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 Warhammer 40,000 weapon pack. Updated 7/25/08 
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Damn it I knew I forgot something. Can someone dl the sprite and upload it in the pallete?

Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:51 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Can we just have a bolter already?

Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:09 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Be patient, the bolter is yet to be complete, and I know you'd kill us if we gave u it half baked.

Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:10 pm

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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Holy mother of moses' unborn child! The big shoota is huge :3
I fixed the pallette and added it to my code. Its workign quite well :P

Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Great!, yeah I imagined the big shoota being carried by some huge ork. So I made it really big. Not for your average clone.

Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:07 pm

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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Its as big as a clone O.O Nobs arn't that big. Are they? But yeah the sprite looks beautiful :P

EDIT: Okay. Things I need as of now:
For the shotgun; nothing. :grin:
Marine rocket; Sounds and smoke trail (vana is making one :D )
Big shoota'; Sounds :)
Bolter; sounds, code, tiny smoke trail for bullets and a bullet sprite. :cry:
Also probably a few minor tweaks to all.

Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:04 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Nobs are huge man, an ork is twice the size of a human, remember, that they are hunched though, Nobs are less hunched, I mean, they're frickin big! Oh, and here is a pack of sprites and bits of code given to me by Kamikazebob Here they are.

EDIT: I have ideas for all of your needs. First, I think we should get the sounds from dawn of war, does anyone know where i can get them from? I have the game but i can't find the files there or on the interwebs. Smoke trails should be easy, i'll se if we can use numguns trail for his bolter like weapon. (cant remember the name of it). The first release will include: Big Shoota, Bolter, Missle Launcher and Combat Shotgun. After that I suggest we work on A lascannon, plasma cannon, heavy bolter,storm bolter, bolt pistol and a lasgun. In fact, lets include all of that in the first release. Then we can take a small break if you all wish and start on some actors and more weapons. After what we've accomplished in a couple of weeks I think we'll manage. Lets get Crackin! For the Emperor!

ANOTHER EDIT: I'm going to edit the bolter sprites Control gave us, i'm simply going to make the metal brighter, we should include both light and dark sprites in the mod to appeal to all people. Oh, and about the bolter firing types, there will be an inferno bolt, homing bolt, armor piercing and more. go to wikipedia and search weapons of the imperium, you'll find all sorts of yummies.

Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:57 am

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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
First off, I can borrow dawn of war from my friend. But I dunno if my pile of ♥♥♥♥ computer can handle it anymore...

Okay then, can you make me a shoota' and a slugga' sprite too? All I would need to do is use the Big shoota's code and change fire speeds. The different bolter types is pretty much the same. When I'm done the base, it all goes from there.

Hmm, plasma cannon, large shiney glow... Lascannon huge sharp ray... Lasgun, smaller less sharp ray... Okay, were set.

Also, I need a clip of some kind for the big shoota! Nearly forgot that...

Shit-son, I'm tired. Off to sleep before I pass out before I press Submit...

Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:43 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
If any one of you 'has' DoW I can give you the tools you need to rip the sounds. Hell, I might have them laying around. What sounds I have in that pack are ripped from DoW. I recently uninstalled it because I'm moving my own PC and havent set up any gaming yet.

Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:18 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Kamikaze: If you could Pm me the tools that would be great.
Can'tTouchTheGround: the clip is on the shoota, its the gold part Simply take it off the sprite, and maybe it should be filled in with black. I'm sick today so I can't do much (my mom thinks computers and videogames are bad to use when you're sick (which is bs)

Speak to you later guys,


Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:34 pm

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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
I actualy have it tho O.o Its not pirated lol :P PM it to me too I guess. Unless you want to add sounds caelas?
I'm still yet to start the bolter, I'll probably start in a sec. The rounds that I'm willing to make are the Armour penetration, hellfire and that explosive one. The others would kill my brain or are pretty much the same.

Has anyone beat CoD4 on that time-attack mode? I just got done all of act one then my brain gave out on me.

Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:30 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
No, but I beat the entire game on veteran. It nearly made me cry.
I'm not too good with code so if you want to do the sounds that's okay, but if you want me to do them I'll have a go.



EDIT: The heat seeker can be done using an MS rotating found in several homing weapons already made, the original is blipflip so it would be best to credit him and whoever you take the code from (permission first).

Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:16 am

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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
60% done bolters code. I need those sprites and a bullet.

EDIT: Also, if you could do the sounds it would be great! Or at least chop the sounds for me and PM them.

DOUBLE EDIT: Grats on 100+ replys and 5000+ view to this forum lol.

Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:21 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Thanks man. and sure I'll clip the sounds at least. And what sprites do you need? The brighter bolters?
I'll do my best to get those sprites done tomorrow. Spriting is hell on my eyes right now. But a shell should be easy.


Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:43 am

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Post Re: Warhammer 40k Weapons pack [BETA]
Any sprite. The base code is done. I jsut need sprites + offsets. i can't type at all right now. My arm is shaking :P

Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:17 am
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