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 Amputee Technologies [WIP] 
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
Oh my! A tiny update!

By now you've probably realised that I am pretty lazy.
I am, however, going to try and release something more regularly now, and I've got a vague order in which I'm going to do it.

Also I still need a spriter with more skills than me :V

I have a good amount of units (and I'm making another one) so I'm going to be doing weapons soon.
Looking at my plans I don't think I've actually designed enough yet >_>

Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:10 pm
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
You know I actually forgot to attach the file.
Sure is lucky nobody tried to download it!

In a more important update, Roon3 has made me some sprites.
So there'll be a graphical update soon.

Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
Could we get a preview?

Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]

Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:10 am
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
I like it.

Maybe some machinery sticking out to break up the plain white wrapping, but i like it.

Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:05 am
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
It looks like a mummy. Oh, and metal chao, I actually like your amputee sprites.

Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:07 am
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
its missing the FG arm just so you could see the body.

oh and I am working on spriting the rocket.


Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:14 am
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
CaveCricket48 wrote:
It looks like a mummy. Oh, and metal chao, I actually like your amputee sprites.

Yeah but nobody else does. I don't even like them that much, especially not the arms >_>
I can sprite (I think), but only really small things. Cortex Command sprites are too big for me.

Also they look like mummies because... well basically they are. Except they aren't Egyptian or dead. If you class a mummy as "something embalmed in bandages" then this would apply.

Having someone making the sprites should encourage me to code more because I don't want to have lots of sprites waiting to be used.
Unfortunately I'm going on a three week holiday to somewhere with internet access but computers that aren't good enough to run CC in a weeks time.
And then I'm back for a week.
And then I'm off again to somewhere with no computers at all.
And the only laptops we own can't run Cortex Command either. (My friend has a laptop better than the computer I am typing from. I am envious D:)
So there's not going to be much progress over Summer I am afraid >__>

Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:25 pm
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Post Re: Amputee Technologies [WIP]
Double post for graphics update. (And a slight buff to the armoured units, as they now have double the

And activities. They aren't very hard if you are using any of the other custom factions, but there are lots of them. And occasionally a brain guard with a flak cannon.
You can tell when you're getting one of them because they are the only ones that come in rockets. The rest just jetpack down from the top of the screen.

And a craft.
But it's not done and doesn't quite work properly yet.
Also the sprites got messed up somehow. I put them all in palette but I must have missed one somewhere.
I also need to investigate some way of making it not take up all the space in the buy menu.

I'll update the pictures in the first post at some point.

Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:25 pm
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