Yeah, we make Mods!
You can find my first ever mod made with the help from Azukki at the bottom,
It's called the Potato Blaster which if you havn't guessed. Shoots Potatoes.
It doesn't do damage unless you shower an oponent with potatoes. It can also be used as a break when you're flying through the air and about to smack into a wall.
The best part is that it stops enemies from moving whilst knockink/breaking their weapon!

The other Mod is called the Potato Bomb, it's an over-reactive spicy potato!
Through it on the battle field and wait for it to explode. But this one has a twist, if you get caught in the direct explosion you die. If only a little debris hits your soldier the start to die slowly.
It works either way,

Introducing, THE SPUD-GUN!
It's a potato in the slight shape of a gun, it fire mini potato pellets at a rapid rate!
When the round is finished your little man will discard his old potato for a new one!
A must have for those who enjoy killing lots of enemies in the quickest way possible using a gun!

And now finaly introducing, my first actor!
He's the PotatoStickMan, he's the exact same as a light soldier but a little cheaper in price and he has a more cartoony feel to him. The type that makes you want to kill with! Eventualy I will make him a living pile of potatoes!

This is a mod you might like, the Chip Shield.
It's the same price as a normal shield but its 4 times stronger! So now you can have more protection for less! (For those of you who have no English words in their vocabulary, chip=french-fries!)