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Loose Canon
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Post Ecliptic
You're a few ordinary people living ordinary lives in an ordinary city.
Brought near each other one afternoon by coincidence.

Where and Why.

Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:26 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Gaston Gallagher, a man in his mid-twenties with short dark hair, lithe build, with average-looks that result in him being easily forgettable. Salary-man by day, self-declared private investigator by night, where he makes use of his unremarkable appearance to stalk various people, taking notes and photographs for shady clients or 4chan conspiracy threads.

12:00PM on the dot.

Lunch break begins.

Gaston leaves the office building, navigating the alleyways until he finds the secluded Taiko Ramen jammed in a narrow stretch of road between a pawn shop and a pet shop. Rumour has it that the ramen shop sources some of its meat from the pet shop which is, of course, a complete fabrication.

Stepping inside, he orders his usual - Tom Yam Neko Noodles.

It's, just a name, right?

Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:09 am
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Knocks lost his name somewhere along the way. Whether it was abandoned in pursuit of a new life, or simply forgotten, it doesn't seem to matter to him. His physical appearance is similarly unidentifiable; his matted grey hair, beard and all, only serves to obscure his facial features. Sunglasses would conceal his features further, were it not for a missing lens revealing a single, glistening blue eye.

Knocks has no home, by choice. He does well enough for himself, roaming the streets and back alleys. The others in the underground seem to respect him, if not know of him, as a seemingly permanent fixture of the community.

A deal was struck, and Knocks wasn't about to walk away from a good night's meal. In exchange for delivering some cargo to a particular ramen restaurant, he gets a free bowl. Score!

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:07 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Dirk Holden, 38, Caucasian man of a short stocky build. His face is pale and unshaven, somewhat wrinkled with stress and age. He currently sports a buzz cut head of dark brown hair, with a chaotic sprinkling of white. He is currently employed by the city as a sewage worker, often called on to investigate problems in the sewer mains.

Currently he's clad in bright reflective waterproof coveralls, a full face respirator, a white hardhat with a flash light mounted onto it from the side, tall rubber boots, and a tool vest festooned with small tools a sewage worker would need. Holding in his hands is an arm length metal rod he calls his "poking stick", which he uses to poke things and or balance himself. Red paint is flaking off said rod, revealing the steel underneath. Everything is covered with sewage themed grime, and it [i]smells[/i].

Where and Why
Slightly exhausted after a while of wading in the dark, humid sewage depths, he has found the reason for today's call. A massive fatberg, covered in decaying noodles, and bodies of vermin. Giving a light tug on the distance line connected to his vest, his guide back to the manhole he entered from, he now needs to figure out how to remove it.

Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:11 am
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Misha Mauler,  28, singer/bass player for a few local hardrock and metal bands, definitely just around the corner to make it big, BmtH listened to my latest single, I can see the two blue checkmarks!

Tall, black haired, right arm covered in geometric tattoos.

Look I wasn't planning to end up here either but I'm in the fridge in this cheap ramen place. Can you come get me? I don't owe anyone money.......that much money. Come on man it smells like TRASH in here I'm gonna hurl. ✓

Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:32 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Gaston [-]
One of the workers brings out your noodles before long. You're a regular here, so she gives you a nod and a smile as she sets down your food.
You dig in and slurp a big mouthful, the proper way to eat ramen. Not 5 star cooking, but for $5 in the middle of the city it's pretty damn good, and they're not stingy with the portions either.
You're still not sure what's up with the meat. It's the highlight of the meal, but you can't place it. The menu says pork, but it tastes not quite like any pork you've had before.
Any time you badger the owner for his secret, he just grins and claims it's his secret marinade.
You're not sure how much you believe that.

On your third mouthful of noodles, your view out the window dims. Everything outside darkens in fact, like a giant shadow fell over the street.

Knocks [-]
You dust off your hands as you drop the big box off. Some big honkin insulated styrofoam thing, taped shut and covered in DO NOT OPEN and KEEP COLD stickers.
The boss man at the restaurant tells you to drop it off in the walk in fridge, he'll deal with it after the lunch rush. You shrug and comply. Your job was only to bring the thing here, but he's the guy making your meal after all.
Grunting as you haul the thing over to the fridge, you drop it down next to the door so you can fiddle with the deadbolt. Who the hell padlocks a fridge? Who the hell keeps the key right next to the padlock?
You suppose you've met stranger. Opening the door up, you're surprised to see someone inside the locked fridge, some punk-goth looking beanpole who probably has a music career that'll take off "any day now". He looks surprised to see you too.

Dirk [-]
Another day, another new lifeform taking shape in the sewers. Well, okay, that's not true, you don't get to see monsters like this very often. This is a pretty major pipe, a good 10 feet across not including the 2 foot wide walkways, and it's stuck in the middle.
There've been reports here and there from this block about sewer problems over the last few months, but nothing major until an entire 30 story office building's toilets stopped working. That gets attention.
You're filled with a strange mix of tiredness and excitement just looking at the thing. It'll be a hell of a fight to break up and unclog, but it's honestly a lot more interesting that the routine sewer pipe snaking and inspections. Have at thee, worthy opponent!
You begin testing the titanic fatberg with your pole, poking and prodding to check its composition and scope out its shape beneath the surface.
So far, looks very formidable, and stuck to the walls underwater.

Misha [-]
You need to stop thinking with your second head.
All it takes is a pretty redhead with a cute laugh and promises of making out on her lunch break to lure you into a walk in fridge. A fridge for chrissake.
You even saw the lock on the door as you came in! Really, you have no excuse.
Wonder why she did it. Was it someone you owe money? Or a guy you slept with the girlfriend of?
A hateful fan? You almost hope so for that last one, once the anger wears off you'd be pretty proud of having someone care that much about your music to want to take revenge on you. Hate is a form of caring, right?
♥♥♥♥ it's cold.
In the middle of your thoughts, you don't notice the sound of the door being fiddled with, and are taken by surprise by the door opening up. In the doorway stands your savior, the living breathing embodiment of Jesus Christ himself, beard and all. Or, maybe just a homeless man.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:41 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Jab at the fatberg once, what I have right now isn't going to do this job. The high power water jets that can cut through this thing is back where I came from. Turn around and head back to the surface.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:46 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"You supposed to be here, kid? Or just here for the air conditioning?" As an impish giggle slips through his cracked lips

> Set down the box wherever.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:54 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Wasn't it supposed to be sunny today? What's with the clouds."

> Slurp, stare out window.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:29 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Har har, what are you, the apostle of easy jokes?"

Push past the doorman and call the boys, make sure my guitarist hasn't found out what his girl has been up to.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:35 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Stick out my foot to try to trip him on his way out.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:47 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
Gaston [-]
You: "Wasn't it supposed to be sunny today? What's with the clouds."
You keep slurping while peering out the window. The girl behind the register looks out the window too.
Clerk: "Huh? Yeah, it was... That's weird though, it doesn't look like cloudy, it's just, like... darker."
Hm? Hm. Now that she mentions it, yeah. Shadows are still sharp, just dimmer. Different from when it's cloudy or in the shade. What IS that?

Knocks [1]
You: "You supposed to be here, kid? Or just here for the air conditioning?"
You let out a quick hoarse giggle at your own joke, ending up sounding not unlike a gremlin.
Fridge Boy: "Har har, what are you, the apostle of easy jokes?"
The boy makes for the door before you can even move aside, trying to push past you. In irritation, you stick your foot out to trip him, but you're a moment too late and his foot's already past yours. With a grunt of annoyance, you pick the box back up and bring it into the fairly small walk in fridge, making sure you prop the door open before you do. Not going to end up like that dunderhead.
The box goes in the corner, and you head back out and close the door back up, not bothering to redo the ridiculous lock.

Dirk [-]
You give it one last hard jab to confirm, and yep, it's going nowhere. You'll need the big tools for this one. You make sure all your tools are still on your vest, then turn back around and start following the line back to where you entered. You didn't have to travel in too deep to find the thing, but these sewers can be like a maze, and you'd prefer not to get lost down here of all places. The line guides true.
After maybe 100 feet of walking through sewers and a first turn, you think you hear light scratching sounds behind you. You stop, and the scratching continues.
Dammit. Rats. You're surprised it's approaching you to be honest, but you guess they just get really ballsy down here where they're the alpha predator among all the waste.

Misha [-]
Homeless Jesus: "You supposed to be here, kid? Or just here for the air conditioning?"
He makes some gremlin-ish laugh at his own joke, and you decide he's definitely closer to homeless man than messiah.
You: "Har har, what are you, the apostle of easy jokes?"
With that, you make for the exit in a hurry, not wanting to be in the cold any longer. You have to push by the man on your way out, and he grunts in annoyance after you get past. Ah well, tough titties guy.

Making your way to the front of the shop and still shivering, you pull out your phone to call James. Great guy, that James, he deserves his girlfriend, great girl, you would know. Better make sure he doesn't know you know.
You look around while it rings. Already kinda dark out, you weren't locked in there for that long, right? On the fourth ring, he picks up.
James on the phone: "Heyy, Misha, what's up. You uh, aren't calling to flake on tomorrow's gig again, right?"

Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:24 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Kids these days, they're so impatient..."

> Adjust my sunglasses after the bump, then hurry into the customer area, this geezer's ready to eat yesterday.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:28 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
> Pull out smartphone with the camera ready, walk up to the window and get ready to snap some pictures.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:43 am
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Post Re: Ecliptic
"Come on man, when's the last time I've cancelled? You wanna have a beer and go over the setlist again? Meet you at mine in bit?"

Call an Uber to get home, make him park a block away so I can make sure James is there before going in.

Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:00 am
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