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Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Legends of the Sky
Standard RtD rules for the most part, I'll be using a D10 and a few lovingly hand-crafted charts to roll.
Setting The world is made of the sky. As far as anyone knows, below the sky is abyss. Above the sky is abyss. There is only sky, and the islands in it. There are islands floating in the sky, a great many islands. A certain decently sized island has just finished their first magic powered ship. Such ships are not unheard of, but are rare and each is unique in its construction. Little is known about the world beyond the island, since the last outside ship came over a year ago. The ship and its crew are set to embark on a voyage of discovery, to learn about the world and perhaps find some treasure while they do. Among the crew of six are the ship's Captain and the Engineer, while the rest are brave Adventurers.
So. 6 players, as per usual. One needs to be the Captain, who will be calling the shots on the ship and have a few ship based powers. One also needs to be the Engineer, tasked with taking care of the ship's workings, magical and mechanical, and who will have general machine and magical knowledge. The rest can be whatever kind of adventurer or warrior or mage you wish. The technology level is swords and magic, with some basic machinery. Simple clockwork stuff, things like that. And yes, there WILL be pirates.
Basic Stats Strength: Determines lifting and hitting things. Also slightly affects your defense. Endurance: How tough you are. Your ability to take hits, resist damage, and hold your ground. Agility: Moving fast. Dodging, reflexes, striking fast, those sort of things. Intelligence: How smart you are. Helps with learning machinery and new magic, also with any mental challenges. Magic: Natural aptitude for magic. Affects your magic reserves and your ability with magic in general.
You have 2 Proficiencies for stats. For example, you can put one into Strength and one into Endurance, or both into a single stat if you'd like. There won't be numeric stats for any of this, but it's more a general background effect. For instance, a guy with 2 Proficiencies in Strength will be able to lift a sword as big as he is, while someone with none can just wield a regular sword.
Char Sheet Name: Description: (Optional) Abilities: (1 to start with, can be passive or active) Inventory: (Basic supplies are on the ship, so don't bother bringing rope or food or stuff like that) Equipment: (Some starting equipment. Be aware that metal armor WILL interfere with magic) Proficiencies: (Choose two. Can be in the same stat if you wish)
Waiting List: Psygnosis
Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:41 am |
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am Posts: 1115 Location: Being The Great Juju
 Re: Legends of the Sky
I am first
Not Tomaster
Name: Troy Description: 6'3", well-built. Not completely ripped, but well-muscled, with little fat, so he's pretty quick for his size. Abilities: Moonlight Splitter (Flings a sharp, blue, fast-moving wave of magical energy that can slice clean through a human) Inventory: Health Potion (x3), Magic Potion (x3) Equipment: Moonstone Greatsword, Padded Leather Armor (Sleeveless Raiment, Gauntlets, Upper Leggings, Knee Pads), Hooded Cotton Cloak Proficiencies: Strength and Magic
May change later
I would to be capytan btw
Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:49 am |
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 5:39 am Posts: 4558
 Re: Legends of the Sky
I CALL ENGY Name: Robert Wright Description: Tall (6'5"), lanky, brown hair, wears goggles. Abilities: Bar Fighter - PASSIVE - +1 to rolls based on unarmed combat Inventory: Engineery stuff (wrench, screwdriver, various tools), spare set of goggles, cool hat Equipment: Long dagger, leather armor, magical gear (whatever this entails? What kind of magic is this?) Proficiencies: Intelligence + Endurance
Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:54 am |
Fail Flail
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:40 am Posts: 1059 Location: I chose my fate, do not pity me.
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Awesome! Name: Grif Mason Description: Average sized Caucasian with black\brown 'emo' style hair, blue eyes and paleish skin. Abilities: Artful dodger: +1 to defensive rolls. Inventory: Aviator glasses (always worn), A fairy called Charlotte and a pocket watch Equipment: Steampunk-esk get up, a Rapier and a flintlock pistol (I assume the ship has cannons, and therefore flintlockery, if not then just disregard or replace with a magical equivalent). Proficiencies: Agility:1, Endurance:1. There's only 6 crew? How big is the ship?
Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:46 am |
Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:56 am Posts: 1474 Location: At the corner of unoriginality and boring
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Spot, GET Char SheetName: Sedraxis Description: Average dude extraordinaire. 5'8", light hair, brown eyes, a little pudgy, but strong. Abilities: Fearful (+1 to running / using human shields) Inventory: Whetstone, pouch of currency (I'm assuming coins), clockwork helicopter toy. Equipment: Leather armor, Spear Proficiencies: Strength, intelligence.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:30 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Char SheetName: Mareikura Description: Tall and slender, his magical proficiency and proud stance still make him look like a powerful man. Abilities: Pyrokinesis(+1 to magical powers associated with fire.) Inventory: Rune engraved stone, ritual knife, good book Equipment: magic guidance glove, Mages robes, Simple leather armor. Proficiencies: Magic, MOAR MAGIC
Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:52 am |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Fail Flail wrote: There's only 6 crew? How big is the ship? Most of the operation is autonomous or handled by the Engineer, and the rest are just for adventuring. It's not a huge ship.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:12 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:26 am Posts: 2037 Location: Jerking off in a corner over by the OT sub-forum
 Re: Legends of the Sky
I contest the role of Captain, by the way. Quote: Name: James Tiber Abilities: Swordsmanship (+1 to actions involving swords or sword-like weaponry) Inventory: -Binoculars -Blunderbuss rounds Equipment: -Captain's Hat -Bastard Sword -Blunderbuss -Leather Overcoat -Heavy Leather Armor ∟Chainmail Undershirt ∟Leather Brigandine ∟Leather Pants ∟Leather Bracers Proficiencies: -Endurance -Agility
Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:44 pm |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Alright, that looks to be everyone. Ragdollmaster (Troy) [-]: Captain. You like the sound of that. "Ahoy Captain!"You could get used to hearing people say that. A smile drifts across your face as you fish the pendent out from inside your shirt. This was crafted along with the ship, then bound to you. With it, you are the sole owner and master of this vessel. Without your permission, no one can control it. It even lets you pull off a few tricks remotely by tapping into the ship's power! You look around at the wide open sky around you, and grasp the handle of your greatsword as a sort of comfort gesture. It's a very unique sword, and had you not been Captain of this ship, you probably wouldn't have gotten it. Moonstone is very valuable after all; not only is it rare, but it's also one of the few metals that doesn't conduct magic! There isn't enough in your sword to really mess up its magical conduction or weaken the steel, but just enough to make plain magical energy slide right past the blade. CharacterMiggles (Robert Wright) [-]: You could use a drink right now, but then again, you could ALWAYS use a drink. You were up all last night looking over the ship, making last minute adjustments and triple checking every system. Twice. But goddamn, there is really nothing like flying. Much as you are tired and annoyed, you can't help but be awed at the experience of soaring through the air like this. You tuck your hat on and lean on one of the railings at the side of the ship, and just watch the clouds float past. CharacterFail Flail (Grif Mason) [-]: How exciting! You're finally setting off! You can barely contain your joy, even while the familiar pale blue mote of light dances around your head in unrestrained happiness. "We fly, we fly, we fly!" "Yep, we're flying!" "We fly, we high! So so high! Don't fall, okay?"You chuckle at the energetic sprite. Little Charlotte has been by your side for a good two years now, ever since you found her drifting in on a breeze one dark night. It took a few weeks of careful care and feeding, but she eventually recovered. Most people might not think it, but fairies are creatures, not just floating balls of light. They need food and rest, and can get sick, just like everyone else. After rescuing her, she gradually learned to talk, but still slips into childish speech like this when excited. The two of you have bonded greatly over your time together. CharacterIzen (Sedraxis) [-]: It went against every instinct you've learned over the course of your life, but you managed to step onto this ship and take off into the sky. Not having solid ground beneath you is... unsettling. You take out a whetstone your father gave you for luck, and roll it around in your hands a bit to calm your nerves. It works. You take a deep breath, and look into the endless blue sky. Maybe this won't be so bad. CharacterMaart3n (Mareikura) [-]: "So pretty..."The sky? No, not the sky. Fire. The tiny flickering blaze you've got hovering in your hand. You guess that the sky is pretty too. But fire is better. You poke at the fire with your knife, and it wavers and flows around the blade. Then you realize what you're doing and but the knife away. It's not a toy after all. As you slip the knife back into its sheath, your hand bumps a lump in your pocket. You wonder what the heck this rune stone does. It seems legit, at least partially. Too many of the runes aren't in the town's Rune Dictionary, so you haven't been able to figure it out. It didn't do anything besides glow when you charged the thing up with magic. A mystery for another day you suppose. CharacterTomaster (James Tiber) [-]: DAMN HOW YOU WANTED TO BE A CAPTAIN! OH HOW YOU WANTED IT! But nooo, this TROY guy gets it. You are still fuming, weeks later. But getting out into the world is probably your best chance at becoming captain of your own ship, so you agree to put up with him. FOR NOW. CharacterGame Events: The ship Storm Sylph gleams at port. It's a majestic, if not terribly large, vessel. About 50 feet long, the wooden boards of its outer hull shine, and the flag at the top of the ship flaps majestically. 4 cannons of varying sizes line both sides of the ship, and tucked deep inside hums a magical engine that both keeps the ship floating and propels it through the air. The six lucky crewmembers board the ship to the cheering of a small crowd at the island's only port, ready to head off into the wild sky for adventure. Almost as if on cue, the moment the ship lurches away from the docks, the clouds at the bottom of the sky burst upwards, and a small pod of Sky Whales shoot up into the sky. They arc gracefully through the air, slowly spirally, before diving back down below the cloud floor. The Storm Sylph then travels begins travelling North, having no better ideas. Slowly, the home island pulls out of sight. Now... What will you do?
Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:04 pm |
Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:15 pm Posts: 1288 Location: Heck if I know.
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Goddamn it, Torrent. I have a plan for an RtD taking place in the sky. Only reason I never said anything about it is because it's still a long way coming and I didn't want anyone to take the idea first.
... Well, ♥♥♥♥. My only hope is that this doesn't get too close to my idea of a sky-based world. EDIT - Don't think it does. My ideas are a lot less realistic. There are still islands, of course, but floating islands are an old idea.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:03 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:26 am Posts: 2037 Location: Jerking off in a corner over by the OT sub-forum
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Go make friends with Troy, since I'll hafta be living with him for quite some time. Get drunk (with Troy), if we're not doing anything anytime soon.
Last edited by Tomaster on Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:04 pm |
Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:04 pm Posts: 1545
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Time for a first action, or was this just a prologue? If so: Look for the engine room, see if I could do anything there with my magic. I'm terribly sorry, oh great game master.
Last edited by maart3n on Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:08 pm |
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
 Re: Legends of the Sky
That was an unfinished roll. Something will actually happen, along with explanation. Goodness didn't you people see I had to go to class?
Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:22 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:26 am Posts: 2037 Location: Jerking off in a corner over by the OT sub-forum
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Next time make it huge so we all know.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:31 pm |
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
 Re: Legends of the Sky
Waiting list please.
Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:27 am |
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