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 Cemetery - B22 Beta - 3/13/09 

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 Cemetery - B22 Beta - 3/13/09 
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Post Cemetery - B22 Beta - 3/13/09
It's a long read, and there's a backstory at the bottom. Comments, criticisms, etc are welcome.
I think the red on the wall was overdone. Also, I think the gravestones should just be BG. Also, the .rar included doesn't have meleon's 'night forrest' backgrounds. They were just placeholders for pics.

V (Thanks to Lord Tim & zalo for the code.)

Click V
Click ^

So, I thought we were overdue for a zombie scene. What better basis than a cemetery? (This map was designed for evilponi's build 20 zombie mod).

Working fountain (using much of lord tim's great waterfall coding), trees (BG), distressed wall (BG), tomb for a blue clone (stairs and roof are FG), coffins in recently disturbed topsoil, short grass by design, and tombstones above each grave.
There's some alternate modules in the .rte for testing (unused).

Gravedigger's supply shack (possibly containing a digger and a weapon)
Another tomb (perhaps featuring a Green clone)
I need to make a suitable base for the player (that, or place the brain slightly off-screen).
Scatter gibs around the map, maybe flowers on the graves.
Make lamps (ye olde english style street lamps) with glows. (can terrain objects have glows? ... I'm sure they can... ?)
Scatter other debris [shovels, helmets, leaf piles, etc (suggest more?)]
Below ground: skeletons, a network of crab-sized tunnels and burrows (for placed, patrolling wildlife crabs), suggest some more.
Another grave - an unfilled one.
Add skellies to the spawn list.
Different Scene BG?
Concrete planters at the bases of the trees.
A unique actor with a unique weapon(s) and a severely short, invisible and noiseless jetpack? (might need some help on the actor's offsets :S)
A business office for the cemetery, preferably near the far right (so the player, who starts out at the left "gate" needs to fight his way through undead)
Perhaps add a survivor (or survivors) in dire need of rescue to said office? {maybe equipped with only a pistol, and barricaded in a sealed room [or behind a strong, destructible/ gibbable object (see: objects from apocalypse towers)]}
A slow moving (?), powerful boss zombie near the end of the map or the survior(s).
Easter Eggs? (please PM them to avoid spoilers, thanks)
A full, in-depth backstory. [a new beverage on the market had unforseen side effects, etc (jk)]

Please suggest and more additions you'd like to see, or see taken out.
I'm putting this early version up for testing, so please leave a comment after you've played. Thanks. (Note: I'm using a heavily modified version of evilponi's zombies mod, one that makes them bleed more, jump higher, move faster, removed the poison zombie, etc).

You stand at the front gate of Cemetery Number 16. You look, for the ninth time since you've arrived, at your trasmitter: the signal isn't getting any weaker. "I just hope they're still alive." As a new a recruit of the Wave 10 Coalition Prospector Division, you haven't seen another clone since... ... since the Lieutenant was eaten alive in front of you, about seven months ago... It was your fault. Those mining tunnels were a highway for the undead and you knew it - you could have warned him and -

Light footfalls. 6 o'clock.

Training takes over. You unsling your rifle and pull the bolt back, spinning around and crouching low simultaneously. Two undead, mouths agape in hunger, running 30 yards away. They pass under an overhead lamp: you see they both wear helmets of a Coalition Private. Once again, darkness. Expecting them to run underneath the next lamp, you fire a few rounds into the low light. A startled, shrill cry. You wait for the other to pass under the next lamp... nothing... A few drips land on the ground below the nearest lamp. Aiming up at the light itself, you see a silhoutte, now illuminated by your muzzle flash, dropping right at you. It's killed before it hits the ground. You eject the spent mag and insert a new one with a satisfying *click*. That #$%@er must have jumped 20 feet to the top of the pole. Undead in this region must have had more exposure... Hmm. A quarter of a mile away, a lamp flickers once, then dies. Seconds later, the next goes out, then the next. "♥♥♥♥." They must have figured out that lights make it easier for them to be seen. A deep, booming, roar-like yell echoes to your position. In reply, dozens of other cries are heard. That's it. No more waiting. You open the gate and jog into the light of an old decorated Class Blue clone.

Last edited by uberhen on Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:56 am, edited 6 times in total.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:32 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*

Love the fountain.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:32 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Make a Zombie Mod.
And Release.
and make it rain blood.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:37 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Thanks. :)

BTW, do you think I should remove the "TURN BACK" on the wall? I look at it and it's like... meh.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:38 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
No, leave it, I like it.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:55 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
uberhen wrote:
Thanks. :)

BTW, do you think I should remove the "TURN BACK" on the wall? I look at it and it's like... meh.

That's how I felt. Like it was out of place.

Also remove the longass picture and just have a link to it. I don't like having to scroll to get to the quote/reply buttons.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:14 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Leave the "turn back". I love it. :D Downright scarey. Nice job!

Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:22 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Make the coffins AEmitters and make it spawn zombies.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:25 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Also fountain should emit blood.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:27 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Make trees foreground to create tactical warfare.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:06 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
I will almost definitely implement your coffin suggestion (or perhaps have an underground tomb), and I thank you for it. However, I prefer the trees in the BG. I'd rather not turn this scene into Worms Armageddon.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:09 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
I think this has the potential to be the first ever CC mission.
Your soldier should be the brain, armed only with a rifle, pistol, and a few grenades, with no funds available to buy stuff.

Zombie spawners are a good idea, but blood rain or fountain is stupid.
The spawner should be the gate behind you though, and have a bunch of zombies in the graveyard, hiding behind things so you can't snipe them, and some with pistols?
You should take out the grass ont op of the graves.

You should have actors to rescue from a barricaded building (who can't get out), and that would be the objective of the mission, which can't be coded yet.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:04 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
This is awesome. One of the better scenes in a while. It'd be a lot more fun to play if there were some places that could be used as bases. I.E. like you said, a shack, or a stone tomb.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:43 am
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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
You're right. I just haven't had any time to work on it lately, and seeing that I might stop, I decided to release it. But thanks, Tim. :)

Last edited by uberhen on Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:48 am

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Post Re: Cemetery *Beta Uploaded*
Do not make the actor the brain. If you do, they only attack the spot where the brain actor was at the beginning. More like, make a radio transmitter in a shack and make it be the brain. You are kind of protecting your only way of getting away alive.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:27 am
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