Instance 01 - Zenbai - Second Turn
Dreams are cut brutally short by the buzzing of an alarm. Awaking you wave your hand distorting the alarmclocks hologram to slap the base unit, turning it off.
The Lights of the room automatically turn offering you no respite and you eventually sit up, groaning at the awakening. sheets sliding from your torso.
Raiding your memories you finally dredge up, youre Michael Greeson, age 24, Junior Engineer (Glorified gopher boy in your mind) Living aboard Orbital station TFR-01, though its nickname is Socket.
Socket, an orbital station that maintains the planet Zenbai orbital Terraformer arrays makes its cycle between each orbital once a year.
The clock reads 7:43am, Saturday. A weekend, there shouldnt be any work on.
A small warning sign on the holographic display leads to a incomming call from your boss.