 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
Flammablezombie wrote:
Okay, I agree, but someone SHOULD continue this. Starcraft has a lot of potential as a mod.
Starcraft has a lot of potential as a mod.
Starcraft has a lot of potential


Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:17 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
wat, wat?

have you never heard of starcraft?

Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:31 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
3POK_PHALE wrote:
wat, wat?

have you never heard of starcraft?

I think its more of the "This is a defunct Starship Troopers mod idea" then, "Whats Starcraft doing in there?"

Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:39 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
He knows starcraft. It's "Why the heck are you talking about Starcraft when this mod has nothing to do with starcraft?"

Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:57 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
jesus christ people

the book is friggin' perfect for this game. read more.

"Bump! and your capsule jerks ahead on place--bump! and it jerks again, precisely like cartridges feeding into the chamber of and old-style automatic weapon. Well, that's just waht we were..only the barrels of the gun were twin launching tubes built into a spaceship troop carrier and each cartridge was a capsule big enough (just barely) to hold an infantryman with all his field equipment."

PERFECT insertion method. Automatic firing of seperate individuals == aw hells yes.

Weapons: Hand flamer, basic CQ weapon of the powered armor suits.

A-rocket. 2 kiloton yield.

Shoulder mounted self-firing HE systems.

The power armor is quite heavy, self stabilizing, and jumps. A good distance. Like, about a screen's worth in CC. Quote:
"Stuied up, you look like a big steel gorilla, armed with gorilla-sized weapons. The 'muscles' the pseudo-musculature, get all the publicity but it's the control of all that power which merits it." blah blah blah "Two thousand pounds of it, maybe, in full kit" blah blah blah "There are three main types of M.I. armor: marauder, command, and scout. Scout suits are very fast and very long-range, but lightly armed. Command suits are heavy on go juice and jump juice, are fast and can jump high, and a dead-reckoning tracker, inertial. Marauders are for those guys in ranks with the sleepy look--the executioners."

Count down bomb-- "I'm a thirty second bomb! I'm a thirty second bomb! Twenty nine! Twenty eight!" etc.
This is all from the first chapter.

Weaponry continues later on.

Bugs = subterranean, use digging tools which sound like frying bacon, tunnel up suddenly from the surface
two brands - warriors which actually do stuff and workers who don't. buried brain/queen units

Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Starship Troopers Mod
I was browsing the forum, and found fresh inspiration in a link to an article on how to shade pixel art. weird, but there you go.

The problem before was that I couldn't draw the troopers. Having read Grif's post, I decided to base the mod on the book instead. This opened up several new problems. The main one is that the book armour and the roughneck armour from the spin off animation are similar, and I can't draw that. basically, I'm asking for help with the helmet (either the one in the image or one that suits the description of the armour- i keep imaging something like the helmet that Kainen has in outlander, with a multitude of awesome bits, including 6 eyes). the rest I will try, but the helmet defeats me everytime.

any help, no matter how trivial, would be appreicated.

there is a link to the power armour below: ... rn3lrg.jpg

Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:13 pm
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