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 CQC Pack V1.0 
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Joined: Sun May 18, 2008 5:47 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
Grif, in response to you freaking out over the supersonic bullet + suppressor, I went to wikipedia. Turns out, a supersonic bullet fired from a gun with a suppressor REMAINS SUPERSONIC
Functionally, a suppressor is not meant to completely silence a firearm, but to make its sound unrecognizable. Even subsonic bullets make distinct sounds by their passage through the air and striking targets, and supersonic bullets produce a small sonic boom, resulting in a "ballistic crack".

The point of the suppressor is to slow the gasses, therefore muffling the explosion used to propel the bullet. A suppressor does not change the velocity of the bullet enough to make a difference.
As for a ball bearing not reaching supersonic speeds?
I have a pellet rifle, and true, its not shooting BBs, but something even less aerodynamic (flatnosed pellets), yet it still manages to reach speeds of 1100+

Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:50 am

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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
Razura wrote:
i dont know why people argue or fight or complain about user made content, if you dont like it dont download it, its a learning curve for that person, and if it wasn't for people learning CC would still be Stock settings, no mods, and then we would all be sad....

I think you missed Grif's point.

Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:23 pm

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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
smithno13 wrote:
The point of the suppressor is to slow the gasses, therefore muffling the explosion used to propel the bullet. A suppressor does not change the velocity of the bullet enough to make a difference.
As for a ball bearing not reaching supersonic speeds?
I have a pellet rifle, and true, its not shooting BBs, but something even less aerodynamic (flatnosed pellets), yet it still manages to reach speeds of 1100+
A suppressor does in fact affect muzzle velocity. You compensate by using larger loads. You also missed Grif's point.

Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:35 pm
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
Baww baww cry some more. If you don't like the ♥♥♥♥ thread, stop whining and don't look at it.


Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:25 pm
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
He was warned for that?
Jesus who the heck?-

Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:57 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
If you have a problem with a moderator's disciplinary actions, then take it up with the moderator in Private Messaging.

Each mod uses a specific editing color: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=10345

- Electroclan

Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:36 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
metal chao wrote:
Why do you even think that we only have 50 years before the planet randomly explodes? That's the most questionable idea I've seen in this topic yet.

There is a chance. The world(not in the world as in the planet we are on is secretly planning to blow it self up...... That would be a twist :P.. as in there will be more wars that will ruin our planet in a very short amount of time due to political, resource, power, land.... And maybe religious fanatics...another twist :grin: ) has enough bombs to destroy this world 8 times over........ :? randomly explodes for no reason??? that has nothing to do with what i was saying........... btw back to the mod. umm you should put this on the mmc. Try adding more than one gun and a resprited clone with a minor boost of speed...

Last edited by Gmanofdoom on Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:41 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
smithno13 wrote:
Grif, in response to you freaking out over the supersonic bullet + suppressor, I went to wikipediaWiki is a liar. Turns out, a supersonic bullet fired from a gun with a suppressor REMAINS SUPERSONIC
Functionally, a suppressor is not meant to completely silence a firearm, but to make its sound unrecognizableFrom different guns with a silencer does mute it a bit but you can tell what gun it is... if ur a mega ultra weapons specialist (still can be herd from about hundreds of metres. Even subsonic bullets make distinct sounds by their passage through the air and striking targets,Mainly when you hit metal and supersonic bullets produce a small sonic boom, resulting in a "ballistic crack".

The point of the suppressor is to slow the gas's(u spelt it wrong!!! GET OFF MY PLANET I WILL USE THIS TO POWER MY AGUEMENT LOLOLOZLOZL) jks, therefore muffling the explosion used to propel the bullet. A suppressor does not change the velocity of the bullet enough to make a difference WRONG!.
As for a ball bearing not reaching supersonic speeds?
I have a pellet rifle, and true, its not shooting BBs, but something even less aerodynamic (flatnosed pellets), yet it still manages to reach speeds of 1100+

Using a silencer does kinda stunt your range btw. it is more difficult to reduce the total sound signature of these firearms effectively. Subsonic ammunition reduces sound report, but at the cost of lower velocity, often resulting in decreased range and effectiveness on the yeah beat that :grin: also if you've watched movies with guys with silencers It REALLY doesnt work like that at all...

Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:53 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
in response to Darlos.... unfortunately, what you say may be true.... but then we have zalo

Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:16 pm
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
ccjav wrote:
in response to Darlos.... unfortunately, what you say may be true.... but then we have zalo

Hey, I'm not saying things CAN'T be unrealistic. Just don't use "brains in jars controlling robots" as some kind of catch-all excuse for it, since that argument is horribly flawed.

Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:12 pm
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
He probally just hates me, because awhile back on steam he said I'm an ♥♥♥hole or something becaause I went into the FP Pyro unlock server.
Even though I only got 1 achievement before I left, which would be the fireball one

Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:08 pm

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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
Um, putting useless criticism aside, I think this would be a start for you to start making a faction. Also, try to be a little more unique in your ideas. People like to see unique mods and actors and guns. Take for example the Crobotech Mod which is crazy epic.

Also, has anyone made a Space Pope mod yet?

Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:28 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
duo9ace wrote:
Um, putting useless criticism aside, I think this would be a start for you to start making a faction. Also, try to be a little more unique in your ideas. People like to see unique mods and actors and guns. Take for example the Crobotech Mod which is crazy epic.

Also, has anyone made a Space Pope mod yet?

Somebody did, actually. But it was just alright, and is already mired in obscurity. No, I don't remember the name or the thread.

Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:08 pm
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
Grif wrote:
... I mean crap, if it's supersonic after suppression, that puppy must kick like a mule and bark like a HAND GRENADE.

you're my new favorite person...
i laughed so loud i woke my brother and mom up from three rooms away.

Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:07 am
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Post Re: CQC Pack V1.0
:-o So much flames!

Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:42 am
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