Buying CC: Plimus = Slow&Cumbersome
Demo was great fun, so, one heads to the online store.
Sets the order, types in the visa and the money is reserved on the card, just as usual.
Buying online is usually quick and painless, but not this time.
4 minutes later i receive a mail from Plimus (The billing company datarealms use) telling me that the phone number i entered is either wrong or that they couldn't reach me.

I've had to write my phone number numerous of times before when buying things online but i never expected anyone to actually try and call, partly because i reside in Sweden and international calls are usually expensive.
So i change the phone number by adding the international call sign.
Here i am one day later, no game, money reserved by Plimus on my card, and a phone call supposed to come "some time".
This represents several problems because my time home varies day by day, and the rest of my family aren't exactly well versed in the english language should Plimus call when i'm not home.
Slow & Cumbersome