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 Area/Moon levels (v2.2) 
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Yeah! These rock alot! The new outpost map is pretty fun with the floating platforms and the tight levels. And the new area map is also new with its big complicated complex that got me lost when I was trying to navigate through it the first time.

As for new map ideas:

-A large, thick and extremely tall tower with the brain being almost at the top of it with tons of concrete wrapped around it so a few rocket rams wont give a win. Lots of airspace and less terrain than usually.

-A huge pit between to vertical cliffs where a huge refinery complex is situated in the middle with hangars and concrete pillars connected to the cliffs that support the large structure suspended in air.

-Using the amazing "concrete battleships" thing, create an armada of small variation of those ships, freighters, cruisers like in the crater map where they float high above the ground. And the terrain would be somewhat flat and there would be a small mining outpost at the surface.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Good ideas. Perhaps I'll make some 3000x6000 pixel maps instead of vice versa.
I wonder how those will run. :D

Got things brewing in my head now, which is good.
I think I'll make two again, one on earth and one on the moon, as usual.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:49 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
*Over reacting*

All hail the allmighty scene maker =3

Now for reality: You have some great ideas But (as numgun said) heres more ideas =3

All space (no ground and no gravity) and many starships =3

Mabye even a space station in the middle =3

Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:10 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Well, the problem with all-space is that the AI would probably commit suicide en mass. :wink: But I like these ideas and will surely do something with them.

Another idea is that you draw something out in paint or whatever and I'll try to make a map of it. :) (Just some ugly drawing, no need to be overly tidy with it. :) )

Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:14 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Ill draw the idea im having (though i should probly make it myself your better at making ships then i am)

But ill either edit this post or make a different one



Long black lines - Capital Ships
Small Red Lines - Frigates (or something)
Big Circle - Space Station
Broken Line - Ships that were destroyed
Black Dots - Debris from ships
Small Gold Dots - Rocks filled with gold
BIG Gold Circle - Space Station Gold Supply (Basically its filled with gold)

Vantage points would be Space Station and Capital Ships =3

Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:17 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Holy crap! You do know the tools I have to work with? :shock:

The amount of brick ships you've drawn here would make the map about 10000x10000 in size (rough estimation :grin: ).
What if I remake Crater with less ground (just a small layer to keep the AI from falling off) and fill up the skies with about 6-8 brick ships?
I wouldn't know how to cluster gold, since that's randomly generated in the ground. You'd have gold floating in mid-air.

Anyway, I'll see how this works out. Will get working on it as soon as I can. :grin:

Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:41 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Before i read your entire post... Its a rough draft you can make 1 capital ship if ya want

Y'know just showing what my idea was XD

Dont take the picture so seriously

EDIT1: (Bout the gold i dont know that either XD)

Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:47 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Gotcha. :grin: Will show some results soon.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:52 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Lol nice =3

But yeah i sent you a PM asking a question bout this =3

Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:59 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
These are awesome maps, but I can't really play them until CC is better optimized since after a few minutes these maps get unbearably laggy. And I don't think it's my computer thats the problem (see my sig).

Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:56 am
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Strange stuff. I dunno why they run well on my machine.
There is a slight slowdown occasionally, but overall it runs very well.
(I have a similar machine to yours.)

Something that does worry me though is the appearance of bulletholes appearing in mid-air. Has someone seen this as well?
Sometimes these bulletholes are moving and seem to be able to spontaneously destroy stuff, like actors, doors and the brain (causing an instant loss).
I have no proof of them destroying things, but I noticed doors and actors spontaneously die even when they're 100% safe from the enemy.
I did nothing special in my maps, so I am wondering if I should just reinstall the game. :) I am also not running any mods at the moment.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:21 am
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Well that is an ordinary thing to happen... (Not often but ordinary)

On the other hand ive never lost any unit to the entrance/exit wounds ?_?

Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:45 pm

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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Gotcha! wrote:
Strange stuff. I dunno why they run well on my machine.
There is a slight slowdown occasionally, but overall it runs very well.
(I have a similar machine to yours.)

Something that does worry me though is the appearance of bulletholes appearing in mid-air. Has someone seen this as well?
Sometimes these bulletholes are moving and seem to be able to spontaneously destroy stuff, like actors, doors and the brain (causing an instant loss).
I have no proof of them destroying things, but I noticed doors and actors spontaneously die even when they're 100% safe from the enemy.
I did nothing special in my maps, so I am wondering if I should just reinstall the game. :) I am also not running any mods at the moment.

Heh, when playing on your maps or just about any HUGE map, this is almost like a feature that comes with it. Its like an ingame anthrax that spontaneously blow up my brain apart, bury my clones into the concrete terrain and decapitate them inside it and wierd wounds flying around to dodge. It certainly is more exciting, but I can avoid this by killing a few of my own guys inside the base and keeping my and the enemies unit count as low as possible.

Although in the end, I dont think its the initial size of the map, but the amount of active stuff on it. Especially actors. Weapons have a light effect too, but luckily I can disable those that only 5 or less weapons can lie around on the ground to pick up.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:39 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Testing time! Let me know what you think.
I wanted to create this mining station thing first, since that seemed to be the most difficult one.
Now there isn't really anything that resembles mining equipment. I hope that'll change in the next build.
It also might be too tall for everyone's liking. Problem is: It will be hard to change now but I'll try if people want to.

Anyway, download Mining Station here.

Edit: By the way, this map has an awful lot of objects. Let's hope things will go fine...
Edit2: Shipparts will clutter and close the two main entrances rather fast. Thinking of putting in more doors...
Edit3: Added some extra doors.
I am also noticing that actors don't spontaneously keep moving forward and there don't seem to be any weird bulletholes. Could it be that it's the sheer length of the map causing the problem? Strange, since this map is really high and technically not smaller than my previous maps.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:33 pm
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Post Re: Area/Moon levels (updated v2.0)
Ah, you guys have experienced the exploding brain too? It has happened to me a few times on these maps. First time I saw it I was like WTF?! since my brain was waaaay underground with no actors around.

Other strange things I have noticed:
-Sometimes, my guys that are in sentry AI mode will start shooting at the ground, usually around corpses and dropship gibs.
-Friendly fire: one of my robots in patrol mode decided to go on a mad killing spree and shoot everything that moves, including my own guys.
-Dropships exploding midair for no reason

Most of these are very rare, but still...

Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:41 pm
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