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 Oil Faction - .rte exploded. 
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Post Oil Faction - .rte exploded.
Hello, this is the Oil Faction.

We have the highest quality Soldiers, Crafts, and Weapons.
Most of our creations are filled with oil found under the expanse of desert on the Untapped Planet.
This oil explodes quite easily, and with great power, but it is extremely difficult to mine, so it has a very high cost.

Let me go through our catalog:

--Acronym - Full name. (phonetics)


--R.O.I.L. - Rocket Oil Ignition Locomotive. (ROY-AL)
"Explosive rocket. packed with oil, it can explode with great force."

--R.O.C. - Robotic Oil Crate. (ROH-CK)
"Robotic Oil Crate. It falls like a ROCk. ha, haha, ha. This armored crate can fall swiftly and deliver cargo."

--A.O.D. - Armored Oil Dropship. (A-O-DE)
"This Armored Oil Dropship can deliver units quickly, 3 at a time, and is armored to sustain a heavy beating. Reliable and fast. Weak bullets bounce off the hull, but make sure not to expose the engines, they are not as protected."


--R.O.U. - Robotic Oil Unit (ROH)
"This small Robot can pack a punch, easily surviving medium drops. Be careful though, this robot can cause a fatal explosion. Faster than normal units, The Robotic Oil Unit can do almost any job you have in mind for it."

--E.O.U. - Explosive Oil Unit (EH-OW)
"This is the Explosive Oil Unit. It explodes. Send into a base and make it suicide and it will kill everything around it. Rejoice!"

--A.O.U. - Armored Oil Unit (A-OH-U)
"This is the Armored Oil Unit. It is heavily armored. Send into a base, it will live through most anything. Some bullets just bounce off it."


--O.B.S. - Oil Based Shooter (OH-BSS)
"Oil based pistol. Has great penetration power. Dual wieldable."

--O.B.C. - Oil Bomb Cannon (OH-BEH-CEH)
"Very expensive, very powerful. ROU's advanced weapon. It shoots out black oil grenades that explode on impact, doing great damage."

--A.O.G. - Automatic Oil Gun (OGG)
"Automatic Oil Gun, doesn't explode, but shoots lots of penetrating rounds. Kills things via numbers of rounds. Pretty expensive."

--O.R.L. - Oil Rocket Launcher (OH-AR-ELLE)
"Oil Rocket Launcher. Devastating. EOU's advanced weapon. When fired, it sends out an extremely explosive round. Becareful to not shoot yourself though."

--O.P.S. - Oil Powered Shotgun (OH-PSS)
"Oil Powered Shotgun. Shoots 16 devastating rounds. Very powerful."

--N.G.G. - Napalm Gatling Gun (NUH-GH)
"Napalm Gatling Gun. AOU's advanced weapon. Rips through almost anything. different from the usual green weapons, this weapon is rapid fire. Napalm + Rapid fire = Good."


--S.A.D. - Specialized Attack Digger (SAH-DUH)
"Specialized Attack Digger. The A.O.U.'s digger. Capable of fight or flight, this digger is capable of taking out armored targets with ease."

--S.G.D. - Specialized Gold Digger (ES-GEH-DE)
"Specialized Gold Digger. The R.O.U.'s digger. Useful for digging, this digger is capable of digging through some of the hardest materials."


--T.O.G. - Timed Oil Grenade (TOGG)
"Timed Oil Grenade. Decent explosion, good for its price, but be accurate, it doesn't have a long range."


--O.P.B. - Oil Powered Brain (OH-PE-BE)
"Oil Powered Brain. A brain enclosed within a glass jar filled with oil. Can control bodies/crafts/vehicles and such. Its fragile by itself so make sure to guard it at all costs!"


--A. - Activities (AC-TIV-I-TIES)
"With this feature, you can fight against your favorite faction, the oil faction!!"

Constructive Criticism please.

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Last edited by CrazyMLC on Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:02 am, edited 47 times in total.

Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:44 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
I need a pic!!!
Sounds fun, I guess I'll DL anyway...

Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:50 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.


Last edited by CrazyMLC on Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:55 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Are you making a faction around your R.O.I.L.?

Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:09 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Maybe. Its an excuse to not make extravagant color schemes. also, I spent a lot of time on the R.O.I.L. a month or so. I like the R.O.I.L. too. So I'm thinking about expanding on it a bit.

Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:15 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Yeah, its worth expanding on. Make this actor highly explosive too like the ROIL.

Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:13 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Or at least make it gib a combustible oil engine.

Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:04 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Those sprites are gorgeous, nice work!

Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:44 am
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
I combined the .rte files for your R.O.I.L. and this. Do you care if I post it?

Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:44 pm
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Wow, a highly explosive faction. I wouldn't wanna mess with them that's for sure.

Make more!!!

Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:11 pm
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Post Re: [WIP] Robotic Oil Unit.
Heh. Got move to Mod releases.

Sure Lambda, post it, that's a great help, would save me a few hours ;_;

I'll make this explosive after I finish it, until all the holes are plugged, I cannot fill it with explosive oil.

Thank you Exalion, usually you say you hate sprites, lol.

I'll make custom weapons, like a coalition pistol (a little stronger), explosive oil shooter, and a super OIL grenade. (yes it will be extremely explosive)

Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:49 am
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Post Re: [WIP]X3. Robotic Oil Unit.
A few hours? It took me ten minutes at the most. :p

I find it funny how I can't make a mod myself, yet I do all this stuff for people who mod. ;_;

Edit: If you're making custom weapons, you need to do a flamethrower that uses oil based napalm.

Edit 2: And don't make it high explosive, just make it explode into some of the fire the Coalition weapons leave on the ground and a few globs of damaging fire.

File comment: Download for combined goodness!
Oil_Faction.rte.rar [5.33 MiB]
Downloaded 296 times
Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:23 am
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Post Re: [WIP]X3. Robotic Oil Unit.
Okay, I'll try to make the flamethrower. but I might have trouble, I admit, I only know enough CC programming to make units/weapons unique.

Also, maybe not hours, but A hour. thanks.

Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:52 am
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Post Re: [WIP]X3. Robotic Oil Unit.
crazyMLC wrote:
Okay, I'll try to make the flamethrower. but I might have trouble, I admit, I only know enough CC programming to make units/weapons unique.

Also, maybe not hours, but A hour. thanks.

Just copy some of the code from the Coalition Light Flamethrower.

Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:53 am

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Post Re: [WIP]X3. Robotic Oil Unit.
God no, please don't. The ONLY flamethrower I liked was from the Darlos9D's first pack which slew fiery crap, but stayed on the ground and burned out for a bit. The vanilla flamethrower stuff feels quite.. lazy..

Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:02 am
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