Faction Weapons: Coalition
Yes its been a LONG time..
School can be boring..
Drawing in the middle of the lesson is a pretty good way to make the time fly
but then i started drawing weapons and thought of making a mod with them
so i redownloaded CC
and started working. This mod took me 2 days to complete (not 48 hours...)
and may seem long but i work at my pace, no rush.
anywho before you fall asleep while reading, here are the weapons:
Light Class Weapons
The Coalition Standard Issue Pistol (CSI-P)
Basic of basic weapons, you should include it in every kit that you take
it has low ammo count
its not very accurate
its is very powerful
Note:its not over powered.. its a headshot////////////////////////////////////////////
Medium Class Weapons
The Coalition Standard Issue Rifle (CSI-R)
The Common weapon of choice.
Has plenty of ammo for a semiauto rifle
Its is very accurate
And does good damage

The Coalition Elite Issue Rifle (CEI-R)
As you can see the Elite instead of Standard
It has bigger bullets than the Standard version but.
It means that it has less ammo capacity
Its is the most accurate weapon of all 5 weapons total
It has very high damage (as you can see in this gif)

Headshot = insta death (unless its an uber overpowered ungibable actor)
Tip:Very good against skeletons!
Heavy Class Weapons
The Coalition Standard Issue Grenade Launcher (CSI-GL)
Its a Single Shot.
Very powerfull
Fast reload
Can be used as a type of light artillery against enemys behind cover
The only down side is that it is a single shot

Leaves puffs of smoke because of the heat generated by the firing mechanism
The last but not least
This the most unique weapon of all 5
The Coalition Elite Issue Grenade Launcher (CEI-GL)
Has a bigger ammo capacity than the standard issue (6 Grenades)
But its a bit less powerfull
Has the longest reload time
And the heaviest
But, it has something that the Standard Issue doesnt have.
its grenades dont detonate on impact rather have a time delay so you can do alot of different stuff with it (as shown its the gif below)

Tip: Its an excellent base defense (in bunkers)
but sometimes it fails because when data fixed the tdexplosive dissapearing bug, he also hardcoded that no matter the gib impulse limit, tdexplosives explode if thrown or shot at something hard enough
and i cant fix that so you might kill yourself a couple of times when shooting at close range (and it sometimes explodes when hitting actors so sucks until data changes it) sorry :/
Teaser (well.. its not that teasing but..): i already have ideas and sketches for two more factions, the dummies and the skeletons
with each faction having a unique weapon
like the bouncing grenade launcher.
so... enjoy!