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 ARH Tiger - Finished(09 Nov 08) - B22 Compatible 
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Post ARH Tiger - Finished(09 Nov 08) - B22 Compatible

Here is a little something I was messing around with... The Eurocopter ARH Tiger.


This is my first mod, criticism and comments are welcome. It was previously released in the Minor Mod Compendium but it was suggested that it had a little 'more' in it that makes it more than a minor mod. It's pretty much done now and has added B22 perks(ModuleIcon & Descriptions). It may need adjusting if too amny people complain. I'm still taking suggestions which aren't mentioned on the To-Do List below. There's nothing more I really want to add to this so please don't start PM'ing me to do so. I've taken on board nearly all of the suggested improvements, and it's already made it that much better, thank you to you all.

From it's first release I've fixed up a few things. Here's it's features:
- Animated rotors, which eat chop people! Thanks Geti!
- Parts which can be shot off
- Rotors which explode and send yo' choppa to da ground! (I don't have screenies for this, please feel free to make them and upload them here!)
- Custom Pilot actor and weapon
- Gunner who ejects when rear glass is shot
- Pilot who also ejects... This guy isn't so lucky though... (THANKS numgun!!)
- Front mounted Minigun or 30mm Autocannon
- Side mounted Hellfire Missile System & Matra Type 116M System
- Custom delivery system (just some breaking crate)
- Mediocre explosions and rocket trail effects
- Better Hovering
- Better controlability
- Barrel Rolling Fun!

Here's some screenies, I took them a little while ago, so there may(?) be some inconsistencies.

The Weapons:
Binos have a huge viewing distance
Pilots with MP7
30mm Autocannon in action
Matra Type 116M in action
Poor pilot...

Anywho, I hope you enjoy this, you're welcome to use it for your own realism mods there might be out there just as long as you notify me and credit me where it applies.

ARH Tiger v3 with added Choppy!!! Cheers Geti.
File comment: ARH Tiger v3 with choppy! Cheers Geti!
ARHTiger-v3-choppy.rar [377.15 KiB]
Downloaded 3716 times

Azukki - Dummy Template which gave me an understanding of CC code
Aspect - Delivery craft Idea & suggesting that it wasn't 'minor' so I would release it here
Comment - Helping out with the 2 weapons problem
DaTa - for CC!
DSMK2 - Helping out with the 2 weapons problem & Gib AHuman Code
Geti - Chopper choppiness, Thank you! woo!
numgun - Gib dead pilot code! That small block of code with offsets actually helped me a HELL OF A LOT, THANK YOU!! lol

All the modders out there - indirectly giving me ideas and inspiration

If I forgot you on the list, give me a yell, i'll fix it up

To-Do List:
Done! Currently working on Not workin on yet Can't be stuffed

- Finish Mod
- Fix strength/weight/jetpackpower
- Fix missile kickback
- Fix non-showing multiple delivery crates
- Fix controlability
- Fix so nooby dropships can't flame the chopper to death
- Fix minigun terrain pwnage
- Add custom dropship
- Add attachable armour
- Add missiles
- Add ejecting pilot
- Add lotsa gibs
- ADD A TAIL ROTOR <-- important one Nachos, you idiot
- Make some awesome essplosions
- Make custom pilot+weapons
- Make the ARH
- Make the rotor chop stupid actors who jump on it

Older Versions
Version 1 - The first release with rotating Main blade and no tail rotor
File comment: ARH Tiger(old)
ARHTiger.rte.rar [185.23 KiB]
Downloaded 701 times

Version 2 - This is what I would like to call the next "complete" release of this mod. It has many of the bugs worked out, but again, it can do with a lot of improves. the next 'version' will include custom actors and weapons for him.
File comment: ARH Tiger v2(not so old)
ARHTiger-v2.rar [266.81 KiB]
Downloaded 633 times

Version 3 - The almost complete mod. Still need to fix a few things which I might not even bother with though if there aren't many complaints. Still, I need some feedback on this final version, so I might go back and fix them up.
File comment: ARH Tiger v3(not so old +1)
ARHTiger-v3.rar [377.92 KiB]
Downloaded 1317 times

Last edited by Nachos on Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:32 pm, edited 15 times in total.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:23 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
Does the helicopter explode and gib nicely?

More importantly, is the jetpack the tail rotor, thus enabling you to gib the rotor and make it crash.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:29 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
TrouserDemon wrote:
Does the helicopter explode and gib nicely?

I haven't been working on gibbing as of yet, the sprites I am using don't allow for a nice explosion with parts flying everywhere.

More importantly, is the jetpack the tail rotor, thus enabling you to gib the rotor and make it crash.

The jetpack is the Main rotor, its wierd cause when you aren't apply thrust upwards the blades simple aren't there, this is mainly due to the fact that it would look like there is a still rotor behind the animated, rotating one.

As for the tail rotor, the image I was basingthe sprite off didn't seem to have a tail rotor, so I had thought it was using a NOTAR (NO TAil Rotor) system. Though, now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure i'm wrong.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:08 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
Have you tried pinning an animated glow? Or is it that they don't animate when pinned? Anyway, this is... well, to be honest, pretty awesome.
Why is it that everyone confuses the MMC, though? It's either like this, or like... well, like a lot of the mods posted here.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:15 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
Nah it looks good <the gun>, BUT DO THIS, MAKE IT GIB THE PILOT, then the copter will start feeling awesome...

Can I use this general idea for my Diemos mod?

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:17 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
It's really awsome to finally have a helicopter. Though there are many problems with this chopper.

A list of suggestions:

-Make gibs
-Make its jetpack more powerful, right now it can hardly carry any extra weapons and fly.
-Slower movements will be good.
-Fix bug: Whenever another actor stand on it, it will sink through terrain. If that's fixable.

BTW, why do you choose an actor instead of a drop ship? Just wanna know why. Anyway, I enjoyed flying a chopper around CC :grin:

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:20 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
The Decaying Soldat wrote:
BTW, why do you choose an actor instead of a drop ship? Just wanna know why. Anyway, I enjoyed flying a chopper around CC :grin:

Dropships do not have "direction", they do not flip like actors.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:31 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
Have you tried pinning an animated glow? Or is it that they don't animate when pinned? Anyway, this is... well, to be honest, pretty awesome.
Why is it that everyone confuses the MMC, though? It's either like this, or like... well, like a lot of the mods posted here.

I have no idea how to pin an animated glow... lol I just started to code today.

Also, I seriously didn't think it would be that good comparing it to some other peoples work, and since it was just one actor and a minigun, I thought it wasn't big enough either. Thanks for the... uhh... indirect compliment? lol

DSMK2 wrote:
Nah it looks good <the gun>, BUT DO THIS, MAKE IT GIB THE PILOT, then the copter will start feeling awesome...

Can I use this general idea for my Diemos mod?

I'll have to ask numgun about his MPAM for that, I wouldn't know how to make an actor gib out of an actor. Though I'm assuming it's simple enough?

And sure, all that I ask is if you use any of my code / sprites you give me credit. Though with my coding ability, I doubt you'd use any of it, LOL.

The Decaying Soldat wrote:
It's really awsome to finally have a helicopter. Though there are many problems with this chopper.
-Yeah I know there's heaps of problems with it... :oops: It's my first try.
A list of suggestions:

-Make gibs

-At the moment I'm spriting some gibs, though it will mean I will have to adjust a hell of a lot of new offsets :cry:

-Make its jetpack more powerful, right now it can hardly carry any extra weapons and fly.

I had the problem before how the jetpack was too powerful and it just fly around liek crazy, if you want more lift, just tap the thurst and you should gain some lift fairly quickly. The idea of the helicopter isnt so carries a million weapons, but it comes preset with it's own weapons, as if they loaded on at the hanger.

-Slower movements will be good.

-Slower movement go with the jetpack velocity I'm assuming, it doesn't have the versatility of a dropships movements.

-Fix bug: Whenever another actor stand on it, it will sink through terrain. If that's fixable.

-Yeah, I don't know if that can be helped, it's strength allows it to be stronger than dirt, but its mass doesn't let it sink when it touches the ground by itself, so I'm thinking it's because of the actor which is standing on top of it which adds that extra mass. The best I could try is make the rotor able to chop people who stand on top of it to start with, lol, but i'll get to that when I find out how...

BTW, why do you choose an actor instead of a drop ship? Just wanna know why. Anyway, I enjoyed flying a chopper around CC

-The reason why It's an actor is because dropships can't have aimable weapons as far as I know.[

DSMK2 wrote:
The Decaying Soldat wrote:
BTW, why do you choose an actor instead of a drop ship? Just wanna know why. Anyway, I enjoyed flying a chopper around CC :grin:

Dropships do not have "direction", they do not flip like actors.

That too..

Last edited by Nachos on Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:51 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
Despite all the problem I love this mod, needs update naaaoouuuughhhh!!!! Nah, take your time.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:54 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
The Decaying Soldat wrote:
Despite all the problem I love this mod, needs update naaaoouuuughhhh!!!! Nah, take your time.

It might be a full day at least until I update it, If I can do all that is asked, there'll be lots of lovely gibs for TrouserDemon and little men flying out of ejection seats for DSMK2, and rotor chopping fun for you!

Edit: I will be hitting the pub tonight, might make that two days...

Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:01 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
Just take your time. You don't get paid for this, we can't rush you.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:20 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
You can gib anything. You can gib a dropship for god's sake.

AddGib = Gib
      GibParticle = AHuman                 <-- The important parts!
         CopyOf = <Actorname>      <-- " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
      Count = 6
      Spread = 2.25
      MaxVelocity = 15
      MinVelocity = 5

With this knowledge you can shoot/gib almost anything.

Additional Comments:
Increase helicopter weight + gibimpulselimit, increase jetpack power.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:26 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
whoo! credits!
I say again, this is an awesome mod. With gibs it will be even more tight.

Another suggestion, make it so that it doesn't explode when a dropship engine flames it. That has cause mine to die several times.

Also, it can't be ordered by any of the vanilla crafts, you should make a special delivery mechanism to get it into the scene as if it just flew in.
[Confusing] I say you should make a craft that is null sprite that gibs into nothing as soon as it is created and releases your copter!
Perhaps it comes for free and you have to manually stuff the helicopter into in from the buy menu, or it costs money and it always comes with a helicopter, even if you don't specifically buy it. Does this make any sense? [/Confusing]
Restated: Make a craft that costs the amount that the helicopter costs, then in its code stick the helicopter in its inventory or gibs so that as soon as it is built, you get your helicopter as if it just flew in from 'nam.

New minigun looks great, and I can't wait for gibs! A guy shooting out of the front of this bleeding and mutilated sounds really tight.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:19 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
I really like this mod! Hell, the minigun alone beats my tempest in coolness, IMO.

Problems are evident though. The minigun cuts through terrain very quickly and could probably use a sound with more kick. The rotor spinning sound could use some editing itself, or just a whole new sound.

Other than that it just needs tweaks.. higher mass, more jointstrength on gun etc etc.

And gibs. I could help you with gibs :]

Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:40 am
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Post Re: ARH Tiger
I demand armour that shatters, and an engine that can be shot to flames causing the helicopter to crash. Ditto tailrotor/pilot.

Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:45 am
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