I've inserted a small poll to give me insights about future projects. (Hope admins won't mind.

When build 21 is done I want to start making mission based maps for it and in order to do so I'd like to use my UniTec mod for this goal (and possibly my Zealots as well).
This will mean that I can use lots of guns and extra actors to allow assassination (sniper only) missions, survival missions with special actors, placing defensive guns in enemy bunkers and stuff like that.
Problem is that your game will load even slower, which is bad if you dislike my mod, and you'll have a huge list of weapons in your in-game buy list.
Since these maps seem to be way more appreciated than my mod, I bet at least some people won't be too happy about it.

Please choose an option to help me out.
Point of note: I will be putting all .ini categories in my mod together so loading times would probably increase by 5 lightyears.
Hi people,
Decided I am done for now with these maps I was working on.
Download it
here or below.
Most objects were based off free art from the web. This for two reasons:
- I draw things very poorly with a mouse.
- It saves me time. (Don't have much of it, so that's good.)
Just to note that I do not deserve the full credit for all of them. Most stuff is resized, made compatible with the CC colour scheme, prettified and stuff like that.
Also note that I only took stuff that was free to be taken. I am no common thief.
Some objects don't look quite that good yet.
- If you think you can help me out, give me a ring.
- If you think some things suck, no need to mention it. I am aware and won't be able to improve them. Accept it or don't play these maps.
Textures and backgrounds have been reduced from 16-32bit to 8, so that's why they look a little... how do you call that... grainy? Anyway, I can't help with that either. If I'd try to remake them you can be sure they'll look horrible afterwards.
There are some new objects under Bunker Bits and Bunker Modules.
I've put Scenery objects in a new Scenery category and gold bars are under Gold Bits.
Scenery Objects are just that: Scenery. They can't be shot at.
This includes the Barbed Wire. People would probably liked it if it hurt actors, but I wouldn't know how to get this done, nor would I like it when the poor AI would dive into these little would-be deathtraps over and over again.
Every map has bunkers. If you like to create your own bunkers on these maps or rather not have any bunkers, clear out the contents of the Scenes\*.ini's.
None of the maps have actors placed.
All of the maps have some obvious spot to place the brain, if you like to use them.
Leaves me to say that I hope you enjoy them and to leave behind some screenshots: