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Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:37 pm Posts: 52 Location: GERMANY
 The Demon Cult
The Demon CultTo the Faction itself: Story: Quote: The Demon Cult was launched in the Middleage. A Man, called Teemperor, began to search of the Secret of the immortality of the soul, because he fears the dead. He invent a method in a old book called "The Secret Hell". At the End of his Life he called young Mans to his caste. He controled they and choose one of them, as the new home of his soul. He gave him a drink with a rare mineral. In the following years he became to be absent-minded, blind and lahm. As he dies the joung man, who became choosen by the Teemperor, came to the castle back and grow up as the new Teemperor. The new Teemperor maked the same as the old, he choose a follow-up and gave him the rare mineral. He dub the mineral "Teemok". Tousand of years Later, the mineral became to exhaust. So the Teemperor and his Cult of People, who adore his immortaly sould, join the ressource War. At the Battles the most of the culstist died and so the Teemperor decided to replace Robots for them. The last Members of the Cult build aTempel with a factory for Robots in the underground of a Coalition-City. With this Robot-Army they liked to attack the city, but the Coalition was too strong. The Cult search for Allies around the City but nobody like to help them, because everybody fears the Coalition. During some Robots patrol at the area before the city a meteor come down near them. He was out of Teemok and the robots pull them into the underground. But as they cut up the meteor, a bug came out. The Teemperor feel that the bug is evil and take them into a cave. He tame the bug and after a week the bug reproduce itself. The new bug was already tame and so the Teemperor wait and the bugs reproduce theirself constantly. After a Year there was many bugs. He send them to other Planets and put them in his robots to make them more intelligent. Soon he attack the City with his Army and kill the most of the people. The leftover of the people he put into caves to use them as homes for his soul. The next Teemperor search for more secrets in the book and found them. The Units: The Demon-Commander:  He can call the other Demon-Caracters and has a Good Head Armor against headshots. He is the Base of the Demon Cult Army The Standart-Demon-Soldier  He has a Smg for Battles and a Light Chest Plate Armor The Demon-Sniper-Soldier  No Armor, but a powerfull Sniper, but with long reload time and no Armor. The Jet-Trooper  With a light Standart Pistol and no Armor for better Flying. The Storm-Trooper A Maater of Meeles, he has a good Front, Head and Back Armor, but his Legs are weak. He has a shield and a Pistol too. The Demon-Insect  Looks like a crab with Wings^^. But have a Horn, a back-Armor and a powerfull Spike. He can fly with his Wings, so he is a good assasin.   With his Horn he can kill enemys too. But he loose fast Life in collisions and somethimes he come down from the air.   EDIT: Srry for the Bad Englisch but i´m from German Thx to Gotcha! for the Flash and the sound of SMGI close this Projekt 
Last edited by Teemperor on Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:11 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:43 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:04 pm Posts: 2932
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Its a good start, you obviously put effort to this and were not doing this half-assed, so good on you. As for the mediocre resprites, it can be fixed later (my first mod ever was pretty much a resprite, but I practiced and got better). They clearly look like they were based off the dummy actor and the weapons are not something "special" mostly because this is your first mod and you dont know how to. The story is decent and you can build all kind of things around its theme. I'll try this out when I get home, and see how its all ingame. Otherwise: keep it up, improve and make it better! 
Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:59 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:23 pm Posts: 301 Location: Lurking somewhere around here...
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
This looks alright for a first mod. I have some main problems with the concept though. What makes them demons? They look a little too much like dummies, which are robots. Perhaps if you mentioned why they are robots or something. I haven't tried out the weapons or anything so I can't really grade them. The weapon sprites have a little originality. They look neat and I might want to use them, but I am still a bit confused by the little storyline. Another thing is the insect. That thing looks cool and probably is fun to use. Well done for a first mod, but I advise you add a little to the story, if you can.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:39 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:37 pm Posts: 52 Location: GERMANY
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Thx to the constructive critic. To the story, i can´t speak/write good English, so ii´s difficult to write longer story´s but i try now . To the Robots, yes they are resprites of Dummys. I add them only Armor and Weapons.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:47 pm |
The Decaying Soldat
Joined: Thu May 15, 2008 11:40 am Posts: 1527 Location: In heaven, everything is fine.
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Robot demons? Sounds liek Necrons.
But anyway, not bad. The sprites could be better, make them more...demonic? But I'm no modder, so that's quite good in my sense.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:09 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:37 pm Posts: 52 Location: GERMANY
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
They are no Demons the bugs are the demons, the robots are robots not more  . And i add the story. -Edit: Longer and sharper Horn for the Bug -Edit: Flying Bug
Last edited by Teemperor on Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:12 pm |
Joined: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:28 pm Posts: 37 Location: England, London, Camden
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Oh dear, this looks bad, it's got cult in the name for a start.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:17 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am Posts: 1119
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Doesn't seem very "Demonic" to me, but the concept of a single commander spawning various degrees of meat shields rather then buying more units is pretty good.
The overall mod lacks the "cult" feeling. And the bug doesn't seem so demonic. You need fleshy cultists (complete with some kind of cult dress thing) and, and some sorts of "magic" weapons. Not too happy with the cyborgs, but they could be a branch of the demon cult. Though I'd prefer a different name... You could try adding glow effects for the summons, some kind of magic circle...
Story needs some more "Why", "What", etc. ex) Why did the Teemperor want to be immortal? What was his goal after that? What was the name of the book?
Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:20 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:37 pm Posts: 52 Location: GERMANY
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Add´s the "Robots" Demon wings and horns. Remove the Jatpack of Jet troop through Wings. Resprite the Robot to Half-Mans-Culstists tomorrot and will correct the story
Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:06 pm |
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:59 am Posts: 1726 Location: NSW, Australia
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
The soldiers don't look very good, they're just bad dummy re-colours.
The crab's ok though.
Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:29 pm |
The Fat Sand Rat
Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:56 am Posts: 1191 Location: outside the shithole called the University in the Forest
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Remember the whole "Don't post your first mod" thing? Yeah, this is an example of that. If you'd waited and worked on it a little longer it would have been ok, but this just looks and feels too flat.
Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:06 am |
Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:09 pm Posts: 432
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
Another good-effort, first-mod that doesn't really deserve its own thread.
Motion to merge with minor mod conpendium.
Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:08 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am Posts: 1119
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult - First Mod
ProjektODIN wrote: Another good-effort, first-mod that doesn't really deserve its own thread.
Motion to merge with minor mod conpendium. I don't think it even falls into the minor mod compendium, unlike the mods in there, this has room for development. I tend to see single guns, actors, and whatnot fall into there. Why isn't it in the mod releases thread anyways?
Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:47 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:33 am Posts: 1275 Location: Elsewhere.
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult
The story's ok. Sprites aren't terrible, and I like the crab  Keep working on it, and try to make the robots look more unique.
Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:15 am |
Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:37 pm Posts: 52 Location: GERMANY
 Re: [WIP] The Demon Cult
Ok today i resprite the robots completely. And i have a good idea. I make that you must start as the Bug. Then you can summon other Bugs. Later you can summon the Robots and so on. A Littlebit like Evolution^^ OK Updatet it: The Demons are respritet have a good looking back armor added, leg supporter Armor, A better looking Jet Pack (Demon Wings  ). I Disabled the Bugs for the moment because i work still at the evolution 
Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:53 pm |
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