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Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:11 pm Posts: 11
 Body Movin' v1.03
Small update. Now you can play the mission with or against your friends, up to four people at once! Remember to always set player 1 to team 1 though. If you have balance suggestions I will gladly try to make the mission better. Your guys can now defend themselves better, but the brainhunt AI still sometimes tries to fly all the way around the map because of a door, and the dummies get stuck often. Playing against human opponent helps a bit for now until the AI gets smarter. I could also try increasing the spawn time for dummies. Quote: Setting: After taking a big loan and building your Amazing Super Mountain Base™, you decide to take a nap. Suddenly, you wake up to the sound of alarm going off. Too bad it's not from your alarm clock. You are being attacked! You quickly run a full check and find out most of the security and door systems are down, leaving some of your troops trapped! The radar briefly shows a swarm of red dots before going static. There are two loud bangs and the first enemy troops are already landing on top of you! You realise you won't last long against this amount of invaders, you didn't even order enough weapons! You quickly strap your brain onto a robot body and begin to make your way to the hangar, where you placed an order for a rescue vessel. Attachment:
ScreenDump002.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 18664 times ]
ScreenDump001.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 18664 times ]
ScreenDump000.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 18664 times ]
The scene still uses a bunch of custom modules, sorry about that, but this time I tried to limit their use and removed the ones that don't get used in the scene. (except for gotcha's mp files) Stuff used: Taehl Bunker Tiles v1.5 Rocket Hangar - Electroclan Gauntlet - djinn Extra Bunkermodules - Block Extramodules (Diagonals) - NickFury666 cargo bay - CombatMedic02 BunkerEnhanced RSet - Omni and the "Maps - Objects" folder from Gotcha!'s mappack. It's included in case you don't have it already. If you DIDN'T previously have it in your CC folder, you also need to uncomment the line "IncludeFile = Maps - Objects/Index.ini" from "body movin.rte/index.ini".EDIT: Sorry, it seems that I didn't test this enough, I thought it worked fine earlier. Just install the "Maps - Objects" as you would with the mappack. That would be adding the line "IncludeFile = Maps - Objects/Index.ini" in base.rte/scenes.ini at the bottom, after "IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/SceneIndex.ini" And make sure the line in "body movin.rte/index.ini" stays uncommented.
Last edited by einari on Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:34 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:10 am |
Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:35 am Posts: 383
 Re: Body Movin'
Looks cool and, as I said before, that is one kick ass contour.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:51 am |
Joined: Fri May 16, 2008 11:12 pm Posts: 471
 Re: Body Movin'
Very good looking as Aspect said. But it seems not to be working. In the base version of your map, you've used the BMCP v.2. I also happen to have that version, but for some reason, I can't load your map. Line 63 of Body Movin.ini if you wanna check.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:43 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:23 pm Posts: 301 Location: Lurking somewhere around here...
 Re: Body Movin'
Hey, this didn't work for me. Line 61 this time. Out of curiosity, did you add any include lines in your base '.ini's?
It looks like you did. I took a look at the code and there is absolutely NOTHING including and BCMP v.2 stuff into your folder.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:21 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:11 pm Posts: 11
 Re: Body Movin'
Code: PlaceSceneObject = TerrainObject CopyOf = RSetB Wall Left Position = Vector X = 96 <-- line 63 Y = 1212 Doesn't seem to be important (?) are you sure you have the integrated install of the module pack? I downloaded the scene and installed it + the module pack on a clean install of cortex command and had no problems. Are you the only one having this problem? And yes, the integrated install adds lines to the index.ini and uncomments the clone line in actors.ini in base.rte. Maybe I should include only the modules I used with the scene in the .rte to avoid this kinda thing.
Last edited by einari on Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:38 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:23 pm Posts: 301 Location: Lurking somewhere around here...
 Re: Body Movin'
Appears as though someone failed to mention the key word in the OP. Lucky for you and other people who don't have the integrated version, my intrigue with this map is forcing me to try to make a non-integrated version for it. EDIT: Sadly, there is no clean-cut way to do it. Just some forewarning to you people, if you install the Integrated version and already have the DSTech mod installed (the full), DO NOT COPY THE DSTECH FOLDER INTO YOUR CC FOLDER. It will kill off the rest of the mod. That being said, OP, you might want to update the post. Review: All right, I couldn't beat it and really didn't try to. Here's why. I started off in the little brain bunker with no weapons. I walk to my right and the Gauntlet that was originally at rest begins to move to attack me. I instantly get the "Oh crud" reaction and run. The other way has a gauntlet that doesn't kill you. I drop down and prepare to grab myself some gold from the safe in my base. There's one problem: The door doesn't open. So I try to go the other way. There's yet another gauntlet. This one also moves to attack me. So I'm trapped. Then I get a nice revelation: A dummy drops down in front of the door and it opens. When they landed, they killed me right there and then, so yeah. I decided I wouldn't play any more for the time being. Were all these things intentional?
Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:40 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:04 pm Posts: 2932
 Re: Body Movin'
I really hate it when people force you to get large packs like BMCP to make their creations work while you yourself rarely use the most of the stuff from the pack anyways. Please, make this mod standalone and redesign the base with more detail and ventilation shafts and stuff that it would look fun.
TheLastBanana's prison escape mission has a really good example on bunker designs. He barely even used any custom content and he still made a pretty amazing base using the default modules.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:01 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:11 pm Posts: 11
 Re: Body Movin'
Quote: Were all these things intentional? Well.. yes. There is only one way to the hangar, and you have to go around the gauntlets. There are 4 in total and 2 of them are on your team. The 3 small doors are also on the other team and require a weapon to get through. The heavy digger in the safe room is used to dig out the trapped robots with guns on the other side, though you could try to dig straight down.. Attachment: ScreenDump006.bmp ..or not. Also, you can control other units besides the brain, it's pretty fragile and heavy anyway. I could try doubling the spawntimer and/or adding better weapons for the robots to make up for the time needed to dig them out, because usually it's the weapon that does the job. I just think giving your all guys gatling guns at the start or something like that would make this too easy. It's more satisfying barely surviving against better equipped enemy. You can also take their weapons, even their granade launcher makes quick work of dreadnoughts if you use it properly. On the other hand, I understand it can be fustrating if you keep dying all the time and the game becomes a matter of trial and error. If you guys have any suggestions, I'll try to implement them. Quote: Please, make this mod standalone and redesign the base with more detail and ventilation shafts and stuff that it would look fun. I'm going through the modules used in this at the moment, and adding them in the scene's .rte. I'll upload the standalone version later today. I'll see what I can do with the vents. Originally, I had a vent shaft above the hangar room going to the safe room, but the mission got too easy since you could snipe all the enemies from above with the first guy. Multiple paths would be kind of awesome though if you get surrounded for example. Working on this, too. As for the base decoration.. Usually I leave that last  , but granted, it would make the whole thing more appealing. I had some pot plants and garbage cans around the hallways but that wasn't a very good idea as they kept exploding and harming your precious troops. I have to think about this one too.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:35 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:04 pm Posts: 2932
 Re: Body Movin'
I still want to try this so now Im having fun trying to figure how to install this ♥♥♥♥ bmcp just to get this mission to work. We dont get new missions often here so every decent looking mission that pops out here is worth a try.
As for decoration, use the stuff in the "bunker bits" and "tutorial modules" creatively. Make crates, ladders, cages, decorations and details with those little things as creatively as you can.
Try to make the bunker design more... interesting as in trying to avoid making long dull shafts that have a background soda vending machine that looks completely out of place. Place things like security/monitoring bunkers at the ends of the shafts that you can climb into. Or ramp and bumps and such.
Dunno, be creative with the default modules, you can basically make really awesome bases using those only aswell.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:53 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:23 pm Posts: 301 Location: Lurking somewhere around here...
 Re: Body Movin'
numgun wrote: I still want to try this so now Im having fun trying to figure how to install this fudge bmcp just to get this mission to work. Make sure you're doing the Integrated one. You just extract the default BCMP folder (top one) and the integrated folder to any other place on your hard drive. Then you copy the contents of the BCMP one into your CC folder (If you have the Full DSTech mod installed already, exclude that one) and then do the same with the Integrated folder (Again, exclude the DSTech folder if you already have the full mod.) and play. To the OP: Listen to numgun. Seriously. We don't really need an extreme amount of stuff just to make a base. Grif don't kill me, but I personally will be looking forward to making bases pre-made into scenes I make. I would do it if I knew where the hotspots were on the modules, but heck, you have the full version. Make some crazy awesome stuff with the vanilla modules. My guess is that you saw that Lowest Form of Wit made a map-pack that required Darkstorms, so you thought you could make a map that required a mod also. Go with what works and, if possible, include the stuff packaged in the same RTE as the map and be done. As numgun said about TLB's Coalition Base, try to do a lot without making everyone else go through the work of getting everything required to use it. /long post (I've got to stop doing these posts while I'm doing Writing...I put too much in...)
Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:26 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:04 pm Posts: 2932
 Re: Body Movin'
Well, it took a few tries to get the bmcp to work, but I made it. I just came back from playing the mission and yes it IS hard. And I beat it. In a cheap way, but I still beat it. "An emergency doesnt obey the law" is what I've been told. Heres how I did it. I'll tell you how to improve the mission after this part. ------------How I beat it------------- I started off by switching to the coalition trooper near the hole on the top left and made him get the sniper at the tower. Then while the dummies were trying to decide whether to go in or no at that same topleft hole, I took my brain actor and walked to the left and jump to the middle left room with the monitors.  Then I switched back to the topleft guy who got the sniper a while ago. Some dummies with snipers and grenade launchers had already started going down the hole and walking to the vertical shaft. I took the soldier and slowly got down from the sniper tower and got behind the sandbags. Now I was shooting dummies in the head for some time and after about 5 dummies when I finally got the hallway clear from threats, I ran to the vertical shaft and got the bottom of it and broke the door to the safe-room with the Assault Rifle. Now after I got the heavy digger I got one floor higher to the room where my brain dude was waiting. There werent any dummies in sight so I went straight on to digging a hole on the left side of the monitor room into the large hangar room. Digging was amazingly slow and it seemed that the heavy digger could dig through the bright metal layer of the wall which made things harder. While I was digging the path, the dummies caugh on to us (soldier and brain) and started invading into the room slowly one-by-one. Occasionally I had to stop digging and get the soldier jump over the brain to defend the position with the sniper and the dummy grenade launcher I got from the fight before. I kept repeating this defending thing for a few times until a single dummy with a grenade launcher broke in and fired. I though I was f'd right there for a moment since the grenade bounced of the ground and floated in the air for a few good seconds. It was sure to kill but then I decided to use the coalition soldier as a meatshield. I threw all the guns and digger to the brain and stood like a cover between the grenade and the brain and Blam! The coalition soldier was wasted, but the brain actor survived thanks to the meatshield! It was epic. Then I picked up the sniper with the brain bot and shot the dummy's head clean off. After that I continued digging the hole and defending with great rush until I finally made a hole and got through to the hangar bay:  I dropped down, lost a good 10 HP from the fall and boarded the rocket that came down to rescue me. Lift off and winrar!  ----------What to improve--------- The first thing that was kinda annoying is that there was slight lag, but that can be reduced by removing some scenery objects that interact (exploding crates in the armory) Next thing, is the design of the base and the starting area. By design I mean you should prevent cheap wins like what I did above. Make sure there are no thin walls that can get you through easily just by getting a digger. Then the starting position/brainbunker could have been at the right side of the base far away from the hangar. It would have made things a bit more exciting. Some more varied weapons for the guarding soldiers. Like compact rifles, pistols, shotguns and not only that same old assault rifle. Maybe even a hard to reach room that has a more powerful weapon inside it! Otherwise this mission is cool, but please make it as a standalone mod.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:09 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:11 pm Posts: 11
 Re: Body Movin'
Thanks for the review, I need to take some notes! numgun wrote: Make sure there are no thin walls that can get you through easily just by getting a digger. Yeah, I thought if you would try to dig your way through, you'd get killed easily. But I liked the idea of collapsed hallway with actors trapped on the other side you'd need to rescue with the only digger capable of digging through that dark brown stuff. Dummy diggers don't work on it, so you'd have to backtrack a bit at the start to bring the heavy digger with you. As a reward you'd get some more actors. Maybe there is an other way of implementing this. Also, at first the hangar room had 2 snipers + a dreadnought waiting for you in sentry mode, when you'd get to the low tunnel at the bottom, the dreadnought would go into brainhunt mode, but I couldn't make it change AI modes during the mission, so now the room is empty at first, but when you go through the 2nd gauntlet, they all spawn and the dreadnought starts advancing immidiately. Seems like I just have to remove the digger and add something nice in the room instead and make another way of getting the robots out. numgun wrote: Then the starting position/brainbunker could have been at the right side of the base far away from the hangar. It would have made things a bit more exciting. I placed the brain vault in the middle so it would be like a central hub that had easy access to every part of the base, but since the other 2 laser doors are malfunctioning, you have to make a spiral-shaped trip to get to the hangar, and travel through most of the base. I could reposition the brain near the cliffside, that way it would be more easier to make multiple paths, too. That would take a bit work, however. Yet another thing that needs some thinking. numgun wrote: Some more varied weapons for the guarding soldiers. Like compact rifles, pistols, shotguns and not only that same old assault rifle. Maybe even a hard to reach room that has a more powerful weapon inside it! There is a weapon room near the cliff with shotguns and a granade launcher. Shotgun seems to be one hit kill often so I didn't place it as a starting weapon. Some auto-pistol was like that too, but I could add few of them + some nades to player's troops at the start.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:42 pm |
The Fat Sand Rat
Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:56 am Posts: 1191 Location: outside the shithole called the University in the Forest
 Re: Body Movin'
With all of those fancy bunker modules that you require for the map, you might have at least made the map navigatable. Instead, it's a horrendous mess with more care put into the rooms that aren't meant to be accessed than most of the playable area.
Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:39 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:04 pm Posts: 2932
 Re: Body Movin'
No dont remove the digger, it works well in the game. I also beat the mission again in a sligthly more sneaky way than the last time. I found a nasty exploit that can be used for the malfunctioning gauntlets. I got the sniper guy guard the top floor for dummies so they wouldnt bother me and then I took my brain bot and got it near the malfunctioning gauntlet next to the safe-room. The gauntlet's beam went on and stopped at the other end. I realised I could exploit this. I took the other soldier at the lowest floor and made him come to the brainbot who was holding the gauntlet in place. Then I simply replaced the guy holding the gauntlet and let my brain walk through it unharmed and I picked up the assault rifle from the soldier who I left back there and went to hangar. In the picture below, the dummy pile is the spot where you dude must stand so the gauntlet activates.  ???  Profit! And this time I got surprised by a dreadnought that fell into the area out of sudden. It almost got me, but I barely jetpacked over it and killed it nicely. Good surprise! 
Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:40 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:16 pm Posts: 3
 Re: Body Movin'
Make your way to the weapon room as soon as the game starts and grab the shotguns, they are alot better then your assault rifles and are nice for defending a room while your brain digs to safety!
Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:12 pm |
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