First of all
GIANT thanks and kudos for
LordTim for scripting this,
BlipFlip for his amazingly detailed clone and
Grif for the creating the incredibly fun weapons for Klone Soccer.
You would not be enjoying without these guys.
-Klone Soccer Ver 2.0-
Klone Soccer is gamemode for Cortex Command where the
goal of the game is to
run your clones into the enemy goal
and score while trying to stop and slow down the opponent's clones.
It features new weapons, a new detailed actor and lots of other surprises!
DOWNLOAD To play Klone Soccer, install the mod, run CC and hit the "Campaign" button.
The Klone Soccer arenas are located here:
:GAMEPLAY:You start off with your view centered on your goal and
you are instantly given
3 clones to control. You can switch to them right away when the match begins.

The base has spawn points at which your Klones spawn.
Then there are numbers in slots. These are called
Weapon Stations.
They can be activated by scoring a certain amount of goals when they become active and you can use them to gain a weapon. Here is the legend for each weapon station to become active:
Weapon 1 - 1 Goal
Weapon 2 - 3 Goals
Weapon 3 - 6 Goals
Weapon 4 - 9 Goals
Weapon 5 - 12 Goals
Weapon 6 - 20 Goals
Here are the weapons in the respective order as the above list:

To get a point for scoring, you must reach the enemy goal with an
alive Klone and drop down the pit to gain a point.

The team with that reaches 40 goals first or has more goals when the time limit expires, wins.
:BONUS:The Bonus is a special powerup that can be aquired in the match by reaching the
"!" sign which is usually at the middle of the map. When the Bonus timer reaches 0, the bonus is available and the first team to reach it get the benefit from it. Once the bonus area is used, it will be active after a certain time. This time can be configured in the .lua file mentioned later.
The bonus is the Cannonball rocket. When you touch the
"!", the cannonball will appear on your team's bonus spawn area. Use it wisely!

You can learn more about its features at
its own thread.:CHANGING SCORE LIMITS:The current
timelimit is set to 20 minutes, and the
maximum goals is set to 40.These values and a few other things can be easily changed in the KloneSoccer.lua file in the mod directory.
You can open the .lua file with textpad or similar. Click the link below to see what it looks like: PLAYER COUNT:This gamemode can be played either alone against the
CPU, 2 players or even 4 players! In the mod's directory there are map files called KloneSoccer 1.ini KloneSoccer 2.ini and so on. At the end of these files theres a variable that you may change if you want to play with 4 people or 2 people and so on.
The link below shows what I'm talking about: file is set to P1vsP2 by default.
:CREDITS:LordTim - For creating this awesome script.
BlipFlip - Klone adopted and modified from the original detailed Clone Of Fortune actor.
Grif - Weapons adopted from his well done Prom's Guns pack.
Roon3 - Contributing some AI script and new cool banner for KS.
War_Man333 - Contributing the large banner for KS at the top.