Welcome to the Datarealms Mod Archive. The goal of this thread is to restore as many mods as possible that were lost due to server switching or deletion. New members will be able to see how far mods have evolved over the builds of Cortex Command, and veteran members can (hopefully) find their favorite long-lost mod. If nothing else, this thread may serve as an interactive history of Cortex Command's mods of years past.
That's where you come in. Do you have any mods from Cortex Command builds BEFORE build 18 (preferably builds 11-14)? This thread is dependent on the capability of Datarealm's members to submit mods that can't be found on these forums any more.
RULES:1) Mods
do not have to be converted. Members with limited knowledge of CC's code may inadvertently "break" the mod, and without the original variables, it may be impossible to repair. - Unless the converted mod is near identical to the original, please refrain from converting the mod.
2) Try to keep all mods in their original condition, regardless of conversion. (Sprite editing is discouraged, unless they need to be converted from RGB to CC's palette.)
3) Please search the thread before you post - we don't want any duplicates.
4) Write a brief description of the mod if you can. Images are optional but encouraged.
5) Converted mods have titles that are
green, while unconverted mods have titles that are
red. Usage of color coding is optional but encouraged.
6) If you don't know the creator, post it with "Creator: ?"
7) If a creator wishes that their mod be removed from this list, post here.
===========================================================AnomalygunCreator: amrobotics
Creates an anomaly that pulls in surrounding objects, actors, and crafts. Will implode if touched or shot.
A-4Creator: amrobotics
A dropship that has a mounted machinegun on the underside. Come with two versions.
A-1 MolemachineCreator: amrobotics
A rocket equipped with a working drill. Note: do not open hatch while upside down. Will disappear when upside down for too long.
K-80 AACCreator: Blipflip
Dropship equipped with laser on the underside. Tip: land directly over objects on the ground with the hatch open, then close and re-open. Object will fly out of forward-facing launcher. You will get used to the controls very quickly.
Stonecutter ECreator: numgun
Yet another laser equipped craft. Fires a concentrated beam that destroys terrain. Controls are quick to get used to.
Crab CanisterCreator: ?
From Half Life 2. Like any other drop pod.
HelipackCreator: ?
Will lift actors that are too heavy or are carrying too much equipment. Similar to numgun's MGS cypher.
LightsaberCreator: piezo
The first GOOD melee weapon created. Comes with offhand version for wielding another one-handed device.
S&W 500Creator: uberhen
Self explanatory. For use with higher mass actors (Heavy Soldier), lighter ones will be effected by recoil.
If anyone knows the creators of the following mods, or wishes for their mod to be removed, post here. Also, post if you think this should be stickied.===========================================================DOWNLOADSPack #1: Megarobot, A-1 Molemachine, HWP H-3, Brainhunter A-O, Panzor A-5, Steamhowitzwer A-2, Anomalygun, Heavy Grenader (for Megarobot), Speeder.
Pack #2:
.223 Pistol, Aerial Teleporter, cgFlechette, Crab Canister, TLB's 'Crates', DMinigun Pack, EX1, Blank Modules, Unreal's Flak Gun, Flak Pistol, Flamenought, HGK3 Rifle, Hunter-Killer Bot, Invasion Scene, Jet Naught, Kelas Clone, Kihorun Rocket, Marcus Fenix Actor, Nano Dropship, Phase Digger, Plasma Shield, Push & Pull Guns, Singularity, Sniper Pack.

Pack #3 (sorry, no pics yet):
AALHomer, Armageddon, Banana, BarbedWire, barrel, BShield, Chamber, ColXM13, Crawler, Cube of Absolute Death, Death Merc, DeathValley, Defense Hatch, Demo Charge, Desert Strike Base Modules, Desert, Disarmer, Dispensers, Drone, Field Marshal's DropShip, Dropship MKIIa, Dystopia Mod, Elevator, ExplodingBuck, Firegoo, Flak Pistol, Flechette, Freespace, Gold Cheats, Hold, IWCY Pack, Laserdoor, LrakPack, Mark 84, Mars Scene, MGN, Micro Railgun, Mod Testing Bunker, Mortar Module, NASA, Objects, OrsusD, Pheonix, Piledriver, Pletox, Rib Rifle, Spine Rifle, Skeleton MKs II - IV, Stealth Set, Tank Walker, TPLC, Trap Modules, TShip MK II, Tunnel, Uber Concrete Gun, Ventilation Set, WW2 Bunkerz.