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 Prison Escape: Episode 1 
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Snipers at the top always get me somehow. Also, a small favor: could you move the spawn point right under the doors leading up to the snipers? Would be nice if you scooted it into the hallway to the right or left. Losing an extra life when you die in that vertical shaft and instantly spawn below your dead body is annoying.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:34 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
lol i know that feeling. squish.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:08 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
This looks awsoem, I cant wait to test it =D

Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:39 pm

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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Damn wow. This was amazing.
Especially when the final vertical shaft right from the generator got f'd up with crap I though I wasnt going to make it until I screwed up and killed my guy accidently by smashing him into a concrete wall which lead me to spawn near the 3rd prison guy and I skipped a whole lot of the map that way.

Although the last part with getting the guys in the DS was spooky. I almost blew their head's off.

Still, this was very epic. It took me about 12-15 mins to get through on the first time. I got killed twice btw.

I will surely play it again many times because it was so cool.

P.S. Crawling is not an issue if you know how to. Just aim down
so you lower your head and then crouch and start crawling.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:17 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Definetly a great map.

Would seem alot less broken if you removed the flamers.
I skipped straight trough the whole base with one of those.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:13 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
its not this issue of crawling, its the length of one of the shafts..
this is epic though.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:21 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Pretty cool mission. I think it could be improved a bit by rewarding the player with lives when they complete objectives. As the system stands, it's tough to learn how to get past later obstacles when the last time you tried was ten minutes ago and you forgot what works. It's very irritating to get so far in the mission, try to remember how to kill the flamer guys, then just walk in, get splattered, and watch that smug FAIL flash across your screen.

Is the grenade pit intended as a deathtrap? You'd think they could make the things not explode when you look at them the wrong way.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:33 pm

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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Its a bug I'd assume. Engine bug. Crushed guns and devices get gibbed and as for grenades when they gib... they explode. I was playing this again and I tried to land as careful as possible into the nade pit and I accidently crushed one and I lost my legs. Luckily the others didnt explode so I managed grab the other two and fly with madskillz jetpack into the healing area just in the last seconds before I was going to get wasted.

Except that on that time I screwed up hard by first doing all the objectives and the last seconds were ticking before the whole place would have gone boom. I was rushing with the commander dude to the roof where the other 3 guys were waiting, then as I jetpacked out of the sniper tower I lost balance and crashed at the point that I was supposed to reach. The DS arrived and I picked the 3 waiting guys, minus the commander who was a tomato soup now.

Then I got the "Oh no, you left someone behind, FAILED!"

Then I was like: " crap"

Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:54 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
I've been sincerely waiting for a while for something like this to come to life. I'm downloading ATM, and can't wait to play it. I hope other people who are good at Lua will learn from your example.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:23 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Wow, I haven't beaten this yet but got as far as destroying the reactor. That turning point was really done well, I also like your choices of music. The only real issue I see is the sheer frustration in jetpacking up the narrow shafts, although it did make the knuckles get whiter when I was trying to escape the exploding reactor. I almost made it, but the stinking gibs from the overhead door to the outside crushed me (of course you don't think about those things when you have a ticking reactor behind you).

Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:44 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
What the hell, TLB, you made a mission? How could you go and make something that would take so much effort and satisfy EVERYONE? Oh yeah, I'm getting this when I get home. +100 intarwebz to TLB.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
I just have to say: this is pure awesome.
Except- I cant beat the mission!

I need to practice... too used to actors that don't die in 3 shots. ;_;

Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:52 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
lol I know what ya mean (though I dont know why I cant get the mission to show up in my mission section =/)

Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:57 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Played it, and found it to be very impressive.


I don't like it. I had no idea it'd be as much of a stealth mission as it is. I really hate stealth missions, but whatever. It was very frustrating the third time through (I can't beat it) mainly because of having to use that Compact Rifle, which is easily the worst weapon in the game. The crawling around in the shafts was very neat, but that was the most frustrating part. At the end, I liked how the rocks and ♥♥♥♥ fell through the shaft, but seriously, how do you win? I keep blowing up, but my teammates live. Anyways, I give it 4 stars, even if I absolutely hate how it's stealth.

Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:00 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Full-Fledged Mission!
Prod wrote:
Anyways, I give it 4 stars, even if I absolutely hate how it's stealth.

see THATS how people should rate things (not by what THEY dont like, but by what it should be rated by what its like)

Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:47 am
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