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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
*sulks off*

Anyway, I think the point of these guys is they like to rely on more stable weapons.
So nothing really experimental.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:06 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
Winterous wrote:
Antimatter is WAY too dangerous to use as a weapon.
The tiniest amount makes effectively a country disappear.

And you need either Magnetic or Antimatter storage systems# to not set it off prematurely.
No way is it gonna happen.


# As in, a container made of Antimatter.

Uh... uhm... man, now I need to look this up. Because it doesn't sound right that one atom of antimatter could wipe out a country, since one particle of antimatter should only destroy one particle of matter. But I don't know, so I can't really level a proper argument.

Exalion wrote:
I don't care much about the droppods appearance, but can you make it refund your money on gib again? I loved how the old one did that: when it died you got 30 oz back.
how did you program that? and why doesn't the new one do that?

Spoot Knight wrote:
Maybe because it vaporizes instead of teleports? And that it was buggy to begin with?

What he said.

metal chao wrote:
Oh shut up, we all know by know that quoting the actual physical properties of things has no effect on mods.

It does on this one. I'm both an arm-chair gun nut AND an arm-chair physicist. Accuracy in both departments means a lot to me. Not that I'm not willing to take liberties for the sake of fun.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:11 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
Darlos9D wrote:
Uh... uhm... man, now I need to look this up. Because it doesn't sound right that one atom of antimatter could wipe out a country, since one particle of antimatter should only destroy one particle of matter. But I don't know, so I can't really level a proper argument.

What happens when antimatter hits matter (If I got this right that is) it that both the matter and the antimatter turn into pure energy which would react violently, effectively blowing up. I am not an expert and don't claim the above to be right, but I believe that is what he meant

Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:44 pm
Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
Ooh, nice new guns.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:36 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
If we assume antimatter/matter explosions convert all matter and antimatter to energy, you would get MC2 joules of energy from the explosion, and I believe it would be slightly difficult to contain more than a few atoms of antimatter in a hand-held unit for very long.
Science time, I guess. Shrunk for those who don't care enough.

The mass of one atom of hydrogen is 1.67E-24 g, and I would assume antihydrogen weighs the same amount (not sure if it would be negative or not). So, the energy released from one antihydrogen and one hydrogen would be (3.34E-24 * 3E16), or 1E-7 J. For comparison's sake, a 45g bullet traveling at 908m/s has about 18,942 J of energy.
However, if you had a mole of antihydrogen in that container, which weighs 1.008 g, the energy released from the entire explosion would be 6.03E16 J, or in expanded form, 60,300,000,000,000,000 J.
To get the exact same amount of energy from the antihydrogen and hydrogen as the rifle bullet travelling at 908m/s, you would need 6.31E-13 g of antihydrogen and hydrogen.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:41 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
DarkStorm? :C
I prefered DarKlones, anyway, the new 'vehicle' looks nice.
It's a pod isn't it??

Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:55 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
Sweet, looks cool, DLed

Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:18 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
So will there be a mech in this iteration or perhaps a pimped out battle armor dude?

Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:55 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
why the **** have i not gotten this yet???


it rocks. my socks.
i love it :D

Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:02 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
To the antimatter discussion:

Wikipedia wrote:
Since the energy density is vastly higher than these other forms, the thrust to weight equation used in antimatter rocketry and spacecraft would be very different. In fact, the energy in a few grams of antimatter is enough to transport an unmanned spacecraft to Mars in a few minutes, the Mars Global Surveyor took eleven months to reach Mars. It is hoped that antimatter could be used as fuel for interplanetary travel or possibly interstellar travel, but it is also feared that, as a side-effect of antimatter propulsion, the design of antimatter weapons might become an equal reality.

So yeah, powerful stuff. And probably necessary if we ever want to do the whole interstellar travel thing with reasonable travel times. Apparently, a matter/antimatter reaction releases 100% of the potential energy of the matter involved, whereas the most powerful nuclear reactions we can come up with today is, like, 0.7%.

So, its honestly not hard to imagine that in a setting like that of CC, where interstellar travel is normal, matter/antimatter reactions, or something equally powerful, are being used to propel ships. Which means there is also the capability for matter/antimatter weapons. Basically, you end up with Star Trek.

This could be done in two ways. One, antimatter is either produced by advanced and efficient particle accelerators, or collected from natural places, like Earth's own magnetic field or the rings of gas giants. Then its stored in some manner, probably utilizing magnetic fields, so it can be placed on a ship to be used as fuel, or in a weapon as an explosive. The second way would be to put some kind of compact particle accelerator right on a ship, so it can produce antimatter and use it for thrust and weapons all at the same time. This would all require VERY sophisticated technology, that could not only create antimatter economically (right now, it takes billions of dollars just to produce a small fraction of a gram of antimatter), but also contain it indefinitely without losing it. Of course, its the distant future, so we can assume they've come up with ways to do all that.

I assume this sort of thing would still be limited to rather large rigs and machines, though. So I doubt infantry will be carrying around antimatter rifles or something, not just for that reason, but also because any sort of antimatter weapon couldn't result in anything less than an all-encompassing explosion. It would be used in long-range missiles and bombs.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:15 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
YAY UPDATE! Wait... whats with the rename!? I loved darklones! :< ah well going to try the new stuff now


Last edited by YoshiX on Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:45 pm

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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
Darlos9D wrote:
No. It's based off of two weapons: the fictitious "machine gun" (actually its a sub machine gun) from Doom 3 that I always liked, which has 60 rounds, and the very real P90, which has 50 rounds, and uses small ammo. The ammo in my PDW is even smaller because its caseless, so a lot more can be packed into a magazine. To counteract that, though, it has a somewhat longer reload time than usual, due to the odd loading of the magazine.

To be perfectly honest, setting the ammo to 20 or 30 wouldn't even be remotely realistic, due to the nature of the ammo and the gun's construction. Sorry.

Atleast reduce it to 40 or 45 since it makes the battle rifle look like crap. Higher firerate, more ammo, cheaper, smaller and decent power... either that or pimp the rifle atleast for the sake of gameplay, with putting realism to the side this time.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:32 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
Why does the revolver have 7 bullets?

Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:17 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
numgun wrote:
Atleast reduce it to 40 or 45 since it makes the battle rifle look like crap. Higher firerate, more ammo, cheaper, smaller and decent power... either that or pimp the rifle atleast for the sake of gameplay, with putting realism to the side this time.

Perhaps the rifle could be respec'd to use a round similar to the .50 caliber Beowulf rifle round?
Either add to the mass and speed of the round, or increase the accuracy.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:19 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/2/08
numgun wrote:
Darlos9D wrote:
No. It's based off of two weapons: the fictitious "machine gun" (actually its a sub machine gun) from Doom 3 that I always liked, which has 60 rounds, and the very real P90, which has 50 rounds, and uses small ammo. The ammo in my PDW is even smaller because its caseless, so a lot more can be packed into a magazine. To counteract that, though, it has a somewhat longer reload time than usual, due to the odd loading of the magazine.

To be perfectly honest, setting the ammo to 20 or 30 wouldn't even be remotely realistic, due to the nature of the ammo and the gun's construction. Sorry.

Atleast reduce it to 40 or 45 since it makes the battle rifle look like crap. Higher firerate, more ammo, cheaper, smaller and decent power... either that or pimp the rifle atleast for the sake of gameplay, with putting realism to the side this time.

The battle rifle penetrates better and is also way more accurate. If you're going for headshots, the battle rifle is easily the superior of the two. Plus, the battle rifle is far from finished. The amount of accessories and options you'll get with that thing as soon as I get Lua power will be extensive. Not only will there be selective fire (switching between full auto and semi-auto), the possible accessories for it will include various scopes, a laser pointer, an under-slung grenade launcher, and an under-slung shotgun. Not only will the rifle itself be able to use different kinds of ammo, like armor-piercing, incendiary, and explosive, but the under-slung weapons will also be able to use the same different kinds of ammo that their larger full-weapon cousins can use. The battle rifle will be a ridiculously customizable weapon.

The PDW will probably be able to have a silencer, a laser pointer, and maybe different kinds of ammo. But nothing will fix its spray or increase its sight range, or even give it extra attack options. Its purely a close-rang spray-and-pray weapon. Also, the PDW bullets tend to bounce off of tougher armor, like the Crobos.

CandleJack wrote:
Why does the revolver have 7 bullets?

Because the bullets aren't actually that big, so it can fit 7 in the chamber.

Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:26 pm
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