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 Zombied Coalition MOD 0.95( UPDATE !!!) (WIP) 
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Post Zombied Coalition MOD 0.95( UPDATE !!!) (WIP)
-=BETA TESTING=- ended

THE STORY:The Coalition have began to lose a war.All hopes was send to C.W.I. Coalition weaponry ingeneries.The labs of CWI have made a very big +(plus) to Coa.They have made the heal nano-bots.Those nano-bots heal all inguries of soldier and even give him more hp,than he lost.Also they modified weapons.The shotgun and smg.They are more powerful for the soldiers.The first 10,000 modified clones were send to the battle field.The Coa. win that battle.But nano-bots have crashed all progress.The nano-bots dont know when to stop.So the profesors have made suicide chip in the bot,to kill itself without inguring the body.But as they were made to heal...they have healed themself after a suicide.As microchips were hurted the bot have begin to heal.Without a stop the soldiers begin lose blood from all holes.The blood came from eyes,mouth,hears...But that was the begin of end.So much healed soldier begin to get out from control (brain controls them(you know that)).And coalition soldier hasnt any brains,so the nano-bots begin control the body.The nano-bot not attack - said one from lab , before his death.But thats wrong.They not attack actually.The nano-bot mission to heal so they want to kill everybody,and then heal.

Thats the story.

The Future:I want to make a map,and i want to make a commando in coa. style


5 years ago…

Scientists at C.W.I. (Coalition Weaponry Innovations) begin research and development of integrated nano-bot systems. Early prototypes have a high success rate and show great promise. However, the project proves too expensive for mass-production and is rejected.

4 years ago…

Coalition Forces begin to lose their edge against much faster growing dummy army. As numbers dwindle, the ability to replace fallen soldiers becomes difficult. C.W.I. proposes further development of the nano-bot system. The project is accepted.

3 years ago…

C.W.I. presents an affordable, “stripped down” version of the medical nano-bot system. Production commences immediately.

10,000 integrated clones are fielded. Equipped with advanced shotguns and smgs, these new clones take the battlefield by storm, quickly reclaiming the territories lost during the previous year. C.W.I. predicts ultimate victory in less than 2 years.

2 years ago…

The first sign of “difficulties” appear in the system. Nano-bots begin to “over-heal” their host clones, slowly tearing itself apart. Blood vessels would burst from over-saturation of cells, skin and muscle would rot off of still living clones, and broken limbs knitted together faster than they could be set. In response, C.W.I. installs a self-destruct chip into all salvageable modified clones.

1 year ago…

Self-destruct chips prove ineffective at quelling the “zombification” of modified clones. When a nano-bot is destroyed, the remaining merely reproduce. To make matters worse, the source of the detonation protocol (the brain) is deemed a threat. The mind-control device is destroyed and the clone becomes independent.

And hostile…

Present time…

C.W.I. denies involvement in the nano-bot program.

While the project has been officially canceled, a number of nano-bot integrated clones remain available for purchase from black-market venders.






0.95 UPDATE: BETTER BALANCE (the zombies now are not just meat ,because in 0.9 you destroy the zombie's gun but not him,not the gun's and zombies life is balanced), AND ADDED PICS TO THREAD

THE CREDITS:TheClingClang,Roon3,Geti,Gotcha!,Shook and Mr.EvilPonifor the template.

Last edited by grenade on Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:13 pm, edited 9 times in total.

Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:40 pm
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
no dl's, no pictures and wrong forum.
Unless your mod is in top shape, you should first release it in the "mod making" forum No you shouldn't. Do not listen to this man, he is insane.

I musta been so lightning fast that I was in before you edited your post.
ANYWAY I guess I'll dl and test it later for courtesy

Last edited by astronaught on Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:49 pm
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
Lock this for now till you have the mod. :D

Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:32 pm

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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
I understood 'zombies' and 'coalition'. That's about it, but i've been wanting some new zombies so D/L'd and test later.

Tried 'em out, love 'em. I'll probably use this for my activities for a while. The zombies coming out of the ground was a nice touch, but sometimes makes them spawn inside your bunker.

Last edited by Doomfrog_X,000 on Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Sep 06, 2008 6:11 pm
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
Remember of Evilponni's zombie mod (can't remember his name...)
If you make a special activitie for those zombies, give'em melee and a way to spawn on the battleground, you'll have my Dl!

Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:37 pm

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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
It's pretty good.
It would be better if they had a way to spawn on the battlefield (Like if they are normal until they died) and melee weapons.

Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:11 pm
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
Make it spawn coffins which fall to the ground and gib the zombies, that way they could be neutral.

Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:23 pm
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
hes using the invisible dropship method. thats why theyre underground. spawning, underground.
topic about the mod

Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:08 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
I'm not going to download unless I get more information on the mod (is it an acitivities ini edit? or just new soldiers? what is it?) and less rambling backstory with absolutely awful grammar.

Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:30 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
its new soldiers and hes trying to make activities.

Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:11 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
R-r-r-Russian tanks.
Resprites? I think?
I can't tell, because the first post contains so much gibberish that a lunatic might step back and say, "Damn."

Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:10 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
I can't tell, because the first post contains so much gibberish that a lunatic might step back and say, "Damn."

:lol: ill agree there.
they are resprites, yes.

Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:35 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparkled out of the air. There were dummys in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them for years. His warnings to Mother Brain were not listened to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a coalition light for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the dropships and said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."
Dad said "No! you will BE KILL BY DUMMYS"
There was a time when he believed him. But then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of TradeStar he knew there were dummys.
"This is Brain" the radio crackered. "You must fight the dummys!"
So John gotten his Flakk Canon and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the dummys.
"I will shoot at him" said the dummy dreadnought and he fired rocket missles. John fakked at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped not able to kill.
"No I must kill the dummys" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the dummys!"
And then John was a zombie coalition.

Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:36 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
The Cling Clang wrote:
John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparkled out of the air. There were dummys in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them for years. His warnings to Mother Brain were not listened to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a coalition light for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the dropships and said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."
Dad said "No! you will BE KILL BY DUMMYS"
There was a time when he believed him. But then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of TradeStar he knew there were dummys.
"This is Brain" the radio crackered. "You must fight the dummys!"
So John gotten his Flakk Canon and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the dummys.
"I will shoot at him" said the dummy dreadnought and he fired rocket missles. John fakked at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped not able to kill.
"No I must kill the dummys" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the dummys!"
And then John was a zombie coalition.

I love you.

Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:07 am
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Post Re: Zombied Coalition MOD (WIP)
Guys.As i said in the story they will not be melee weapons even after updates(edit:i not said that).They were made specialy for my own request.Wanted just some more powerful coalitions.Then after playing last zombies mod i had an idea to make them zombies.And sorry for english language.I have bad gram. but i do understand what you talk.The Cling Clang WHAT ARE TALKING ABOUT .LOL.

Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:16 am
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