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 Help with settings? 
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Joined: Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:31 pm
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Post Help with settings?
I'm not sure if these questions have been asked already, but I was looking around in activities.ini, and I can't find a way to increase team 2's money. Is there any way to do this? Also, what would you have to enter to make it that the enemy drops off a certain unit?

Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:15 am
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Post Re: Help with settings?
1. You can't do it directly, but the common way is to make a mod object have a negative goldcost.

Let me make you a mod!

AddAmmo = TDExplosive
CopyOf = Frag Grenade
InstanceName = Moneymaker
GoldValue = -1000

Paste it into Base.rte/Devices/Explosives/whateverthefraggrenadeiniis.ini, at the BOTTOM.

2. ... ni_Editing

Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:23 am

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Post Re: Help with settings?
I'm not really sure I understand this part of it,

Now, go to Activities.ini, and add away. Note: You will have to add the Includefiles from EVERY mod you want loaded; it's probably the primary reason I put all my mods into one pack.

To change what craft are delivered, use this basic guide: In each mod .rte, somewhere, there is a root instancename for what you want to mod into Activities.ini, and a root prop type for it.

Nearly always, this will be one of the following:

* ADoor
* ACDropship
* ACrab
* ACRocket
* AHuman
* HDFirearm
* HeldDevice
* TDExplosive

Most of the time, this is fairly self explanatory.

If it's a door, it's going to be an ADoor.
If it's a dropship, it'll be an ACDropship.
If it's a crab, OR a four-legged turret, it'll be an ACrab.
ACRocket is for rockets.
HDFirearm just means gun (held device firearm), so any gun mod will use this.
HeldDevice is what Shields use; specifically the Riot Shield.
TDExplosive is for most bombs, and all grenades.

So, here's what you do. Depending on the mod, the particle type will change. So, first, what you have to do is find the prop type. Generally, in the buy menu, this will be explained for you. The Actors tab covers AHuman and ACrab. AHuman also covers Robots, so don't make it ARobot in your activities edit. Craft covers ACRockets and ACDropships. Hint: Rockets have one engine, dropships have two. Shields tab has HeldDevices, Bombs has TDExplosives. Tools and Firearms are both HDFirearms.

So, then, you have to get the instancename, which is just the name of the mod. This is even easier; just look at what it's called in either the Bunker Editor or Build Menu.

Now, open Activities.ini, scroll down to the Grasslands activities, and mod away.

AddAttackerSpawn = <prop>
CopyOf = <instancename>

All there really is to it. Oh, and if you're curious, yes, you can make AHumans fall from the sky. Or HDFirearms.

Sorry if it's a kind of long quote. I don't really understand how adding all of those // instance things in the base index if they're being loaded by the mod already. And how can having two lines of code make an enemy drop off an actor? I'm not really certain about what to put in the two lines either. I know I'm asking what is probably a lot of questions, but if you could answer them, then that would be really great.

Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:38 am
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Post Re: Help with settings?
The // in the mod Index.ini tell the game to ignore those lines.

By adding them in to Base.rte, you're having them load BEFORE the game makes the Activities.ini. CC has to load things logically; a bullet has to load before the magazine that contains it, and the magazine has to come before the gun that uses it. You have to load all the actors and their data BEFORE you can use them in Activities.ini.

AddAttackerSpawn = ACDropShip
CopyOf = Dummy DropShip

This means that you're adding an actor spawn, of type ACDropship (the usual alternative being ACRocket). CopyOf just means that it's not defining a new mod part, rather referring to a pre-existing one.

The typical followup to the above lines would be this:

AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Skeleton

AddInventory means that the Dropship that we just added as an attacker will contain an object. In this case, an AHuman; the generic name for all 2 legged actors in CC. CopyOf = Skeleton is the same as the Dropship copyof.

Then you have your various weapons. Those are a second set of AddInventory, and look like this:

AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = SMG

Since this line is tabbed another level past the previous AHuman, it is known as being NESTED. Because of that extra layer, it refers to the above Actor, rather than the dropship. So, it adds a held device (in this case a firearm) to the actor's inventory. Since the CopyOf says SMG, it adds an SMG.

Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:31 am

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Post Re: Help with settings?
Okay, so I think I get it, do I have to indent the second piece?
Then just place it all at the bottom of activities.ini?
Also, my game exits when I hit any difficulty?

Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:21 pm
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Post Re: Help with settings?
AddAttackerSpawn has one tab.
CopyOf for the vehicle would have two.
AddInventory would have two.
CopyOf for the vehicle's contents would have three.
AddInventory for the actor's contents would have three.
CopyOf for the actor's inventory would have four.

   AddAttackerSpawn = ACDropShip
      CopyOf = Drop Ship MK1
      AddInventory = AHuman
         CopyOf = Skeleton
         AddInventory = HDFirearm
            CopyOf = AK-47

That's an example; but don't use it. The forum messes up tabs if you directly copy it.

Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:19 pm
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