-RGA Faction- UPDATE 05/22/09-Build 23 Revision V4.0-
RGA" stands for Red Gear Army. It's called that because there's lots of red on the armor because its a cool color.
--------------------Updates--------------------For V4.0: Got rid of some actors, changed up some sprites.
Scout Robot Purpose: Short term use. Little armor, fast, lightweight.
Cost: 75 Gold
Equipment: Blaster SMG, 3 Grenades
Standard SoldierPurpose: Standard long term use. Well armored, worth the cost, agile.
Cost: 130 Gold
Equipment: Assault Rifle, 3 Grenades
Heavy SoldierPurpose: Strictly ground use. Tough armor, Light duty jet pack.
Cost: 200
Equipment: Power Rifle, 3 Grenades
Light SniperPurpose: Light sniper for short to long range kills.
Cost: 110 Gold
Equipment: Compact Rifle, Blaster SMG, 2 Grenades
Heavy SniperPurpose: Heavy sniper for long range kills.
Cost: 130 Gold
Equipment: Heavy Rifle, Blaster SMG, 2 Grenades
Assault SMG Blaster. Has a clip of 35 rounds and costs 20 Gold.
Impactor Shotgun. Shoots a 9 particle round that destroys enemies at close range or medium range.
Smasher Cannon. Shoots a very explosive bomb that explodes on impact. Costs 75 Gold and has a Clip of 5 rounds.
Slicer SwordEnergy blade for slicing enemy's up. follows NickFury666s concept. It costs 75 Gold.
Assault Rifle Automatic Weapon used in most combat. Clip of 36 rounds. Short reload time. Cost 85 Gold.
Sniper Rifle Long range sniper rifle. Clip of 12 rounds. Cost 80 Gold.
Heavy Sniper Rifle Powerful Long range sniper rifle. Clip of 8 rounds. Cost 110 Gold.
Binoculars Long range binoculars designed to see your opponent before they see you. Costs 10 gold.
Grenade B-01 Standard pull and throw grenade, costs 5 gold.
Grenade LauncherLaunches the B-01 grenade. Clip of 1 grenade. Fast reload time. Medium to long distance launching capabilities. Costs 50 gold.
Anti Armor RifleHeavy rifle to destroy aircraft and soldiers alike. Breaks through armor easily. Slow fire rate and not too accurate. Round Count:22. Cost:90.
*Download at Bottom*---------------Crafts-----------------
Guided Missile Guided missile that comes into orbit from the RGA Space Station. Comes into range when it reaches the brains remote field and can be guided into enemy crafts or troops.
RGA CDS CDS stand for Compact delivery system. A compact and easily controlled rocket. Costs 75 Gold.
----------Coming Soon------------- Any suggestions are appreciated.
Constructive comments are greatly appreciated. Please, no rude or unnecessary comments.SUGGEST STUFF!!Credits
Azukki - Mod Templates
Numgun/NickFury666 - Base sword codes