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 -Klone Soccer V2.0- ))Gamemode (REUPLOAD) 
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Post -Klone Soccer V2.0- ))Gamemode (REUPLOAD)
First of all GIANT thanks and kudos for LordTim for scripting this, BlipFlip for his amazingly detailed clone and Grif for the creating the incredibly fun weapons for Klone Soccer.
You would not be enjoying without these guys.


-Klone Soccer Ver 2.0-



Klone Soccer is gamemode for Cortex Command where the
goal of the game is to run your clones into the enemy goal
and score
while trying to stop and slow down the opponent's clones.
It features new weapons, a new detailed actor and lots of other surprises!


To play Klone Soccer, install the mod, run CC and hit the "Campaign" button.
The Klone Soccer arenas are located here:


You start off with your view centered on your goal and
you are instantly given 3 clones to control.
You can switch to them right away when the match begins.


The base has spawn points at which your Klones spawn.
Then there are numbers in slots. These are called Weapon Stations.


They can be activated by scoring a certain amount of goals when they become active and you can use them to gain a weapon. Here is the legend for each weapon station to become active:

Weapon 1 - 1 Goal
Weapon 2 - 3 Goals
Weapon 3 - 6 Goals
Weapon 4 - 9 Goals
Weapon 5 - 12 Goals
Weapon 6 - 20 Goals

Here are the weapons in the respective order as the above list:


To get a point for scoring, you must reach the enemy goal with an alive Klone and drop down the pit to gain a point.


The team with that reaches 40 goals first or has more goals when the time limit expires, wins.

The Bonus is a special powerup that can be aquired in the match by reaching the "!" sign which is usually at the middle of the map. When the Bonus timer reaches 0, the bonus is available and the first team to reach it get the benefit from it. Once the bonus area is used, it will be active after a certain time. This time can be configured in the .lua file mentioned later.

The bonus is the Cannonball rocket. When you touch the "!", the cannonball will appear on your team's bonus spawn area. Use it wisely!


You can learn more about its features at its own thread.

The current timelimit is set to 20 minutes, and the maximum goals is set to 40.
These values and a few other things can be easily changed in the KloneSoccer.lua file in the mod directory. You can open the .lua file with textpad or similar. Click the link below to see what it looks like:

This gamemode can be played either alone against the CPU, 2 players or even 4 players! In the mod's directory there are map files called KloneSoccer 1.ini KloneSoccer 2.ini and so on. At the end of these files theres a variable that you may change if you want to play with 4 people or 2 people and so on.
The link below shows what I'm talking about:

Every file is set to P1vsP2 by default.

LordTim - For creating this awesome script.
BlipFlip - Klone adopted and modified from the original detailed Clone Of Fortune actor.
Grif - Weapons adopted from his well done Prom's Guns pack.
Roon3 - Contributing some AI script and new cool banner for KS.
War_Man333 - Contributing the large banner for KS at the top.



Last edited by numgun on Mon May 25, 2009 8:03 pm, edited 12 times in total.

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:15 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
This is awesome! :grin: Great job, you two!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:26 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
I always thought win would happen when numgun and tim worked together...nice idea, numgun. Good job on the lua, tim. I gotta dl and test now...

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:37 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
So it's singleplayer, right?

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:38 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
metal chao wrote:
So it's singleplayer, right?

He explained it. Although I'm not sure how campaign levels can be multiplayer, but hey, maybe they did it.

EDIT: I tried it. It is multiplayer. Crazy stuff. Pretty awesome too.

Last edited by Ultric on Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:40 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Oh yeah I didn't notice that.
How stup

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:51 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Kewl stuff, I'll try adding to this tomorrow.

Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:22 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
[14:27] <Numgun> I'm doing the clone soccer mod now and I was thinking to name it differently since Clone Soccer is CS
[14:27] <Numgun> Now I have one alternative: Klone Zoccer
[14:27] <Numgun> How about that?
[14:27] <Numgun> Or maybe Clone Rush?
[14:28] <Numgun> Or Klone Rush?
[14:28] <Numgun> CR/KR?
[14:28] <Zez> KZ
[14:28] <Numgun> Or something else?
[14:28] <Zez> KZ
[14:28] <Numgun> Since KZ is used in soldat too
[14:28] <Numgun> Klimbing Zoldats
[14:28] <Numgun> Since if it was Climbing Soldats, it would be CS too
[14:28] <Numgun> ♥♥♥♥ counterstrike
[14:29] <Numgun> What should it be...
[14:29] <FinDude> grats on getting into official dev
[14:29] <FinDude> also clone bash?
[14:29] <Zez> :|
[14:30] <Zez> OF THE GODS
[14:30] <Numgun> AWESOME.
[14:30] <Zez> Do it.,
[14:30] <Numgun> KRSCC
[14:30] <Zez> OTG
[14:30] <Numgun> Minus the OTG part
[14:30] <Zez> :<
[14:30] <Zez> Gods of chaos then?
[14:30] <Numgun> NO
[14:30] <Numgun> KRSCC
[14:30] <Zez> k
[14:30] <Numgun> Epic win
[14:30] <Zez> Indeed.
[14:31] <Zez> Seriously do it.
[14:31] <Numgun> Im seriously going to name it that

You didn't :<

Goddamn you, you promised!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:56 pm

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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Yeah sorry about that. I did name it that while I was making this but then I kind of began hating that long name so I changed it to Klone Soccer : p

Btw this is still, I say again, really the most basic it can be.
I want to add a custom clone for it that runs faster and is slightly more tougher than the normal clone. Atleast I want to make the material of the head something stronger since jetpacks are way too effective even if you dont have any guns.

And another thing what I want to add is team gib zones. Particularry at the entrances of the bases so enemies wouldnt go spawn killing your clones at the slightest chance. The roof needs to be made hazardous too since its an abusable pig hole on the map.

Also I want to spice up the game by adding some special bonuses to the map such as an Mk1 Rocket that you can aquire and control to crush clones and fly around. It would force you to leave the clones for the AI to handle, but while they walk at their slow pace, you can get some nice kills.
Maybe even a concrete sprayer or a digger bonus that you can get somehow.
Or maybe even some other custom thingy that could be obtained as a bonus.

And finally I think the clone count for each team should be 3 since the play field stays rather empty most of the time with just 2 clones for each team.

Also anyone interested in contributing to this mod can do so freely.
Mainly maps and/or special content/ideas. A specialized clone actor will do too.
It can be just a resprite of the coalition heavy. I can do the tweaks.
Making maps is rather easy, the manual included with the mod explains how to
set up a Klone Soccer map. All you need is some areas to be placed with the editor, bases for both teams and weapon stations and brains preplaced on the map(You can use the invisible god-brains that come with the mod too. Place them at the goals so the AI will hunt their way to it.)

Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:15 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Ahaha. This is awesome. We need more complex maps now. D:

Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:06 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
wow, this is amazing! This is seriously much better than the current 2 player gametype. I seriously don't think I will every play that way again with people. Maybe.
Only suggestion for improvement is addition of a third or even forth clone for each team. It might be pretty easy to do so myself, I'll have to check it out.
Also, does it work 3 players?
The AI kinda sucks, but it is still very fun to play even by yourself.
Oh, one more suggestion (this is something I could easily change, but you may consider looking at too) is to lower the goal amounts in unlocking weapons or raise the timer, because I barely even got the blunderbuss, and that was against the crappy computer :!
But it is seriously tight.
Now get back to work on your deathmatch.

Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:37 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Aspect wrote:
Now get back to work on your deathmatch.

And Capture the Flag? :-P

Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:42 pm
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Thats another one that could be very cool, and I bet I could make it based off of the kode in this one... It has point counter, It has auto weapon switching (so that it switches to flag Item), only thing it really needs is a check if the flag has been brought to the area! cool

Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:52 pm

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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
This is fun, and a great example of what can be done with current Lua and a little imagination. After playing a few matches, I tried to make an arena, but due to my inexperience, I couldn't get it to work. :oops: I might try again later.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:16 am
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Post Re: -KLONE SOCCER- ))Gamemode
Will download.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:16 am
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