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Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Area Editor help
I've been trying to make a lua scene but i can't get the zones figured out. If someone could explain what the name of each zone means, i would greatly appreciate it.
Also, is there a way to make the enemy AI sentry and not want to come after my brain, i want to keep them stationary so they defend their base.
Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:19 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:44 pm Posts: 1916 Location: Flint Hills
 Re: Area Editor help
None of them actually do anything other than AttackerLZ And that's the landing zone of the attackers. There's commented out lua code in the lua file for KillZone to gib actors that go into it, for reference.
To make them sentry, open your lua file, ctrl+f, and look for AIMODE_BRAINHUNT Change that to AIMODE_SENTRY
Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:47 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Re: Area Editor help
Ahh ok thanks. Is there a code in the lua to make winzone work?
Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:37 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:44 pm Posts: 1916 Location: Flint Hills
 Re: Area Editor help
Is there one already? I don't think so. Can there be? Yes. Code: for actor in MovableMan.Actors do if SceneMan.Scene:WithinArea("Win Zone", actor.Pos) and ActivityMan:ActivityRunning() then self.WinnerTeam = Activity.TEAM_1 ActivityMan:EndActivity(); end end Will this one work? No idea.
Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:46 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Re: Area Editor help
I've tried that already but it didn't work, i think i did something wrong tho. I also tried making an AI Brain and destroying it but that didnt work either. the parts at the end of the .lua file where the declare the win thing is un..un-commented so it should work but once the game starts it automatically says win.
Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:55 am |
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:05 pm Posts: 100
 Re: Area Editor help
try putting the code all in one line. dunno if it'll work but it might
Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:35 pm |
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Re: Area Editor help
So i tried your code Azzuki and it worked so thanks a lot, i just gotta figure out a way to make killing the brain win because the code that's commented out doesn't seem to be working...
Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:20 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:44 pm Posts: 1916 Location: Flint Hills
 Re: Area Editor help
Code: -- Check if the CPU brain is dead if not MovableMan:IsActor(self.CPUBrain) and ActivityMan:ActivityRunning() then self.CPUBrain = nil; -- Proclaim player winner end self.WinnerTeam = Activity.TEAM_1 -- Finito! ActivityMan:EndActivity(); end Base.rte/Scenes/TestScript.lua is the tutorial mission lua code. And guess what happens when you kill the enemy brain in the tutorial mission?
Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:43 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Re: Area Editor help
Ahh ok but when i tried it it just automatically said win...maybe i screwed up again.
Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:15 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:44 pm Posts: 1916 Location: Flint Hills
 Re: Area Editor help
There is an enemy brain on the scene, right?
Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:25 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Re: Area Editor help
ya, but i think it had something to do with win zone, i'm gonna try disabling win zones and using the brain code.
Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:26 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:44 pm Posts: 1916 Location: Flint Hills
 Re: Area Editor help
Did you by any chance put enemy actors in the win zone?
Because that win zone code doesn't care what team goes in it, it's just looking for actors.
Look around, I know I stumbled upon some code that checked an actor's team, and then did other stuff if it was the right team. Either in this forum or vanilla scripts.
Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:32 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:14 am Posts: 3966 Location: Canadida
 Re: Area Editor help
Azukki wrote: Did you by any chance put enemy actors in the win zone?
Because that win zone code doesn't care what team goes in it, it's just looking for actors.
Look around, I know I stumbled upon some code that checked an actor's team, and then did other stuff if it was the right team. Either in this forum or vanilla scripts. Code: for actor in MovableMan.Actors do if actor.Team == 1 then if SceneMan.Scene:WithinArea("Win Zone", actor.Pos) and ActivityMan:ActivityRunning() then self.WinnerTeam = Activity.TEAM_1 ActivityMan:EndActivity(); end end end Is that right?
Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:57 am |
Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:25 pm Posts: 5655
 Re: Area Editor help
Well yes, but Team 1 is Green.
Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:10 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:09 am Posts: 239 Location: The land of Pwnt
 Re: Area Editor help
ok so destroying the AI brain doesnt work, with win zones disabled and just the destroy brain to win code gives me automatic win so i dunno how to fix this, i'll just stick with win zone for now.
Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:22 pm |