I haven't really done anything exciting recently, but I thought I'd share some of the small mods I've made recently for B22.
Shardlance - Updated the... well, it's just better than before

The Shardlance is like a harpoon gun, but instead of relying on the harpoon's sharpness to do damage, it relies on the sheer weight of the lance and the fact that the end of them are on fire.

*The blunt lances have little effect on thick metal armour, and can shatter upon impact.*
Vortex Sphere - Updated the engine strength to make them weaker, and also sucks things in slower
Made of some odd material encased in tough glass, this craft will hover over the battlefield and suck in men and weapons alike. To activate, order it and then click once. When you click twice more, it will eject everything at high speeds in all directions.
Reliquary Discoveries (Ordered under "bombs") - Updated throwing strengths and beefed the torment ward up slightly
Discovered in an ancient reliquary, these copies of the relics contained within have reached the battlefield:
Judgement Ward - Impact sensitive.

*A soldier clears out a tunnel with a Judgement ward*
Torment Ward - Timer activated.

*An unfortunate soldier is hit by the Torment glyph*
Sacrificial Knife - A very finely made throwing knife, allowing for accuracy and power during a throw.

*A soldier throws a knife at a distant target*
The reliquary discoveries were originally an idea for a faction based on a civilization who used magical devices rather than technological devices. The shardlance was the basis for a set of weapons which relied on sheer brutality and were more for deterring soldiers than anything. The vortex sphere was just like, me messing around =]