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 Area/Moon levels (v2.2) 
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
I'll test it some more, but I think I know what I need to do...
...make all my maps smaller. :cry:

Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:53 pm

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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
As usual, with vanilla activities it ran fine as long as I kept the unit count on the map low, but with kloveska forces invading that pump like 20 units per minute makes the wierd thing happen.

The mining station map itself is godlike. I simply love the enourmous vertical shaft and the little mines with the ground coming out of them by using the tutorial terrain pile.
Although the brain itself is somewhat exposed and easy to reach if you go digging through the ceiling. But still the theme of this map suits it location, and I guess its upto the player to keep it guarded from all sides while the tunnels are filled with money making miners.

Also that shaft gave me an idea for a new map: A reverse tower.

There is little airspace (slightly less than Horizlands' airspace is a good example), but instead, the whole level is mostly underground focused. It starts off with a giant entrance on the surface of the level with a few small outpost bunkers guarding the entrance.

Next the main entrance is a giant and extremely long vertical shaft that keeps going down and down with the terrain becoming more darker and harder as you decend by it. By the tunnel, there are few small rooms with holes that can be used to fire at a decending enemy attack. There are several of these rooms along the way and they are connected with either air ventilation systems or normal corridors or both. And there are also few entrances to these room area systems from where you can maze yourself to the desired room.

Next is the end of the ginourmous vertical shaft and theres a large bay where you arrive after the shaft from where you can access various storage rooms, mining tunnel zones. (Note: While the terrain underground is the most darkest one, the mining areas lead to terrain areas that are softer pockets like the the most top terrain and there are heavy consentrations of gold in this area. (You can paint the gold manually on the map .bmp file with the yellow color that is on the palette.))

Then the lower you go, the more complex and heavier the defences get until you reach the bottom of the map, after countless doors and defence spots, the Brain itself.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:08 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
It sounds great, but what's stopping me from making these kind of maps is that it's easy to block off the surface entrances (due to crashing ships), but I have to admit that it's something all my maps share and probably other people's maps.
Hmm, I'll see how it goes.
For now I will be wanting to make my other maps smaller I think, to get rid of the weird stuff happening.

If everyone would like to test if these weird glitches happen in the Mining Station then I'd be happy.
I'll be out of order for a few days, but after I'm back I'll see if there's an easy way to make the bitmaps smaller while keeping the bunkers in place. :???:

Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:21 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Definately sign me up for testing, if you manage to make maps like these that run reasonably lag and glitch free, then you sir will have won teh internetz.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:53 pm

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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Gotcha! wrote:
I'll be out of order for a few days, but after I'm back I'll see if there's an easy way to make the bitmaps smaller while keeping the bunkers in place. :???:

I think it could be possible if I'd knew what is the parent variable so that I could link all the modules to one single object or one module that you could move around as much as you like, but still keeping the freedom of resizing the map as much as you like.

This thing requires some hacky stuff, and needs a few tests. Chances are 50-50, but I'll try it out after work or sometime when I'm free.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Scene sounds great sign me up for testing all of'em =3 (though i may not get any pics)

EDIT1: How do I make the black ground, Its not in the materials.ini (Y'know the ground you see after digging through normal dirt)

Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:18 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Yeah you can definitely sign me up for testing too.

These are wonderful ideas. Makes me want to make a map sorta like those base defense game where you make all the guys runs past all your guns to get to the other side of you base. (sorta like this game) but you have guys run a gauntlet of closed rooms of your troops just firing at them. Would be awesome if I could make maps. T_T

Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:01 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Well, I am back.
Bad news is, I had an operation and have a lot of pain.
Good news is, I can spend all my off-days on map making! ;-)

The people who feel like testing, please use these pictures instead of Area44\Area44.bmp;

The 4000 one is 4000 pixels wide instead of 6000 and the 5000 one, well you can guess it.
Hopefully these sizes make the game run faster and bug free, since I can't and really don't want to have my maps any smaller. :oops:

Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:07 pm

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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Funny, I was walking around the bunker's lower areas and then I was like "wtfmapleleaf?" at the first few plays. You hid it like prom hid the spaghetti monster in the tutorial level. : )

I'll try these later, got some stuff to do atm.

Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:56 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
:-P @ Maple leaf. (It's actually a brush in photoshop, but I haven't used them in other maps I think, since they look a bit silly.)

So, anyway, @5000x3000 stuff's still acting weird.
- Actors slowly moving away from their standing spot until they hang on their butts on some ledge.
- Bulletholes in the skies.
- Instant death for at least one actor who I saw standing around doing nothing and then just popping like a bag of corn in a popcorn maker.

I haven't experienced anything funny yet on 4000x3000, so that seems to be safe.
I will start resizing my maps when you peeps can give feedback.

Might be weird saying it, but could it be that there can't be an x-number of pixels on the screen in this game? Like every single pixel is an instance or something.

Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Gotcha! wrote:
:-P @ Maple leaf. (It's actually a brush in photoshop, but I haven't used them in other maps I think, since they look a bit silly.)

So, anyway, @5000x3000 stuff's still acting weird.
- Actors slowly moving away from their standing spot until they hang on their butts on some ledge.
- Bulletholes in the skies.
- Instant death for at least one actor who I saw standing around doing nothing and then just popping like a bag of corn in a popcorn maker.

I haven't experienced anything funny yet on 4000x3000, so that seems to be safe.
I will start resizing my maps when you peeps can give feedback.

Might be weird saying it, but could it be that there can't be an x-number of pixels on the screen in this game? Like every single pixel is an instance or something.

I would love it if you'd try making a smaller, but more detailed map. These game-crashin' monsters are beautiful, but unrunnable on my laptop.

Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:34 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
How does the Mining Station run, mister, errr... Rat? Or the Area44 @ 4000x3000?

I'm planning to keep the big maps the way they are and just start some new one, with or without parts of the old maps.
I'd like to make them with a length of 4000 at the very least, since I don't want all the ships drop in a small area.

Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:40 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
I Hate small maps but must admit that these are laggy-ish I just like fooling around (use own actors to kill eachother while the computer is trying to kill me XD)

Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:33 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Alright, this is a remake of Area 44, now called Missile Silo (since that's what it is).
I'll give them appropiate names from now on to be able to tell them apart.
Also, I will limit the amount of actors to 20 on every map (except when there are rockets on them).

You can download it here.

So far I had no unexplainable deaths, broken doors, actors spontaneously moving around or any of that stuff, however, I did see some weird bullet holes. But after hours of playing I can tell that their presence is minor.

Slower pc owners, please let me know how this map runs. :grin:

Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:24 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Wow, your making a real mapping-community here, Gotcha. And your maps are awesome!

If you planning on making smaller maps, maybe you could use a stronger bunker-set? To make sure actors go where they're supposed to? Just a thought. If you like the idea, I'm sure numgun or I could help you out. Its not hard, it just takes some time. (Gah - I wish I hadn't lost my old, new-bunker set.)

Also, I really like infiltrating your maps, rather than defending them. Any plans on making maps specifically for the player to invade?

Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:21 pm
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