CCPD Mod Pack (Updated 10/21/08)
Hi these are my first mods and i put them all into a package. CCPD stands for Cortex Command Police Department and eventually i'll make speciel dropships and rockets for it but for now i want to know what the community thinks.
CCPD Dummy (CCPDDummy.rte)
Re-Sprited Dummy thats stronger than a regular dummy, with stiffer limbs so you won't die as easily. It's also blue..

CCPD Taser (CCPDTaser.rte)
Your usual under-powered police taser, but made for cortex command

CCPD Shield (new) (CCPDShield.rte)
This is the old shield but since many people complained about it's length i made it a lot longer

Dart Launcher (DartLauncher.rte)
This gun fires 4 darts with each round and is more expensive than the other guns, alotugh it wasn't made CCPD, sprited with a jungle theme

CCPD Rapid-Fire Shotgun (CCPDShotgun.rte)
This gun was uploaded in the previous version but it was way over-powered so now it been made more balanced

Crowd Clearing Grenade (CCPDGrenade1.rte, im making more)
This bomb ejects a massive puff of air that sends actors off thier feet and dis arms them if they get too close

-Fixed the cannon sprite, and the problem it had (darts would blow up)
Azukki (Modding Templates)
Brainwashed (Giving me ideas and answering my questions)