GML and Shovachute (Plus bonus Crate)
October 08: Necro'd thread was necro'd.
Nothing new to see here folks.
But that isn't to say you'll be seeing nothing from me soon.
May 09': Ahahahahaha "soon" was hinting about Shadow Echelon. Oh wow.
I'm redoing the GML, and the other mods here have a place in Shadow Echelon.

The GML (Guidable Missile Launcher) is much like blipflips homing launcher. But through the methods of the ABomb, you can switch to it and control it yourself. A death is marked on your frag counter for each shot, unfortunately. Control for direction and thrust are like aiming and firing a gun... seeing as that's what you're doing, really.
When it reaches a certain speed, it will detonate without needing impact, like an airburst explosive. A regular hit with this is overpowered, but a perfect airburst gives uber new meaning.
(100 invisible uber MOPixels; your MPAMs and Zorns don't stand a chance)
Data Realms, you know why
blipflip, homing launcher concept and I directly copied a couple variables
Grif, ABomb concept, maybe I directly copied the code, I forget.
Myself, everything else

Shovachute was going to be a recoilless push gun, but then in testing, the rapid recoil and negative recoil made a shaking motion, which had a strange deceleration effect that worked great like a parachute; so I made it a multitool. You kinda have to try it to see how it works, but if used right, it can be the difference between these two soldiers.

There's also a stronger parachute, that doesn't push.
Data Realms, game and base.rte content
Me, everything else
Slight inspirations:
SSBB, arrow flash
HL2, claw thing for front of gun.
Because this is a multimod topic, I'll toss this in here too. It's nothing new or amazing, but I find it to be very useful, and it doesn't look bad. I imagine it will fit nicely with the "ragtag" faction.

The crate is just a simple craft with no doors, thrusters, emitters, or many features at all really. It just falls, gibs into harmless splinters, and your order is quickly on the battlefield.
The original breaks open on impact, the reinforced version waits for a scuttle, but will eventually gib itself. This makes impact damages/gibbing less likely, but costs a bit more.
Both have a recommended capacity of one occupant.
Great for resupplying units with devices.
Toss in some impact explosives and bomb the enemy, if you'd like.
Updated with a spin.
Data Realms, Game, Base.rte content
Myself, Everything else.
We can just forget the crab with legs that looked like wheels. Looking back, it was nothing too special.