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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
you could also probably make the ejected shell a particle too, if you needed more XD
but yeah, the flamer currently looks a little too fluffy. i prefer the minigun, its intense.

the shogun is awesome, though so heavy if i want to use another actor i have to put him on some concrete, cause he sinks into the ground slowly. i love how the jump boots blast the ground a little too. and how hes AS TALL AS A ♥♥♥♥ TUNNEL! :D he scrapes his head sometimes lol.
everythings looking wonderful..
would it be possible for you to release a patcher from the last release each time? i know its a lot of work but when youre tweaking its annoying having to dl 6mb each couple days. like maybe just release the new weapon in a folder alongside a complete version? idk. would be very handy, i wish data did that XD
also i must have had the version before the last version, as all my sprites are looking much more angular and awesome, and this thing called the electrolaser [which i saw people talking about with a little bit of confusion] which is intense fun.
best update in ages. <3
oh i like that there is only 4 actors for buying now. doesnt feel as cluttered. :D

Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:55 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Where did the activity's go that was in this mod? One version before this new one it did.

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:33 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
The sprites on this are constantly improving--I actually like the dropship now, and the Heavy LOOKS beefy.

My only complaint is really an aesthetic one.

The unit names are...

Really, really weeaboo.
I know it's part of the theme of DarkStorm, but they're a little hackneyed.

Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:21 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Geti wrote:
would it be possible for you to release a patcher

Well, I just fixed some immediate things with the last one. I won't release anything again until my next full release.

Fredrick wrote:
The sprites on this are constantly improving--I actually like the dropship now, and the Heavy LOOKS beefy.

My only complaint is really an aesthetic one.

The unit names are...

Really, really weeaboo.
I know it's part of the theme of DarkStorm, but they're a little hackneyed.

Weeaboo, huh? This implies that I'm trying to be Japanese.

Guess what? Japanese society is an enormous pile of crap. I'd sooner stab my eye out than attempt to be "more like the Japanese." That would require me to be a conformist robot that always wears a fake smile and thinks that alcohol is absolutely necessary for people to be even remotely honest with each other.

Okay, I like anime, and I like Japanese video games... or, to be specific, I like SOME anime and SOME Japanese video games. Just like I like SOME of most other mediums of entertainment. Just as with most other mediums of entertainment, a lot of anime and video games are garbage, or completely uninteresting to me.

As for the aesthetic of this faction, I decided to make them into a more "covert ops" group. I figured a good image to work off of would be that of the ninja, and it kinda just went from there. See, the ironic thing about me being disgusted with Japanese society in general is the fact that, for all these years, I've worked on a Japan Studies minor at my college. Heck, I even went to the country for a year. Regardless of whether or not I like the place, I know a lot about it. I figured I might as well apply that knowledge somewhere, even if its for a silly mod.

And hey, everyone else seems to either be alright with it or thinks its cool. So bugger off.

And what in God's name possessed you to include an image of the cool-aid man's face?

Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:56 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
well put.

oh, and ill edit my activities to include the heavy and then post it if you want.
ill also need to make it include the right weapon names again. save someone else doing the work ;)

Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:04 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Fredrick wrote:
Really, really weeaboo.


Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:14 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Darlos9D wrote:
-jarringly correct analysis of Japanese culture-

And what in God's name possessed you to include an image of the cool-aid man's face?

I'm sorry, dude, I didn't mean to offend. I honestly just thought that the Japanese names seemed a bit cliche, but it may be because of the company I keep, where people get Japanese text tattooed on themselves and are quite certain it means "streets" or "booty" or whatever but probably means nothing of the sort/different people than the aforementioned refer to Japan as "GLORIOUS NIPPON".

As for the "Kool-Aid Man" that I posted, there's a story behind that.

"Weeaboo" as a word originated with this Perry Bible Fellowship comic:
Someone on the *chans somehow decided that this could be used to somehow refer to Japanophiles and the treatment they should receive, and it sort of put new meaning to what was previously a nonsense word. The face I posted is the man calling attention to the mention of "Weeaboo".

EDIT: Also,

The Cling Clang wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
Really, really weeaboo.


I lol'd heartily.

Once again, I really didn't mean to offend, and your mod increases in quality all the time, which really astounds me. Keep up the good work and no hard feelings, okay?

Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:30 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
The Cling Clang wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
Really, really weeaboo.


*Thinks of Maid Guy*


Back to topic:
The heavy seems pretty awesome, the punch is pretty good, but I'm a bit bothered by the jump jets, though its just my preference.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:58 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
as long as there is no hill around im happy with them, if not, id kinda rather have a shinobi. i use the heavys as guards mostly, only frontliners when i really need it.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:28 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
I'd like to thank this forum for re-establishing my faith in the internet. For awhile i thought I was the only one left who didn't get steamy at the mention of anything from japan...

Also, I love the jump packs, but only because I have a thing for those, they take the whole 'LOLOLOL AIR ATTACK UR DEAD LOL 2 EASEH' out of Cortex Command. You actually have to think about what you're about to do.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:04 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
I think of the jump packs as more of an aesthetic choice than a functional one. The shogun isn't an elite unit, it's just more of a brute. I'd love to see an elite unit tho.

Thusly i recommend darlos make an airborne version :p

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:06 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Play with the AAL Pilot. Then tell me jump packs are aesthetic. I think they're great.
Although the heavies do come across as brutes, but the normal soldiers seem pretty Elite: they can't take many hits but they're too nifty to get hit. I always thought the covert load out felt like an elite soldier.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:50 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
I'm not saying they lack functionality, because they don't, i'm simply saying it seems like they were chosen over the jetpack because the designers thought it fit stylistically and thematically, which actually seems to be a little bit of a common theme with this pack.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:55 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Jump packs often seem to be chosen when you don't want the actor to have a jetpack, but you still need a way of moving around the map, Because only something the size of the MPAM can actually walk over everything (poor, poor skeletons...)

Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:03 am
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 9/1/08
Exactly, the shogun is one that seems designed with movement 2nd in mind as more of a stationary unit (not to say it made design lax, because it didn't).

Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:23 am
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