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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
I don't know if you want these or not, but I made two little Gifs of the DarkStorm RPG and Grenade Launcher. (Sorry for the strange FPS, and the Grenade Launcher didn't turn out how I wanted it.)

File comment: Gif of DarkStorm RPG in action.
DarkStormRPG3.gif [87.51 KiB]
Downloaded 52 times
File comment: Gif of DarkStorm Grenade Launcher in action.
DarkStormNade.gif [68.83 KiB]
Downloaded 52 times
Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:27 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Flechette rifle??

Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:01 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
I'm gonna keep working on my idea with the ghost unit. I think it would be a very good stealth unit.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:06 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
CandleJack wrote:
I'm gonna keep working on my idea with the ghost unit. I think it would be a very good stealth unit.

Uh... you know that the DS Clones are already stealth units, right? I just haven't made their cloaking stuff yet. Of course, they're also supposed to be flexible and usable as regular infantry or support units.

If you want to go make your own thing, thats fine. I don't own the "stealth" idea. Just don't attach my name or my mod's name to it.

wutangfan1990 wrote:
Flechette rifle??

Oh yeah, I think I agreed to add flechette rounds to one of my guns in the future. Probably the shotgun. But that will be a B21 thing.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:39 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
I just got an idea for another craft. How about troops that get beamed down by lightning bolts? Or you could make a special unit that can only be spawned by that special craft.

Edit: Maybe you could make a special emitter that spawns the craft and generates your beserk clone. The lighting bolt would also blow away the remains of the other clone

Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:02 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Hay guyz. I just read up about flechette rounds. Turns out they aren't that great. Sure, they're great for penetration, but thats it. They make such small and linear wounds that they really aren't that damaging unless they hit really vital things. For small arms, the only viable use for them I can see is maybe in my armor piercing sniper rifle, as you could actually aim for the head with it easily. They apparently have high velocities, are very sharp, and have rather flat trajectories. I could make a great sniper out of that. I'll have to think about it though.

As for larger weapons, an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot round (gasp) could be used in some kind of turret-mounted cannon, for anti-vehicle defense. Imagine a giant arrow made of a very dense metal skewering a tank.

CandleJack wrote:
How about troops that get beamed down by lightning bolts?

I already had that idea, and stated it in a previous post. As I said then, its too hard to do in this build. Again, I'm waiting for B21 on that one.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:14 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Perhaps you could make them bounce off of surfaces or make a poison flechette in b21 via attached emitters.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:26 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Ok, another crazy idea. What if you attached an emitter to the front of the clones that makes them shot lighting out of there hands if they get hit in a certain spot? It would be kind of like a passive defense.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:42 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Nice idea, making bolts come out as a defense O:

*dummy sneaks up*
*AK-47 fire*
"What th-?"

Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:42 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
CandleJack wrote:
Ok, another crazy idea. What if you attached an emitter to the front of the clones that makes them shot lighting out of there hands if they get hit in a certain spot? It would be kind of like a passive defense.

That has flaws.

1. You can't control when it fires, so you might end up killing a teammate.
2. You can't aim it if attached to torso, this makes DS's safe till you fly.
3. If attached to head, then you can't sharpaim (Zooming in), because if you do, the emitter might destroy your gun.
4. If attached to arm, will destroy gun.
5. If the DSC comes out from a rocket, it will cause severe lag with the uncontrollable emitters and ultimatly damage the craft like, 1 million times. (To see an example, put shook's lazer bayonet in inventory for about 10 minutes, then pull it out.)

Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:59 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
I think the dsc should just explode when he dies. maybe in the direction of the killing blow

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:01 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
NeoSeeker wrote:
I think the dsc should just explode when he dies. maybe in the direction of the killing blow

... or they'll just die like normal clones. I don't plan to do anything weird with their death, barring the possible berserker rage. But that doesn't involve the clone itself exploding, or shooting out something, or anything downright weird like that.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:09 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Darlos9D wrote:
NeoSeeker wrote:
I think the dsc should just explode when he dies. maybe in the direction of the killing blow

... or they'll just die like normal clones. I don't plan to do anything weird with their death, barring the possible berserker rage. But that doesn't involve the clone itself exploding, or shooting out something, or anything downright weird like that.

What about gibs vaporizing?

You say they shouldn't leave behind any traces, so if the mags and ♥♥♥♥ vaporise, why should the clone do so too?

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:12 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Maybe you could have the clones do some sort of suicide thing when all HP is lost.
Then they'd leave no trace of their existance, or body.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:14 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/8/08
Roy-G-Biv wrote:
That has flaws.

1. You can't control when it fires, so you might end up killing a teammate.
2. You can't aim it if attached to torso, this makes DS's safe till you fly.
3. If attached to head, then you can't sharpaim (Zooming in), because if you do, the emitter might destroy your gun.
4. If attached to arm, will destroy gun.
5. If the DSC comes out from a rocket, it will cause severe lag with the uncontrollable emitters and ultimatly damage the craft like, 1 million times. (To see an example, put shook's lazer bayonet in inventory for about 10 minutes, then pull it out.)

Ok, better idea. The emitter triggers if the clone gets hit in a spot normally covered by a weapon. So, it only works if the clone gets disarmed or drops its weapon.

Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:10 pm
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