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 Prison Escape: Episode 1 
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
To add more weapons, open Prison Escape.rte/Scenes/Scripts/Prison Escape.lua. It's HEAVILY documented and you should be able to find it by searching the name of any weapon in the level. And by panels thinking they're human, I mean the indexes are being switched somehow. If you shoot at them in the corner, they bleed. If you shoot them enough, they don't gib, but somebody else on the level does. If an enemy kills himself, a door somewhere might explode. Heads pop, prisoners combust, it's really a scary image.
Seems like a memory problem to me, though.

Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:39 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
TheLastBanana wrote:
And by panels thinking they're human, I mean the indexes are being switched somehow. If you shoot at them in the corner, they bleed. If you shoot them enough, they don't gib, but somebody else on the level does. If an enemy kills himself, a door somewhere might explode. Heads pop, prisoners combust, it's really a scary image.

That's hilarious.

Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:06 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
It doesnt happen to me =/

But oh well sounds funny XD

(thanks ill update the mission later)

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:01 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Theoretically you could write some code that's set up to save the entire inventory, and not just specific items. Try saving the actor's weapon's PresetNames into a table. Then you can go through the table at create them from the PresetName strings.

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:04 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
I could do that, but I wanted to set this up so that people could see how one would do it one weapon at a time. That way, if they should make their own mission, they'll know how to restrict certain weapons.
Maybe later I'll release an addon that saves the whole inventory, though.

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:12 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Those ronin guys really dont care for their other gaiz.

"Oh, hes got a shovel then, OKAHY DOKEHY!"
Very troubling indeed.... :pipe:

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:42 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
I find it funny XD

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:55 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Here's the deal.
That was a memory problem for me.
It had to do with the reinforcement enemies spawning.
That's not the only problem, though.
They are all absolute idiots. They'll kill themselves, they'll rape terrain. That's not something I can fix right now.
The level is CERTAINLY more action-packed, and if you would prefer that said idiots go away, I will happily host a version without them but still featuring more enemies and such.
So, return to the first post and download the Action version. It'll overwrite your other one though.
Hopefully you guys that prefer action will like this more :)

Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:21 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
I like stealth more, but Im gonna try this one =3

Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:38 am

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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
crazyMLC wrote:
It's an actor problem, not cortex command, spinaljack.
Crawling offsets and stuff aren't meant for vents.

Exactly, that just shows how clunky the game is if you have to fight with it to get it to do what you want. A game engine should help and not hinder the player or content maker. Simply saying "it's not meant for that" just highlights its limitations. It's not even limited to vents. Actors get stuck on even flat terrain. It makes walking tedious and fighting oncoming AI rather boring because they can't even get to you and really breaks the immersion if they can't even get out of a 10 inch ditch.

All I'm saying is, have the actors move along the surface of a terrain without destroying it as they go and without falling over or getting stuck on a pixel. I'm sure this would even speed the game up without having to calculate as much physics to do with walking. Climbing would actually work this way and you could still have them fall over if struck by a force or if they land awkwardly.

Just saying is all >_>

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:58 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
Still, movement has improved so much over the prior builds - before, even 1 pixel of terrain in front of you would stop you dead, and it wouldn't eventually get pushed away like it does now. THAT was annoying to say the least.

Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:21 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
For some reason, exploding door debris will hurt my character nearly everytime I shoot down a door. Shrapnel will just whip out and hurt my character. It happens enough to be annoying.

Also, I have yet to be able to complete the mission because the dropship cannot pickup the POW's who move off the platform at the end and down into the goldpatch ditch.

I can save two characters at most.

Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:34 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
That's just Ronin soldiers Leonidas.

Just played it LastBanana. Very very good, and very very hard. I finished on my last life. thank god for that healing pod.

Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:38 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
Action version is incredibly hard. Even with a YAK47, I couldn't win. So I just used an exploit: the shaft leading straight to the generator. It gets jammed up only at the opening at the bottom, and getting out was easy. Still, one of the noob prisoners fell into the gold thing, and the dropship STILL blew everyone's head off, but that's alright, I just need to be careful.

Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:51 am

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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
Nice job there! Had a lot of fun with trying out different routes. Definitely a great start on things to come

One bug I noticed, though, is that you sometimes end up obliterating your own limbs with the shovel

Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:10 am
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