So, uh, Lua is pretty neato guys. I mean really spot on. This is good stuff.
I present:
The Cortex Command Internet Relay Chat Scene
Internetting graciously provided by
The current default channel for IRC Scene is:
irc:// free to join and mess with people. Spam limits will be strictly enforced for obvious reasons.
To actually connect to the IRC, you must start this Scene from the Campaign screen. If you load it from Skirmish, the lua file will not be run.
Console commands: (You can type these into the console (~))
All arguments, providing they are required, are to be entered in string format. I.E. use double quotes: IRC:Say("Hello.")
- IRC:Help() --Prints out this list
- IRC:Say(words) --sends text to the IRC channel
- IRC:Join(newroom) --joins a different channel (!functions will no longer work) (default #CortexIRC)
- IRC:Nick(newnick) --changes your nickname (default CCLUA####)
- IRC:Identify(pass) --sends your password to nickserv (you must be already registered)
- IRC:Quit() --leaves the IRC server (does not end the scene)
- IRC:Verbose() --toggles printing raw irc to console (default off)
- IRC:UserList() --prints the user list of the current channel to console (requires verbose to be on)
IRC-side stuff you can do:
This will probably be added to in the future. (Updates can be made to your own version of the .lua file, and will work automatically)
These effect everyone who is connected to the channel from IRC Scene, so if you join the channel, and type !crab, everyone who is connected from CC will get a crab spawned on them.
- !crab --spawns a crab on the player
- !holyrays --shiny lights, and adds 25 health to the player
- !spawndropship --spawns a dropship loaded with randomized enemies
- !givemoney X --gives the player X money. If you use this from IRC:Say(), it takes this money from your player.
To install this scene you MUST have LuaSocket. (Included in the download)IRC Scene is located here:

Check it out, yo:

Consoley awesome:

Also, as an excuse for the actual terrain being so boring, I made these:

Have fun; don't break ♥♥♥♥.
P.S. This really works.
P.P.S. When you get banned in the
Matrix Cortex Command you get banned in the real IRC, too.
How to install scene:
If you just extract the .rar to your Cortex Command folder, it'll work, but if you're the kind of person who breaks things:
Place the "IRCScene.rte" folder in your Cortex Command folder like you usually would.
Place the "lua" folder in your Cortex Command folder. Not in "Base.rte". Not in "IRCScene.rte".
Place the "socket" folder in your Cortex Command folder. Not in "Base.rte". Not in "IRCScene.rte".
Place the "Lua5.1.dll in your Cortex Command folder. Not in "Base.rte". Not in "IRCScene.rte".
After that, your Cortex Command folder should look something like this: (Plus any other mods you might have)

P.P.P.S. Please PM or post here any errors you get as soon as you can. That way I can fix them as soon as I can.