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 Roll to Dodge : Destiny 
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Post Roll to Dodge : Destiny
A space 4x as an RtD. Think Pioneers of space or Master of Orion or my personal favorite, Sword of the Stars.

The rules are the same as any other RtD, except for a few changes. You get three actions, and a forth, secret action is unlocked at roll 15. You'll have to PM that secret action to me, and the results of that secret action are PM'd back. This secret action could be anything from super weapons to surprise attacks to anything. There may or may not be a graphical map, depending how I feel. Also, you'll be restricted in certain ways depending on your government type.

Anyway, time for the back story!

In the year 2039, the asteroid designated (13451) Destiny is detected on a probable impact course with the Earth, with estimates putting the collision date at the 12th of November, 2046. Destiny, being 425 miles wide in diameter, is a full blown extinction level impact event. With the entire attention of the scientific community brought toward Destiny, they quickly determine that there is a %99.8 probability that it'll hit the Earth. A crisis session in the United Nations is called to try and find a way to stop the asteroid, but comes up with only a few ideas that would have even a slight chance of deflecting Destiny. However, the meeting comes up with a back up solution in the event of the asteroid hitting the Earth. Sixteen Exodus class colony ships, originally designed for extrasolar colonization, will be built with the hope to ferry away as much of mankind as possible before the impact arrives. Each colony ship project is taken up by nations or large corporate organizations, with the UNS Unity as a collaborative project led by the UN. A classified, beyond top secret project called Pathfinder is released to public knowledge. Pathfinder is an experimental faster than light drive, capable of propelling a craft at three times the speed of light. At the same time, a titanic project to store the genetic material of every living species on Earth is commenced and compiled into a series of genetic banks to be loaded onto the colony ships as they approach completion.

In addition, throughout the constructing nations and organizations, a lottery is held. Thirty thousand people will be loaded onto each colony ship, each from their home nation. Before being put on to the colony ship however, they will be put through a rigorous training process to ensure that they'll make effective pioneers for settling on a new world. As the date of impact arrives, the colony ships are launched, one by one. But due to various work slow downs and riots, only six colony ships are launched before Destiny hits the Earth. The seventh, the UNS Unity, was taking off as the asteroid hit and it's fate is unknown. The colonists lay asleep in their cryogenic suspension pods and the ships move silently through the vast empty depths of space.

It is now 2062 and we have arrived. The ships are ready to drop out of FTL in minutes. Their flight computers have secretly been given the coordinates with the highest probability of having a habitable world, and not even the leaders know where they will arrive.

When making your colony ship and nation, please use the template below.

Name of colony ship :
Name of nation/organization :
Government type : (See below for a list of government types and the effects.)
Modifications : ( Again, see below for a list of addons )
Background : (Write what you want here. The more, the merrier, since I can tailor events to the background)
Cargo : (The cargo below is guaranteed, so don't worry about it. )
-Exodus class colony ship,
--30,000 humans stored in suspended animation.
--10,000 units of metal in the ship superstructure.
--1000 units of heavy metals in the ship reactor.
--5000 units of consumer goods.
--20,000 units of assorted foods.
--100,000 units of breathable air.
--50,000 units of drinkable water.
--Gene vault,
---Useful fauna and flora genetics for resurrection, such as maize, wheat, rice and other common food stuffs.
--Cultural database, covering the more important topics of human and national history.
--Computer mainframe, controlling the ship while the colonists slumber in suspended animation.
--100 multirole industrial machines.
---Enough equipment to equip a hundred soldiers.
---1000 units of ammunition.
---100 A+ rated harsh environment suits.
--Point Defense laser system to protect the craft in transit from various obstacles. When the ship is landed and dismantled, these lasers will become the foundation of the colony defenses.

Government types - Your government system will affect how colony morale grows, how you control your nation and the consumption of various resources. Choose carefully, since it will affect the culture of your people and the government type will be very hard to change in game.

Colony ship modifications : Every player has ten points to use on their colony ship for extra features. These can shape the way the game will develop, so I recommend choosing carefully.

Player List:
1. CrazyMLC as Supradynamics United
2. TheKebbit as the Chernogradost-Golgotha Popular Directorate
3. Foa as the United Fourfold Commonwealth of Nundinates
4. Tomaster as ThraxoCorp
5. halo117 as the Kyran Allegiance
6. unwoundpath as M.W.C. (Minds of the World Combined).

When I have all six player slots filled, I'll make the first roll which will begin with the destination being generated.


1. Don't try to reanimate everyone in one go before the colony is established enough to support them, otherwise you'll have a very hard time keeping everyone housed and fed.

2. Working together, especially in the early game, is a good way to stretch your resources till you are able to stand on your own two feet properly.

3. Be cautious, especially with potentially dangerous technological research. As my grandma always used to say "Better to be safe than a nuclear ruin."

EDIT : Filled in the nation names and clarified that the ATVs are capable of carrying troops.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:50 pm, edited 9 times in total.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:17 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Name of colony ship : SKY-W FRONTIER
Name of nation/organization : Supradynamics United

Government type : Democracy

Modifications : 25% Bonus (multirole industrial machines), Automated Former, Advanced Mainframe, Prefabricated housing (1), Planetary Sensor Array, ATV Recon vehicles (1), Deployable outposts (1)

Background : Theodore Morgan, CEO of Supradynamics Inc., had always had a lust for power. He was barely satisfied with his position of CEO in one of the largest space exploration and transportation companies in North America, if not the world. When news of the incoming asteroid came to his attention, well, he heard Destiny knocking.

It was brilliant, really.

He started construction on a special colony pod. One meant to expand rapidly and take over this "New Earth" they'd be settling on, through brute industrial and scientific might. The next step? He sent out letters to the finest minds of the generation - arguably the best scientists, engineers, programmers, military commanders, etc the world has ever seen - and offered them a place in a great new "Democracy" to be founded off-world. Then? A massive gameshow, hosted internationally, was used to find the finest colonists the world had to offer. Theodore wanted only the best for his new world order.

The only thing he hadn't planned for was the murderous rage of 30,000 people when their supposed savior's plot to enslave and conquer is uncovered.

Now the colonists were left to fend for themselves, on a massive hunk of metal zipping through space faster than the speed of light. Together they formed a democracy, like had been promised, with two sides, those who followed after Morgan's ideals of expansion and conquest on the new planet, and those who favored a more peaceful scientific community. But in the end all would stand united together, doing whatever it takes to thrive on their new home.

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:16 am, edited 13 times in total.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:20 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny

Name of colony ship : D-ISV Crown of Thorns
Name of nation/organization : Chernogradost-Golgotha Popular Directorate
Government type : Military Junta
Modifications : Complete Gene Vault, Complete Cultural Database, Enlarged Armory
Background : THE CGPD was a vicious transnational union born of military spite, melding vast chunks of the former state of Russia and Soviet client nations into a monolithic ideological juggernaut with a tendril of fortified garrison and ICBM installations extending into the Levant. Smaller periphery nations frequently verge toward total consumption by pro-CGPD revolutionaries but are just as quickly spat out by the CGPD leadership as they consider the magnitude of the resulting ethnic violence, leaving constantly shifting borders that seem calculated to give analysts migraines. This successor state, existing in a brief period of abject political decay brought by the shock of global economic depression, saw a vast influx of radically-minded immigrants from western Europe, North America, east Asia and Africa who were enticed by the ability of an absolutist state to supply more paid labor than people could meet the need for. As the undisputed uranium, petroleum, and thorium kingpins of the region, all economic development was directed into fortifications, heavy infrastructure and the as-yet nascent space program that produced the Crown of Thorns.

CGPD society is headed by default by a former war hero selected via the agreement of a cabal of technocrats, labor representatives, party ideologues and seasoned generals. While this post of Overcaptain is typically underestimated by other nations, the fact remains that they are far more than a figurehead, bringing to bear cold tactical analysis, frightening determination and a willingness to sacrifice for the ultimate good of the state. The current Overcaptain (seventh in the line, each serving three-year terms) is Fyodor Tsoi-Jacobson, an unassuming ex-intelligence officer rapidly approaching middle age and regarded in political circles as a weak successor to the raging former tanker Michael Timofeyovich.

CGPD culture revolves around an intrinsic appreciation of strength, practicality, and the turbulence of daily life. Scientists and laborers are held in high esteem and regarded as soldiers who are merely fighting a different front. High-ranking party officials frequently redistribute their own upgraded wages to family and live austere, contemplative lives after retirement. Excess communication is frowned upon during standard work hours and CGPD citizens appear dour and silent to foreigners, but outside the factory a lively culture flourishes with bittersweet fiddle tunes and triumphant marches ringing through the cities. At the cost of much of their freedom, many people are happy.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:50 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Decliar. Dicklair. Declair

Name of colony ship : Supreme Ark, Bellowing Nautilus
Name of nation/organization : United Fourfold Commonwealth of Nundinates
Government type : Workers Commonwealth
Modifications : Planetary Sensor Array, Advanced Mainframe, Automated Former * 2, Communications Satellite * 2
Background : [ UNDER CONSTRUCTION ] Kazakhstan. Central Asia and Near East Orient? Fuuuuu

\3 + 1 + [2*2] + [2*1] = 10\

Last edited by Foa on Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:25 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
I'm in. Just preemptively grabbing this spot.

I suppose I'll experiment with Federation.

Name of colony ship: ThraxoCorp Unlimited
Name of nation/organization: ThraxoCorp
Government type: Federation
Modifications: [2x Communication Satellite] [2x Prefabricated Housing] [Complete Gene Vault] [Planetary Sensor Array] [ATV Recon Vehicles]
Background: ThraxoCorp was already one of the world's largest conglomerates, before the disaster. By using its accumulated wealth and bargaining powers to slowly absorb companies in areas ranging from construction to advertising, and by using strategic bribes and legal loopholes to circumvent anti-monopoly and patent laws, by the late 2030's ThraxoCorp essentially controlled 75% of the world's business and revenue. Once information about the disaster hit, ThraxoCorp held its own private lottery among its employees, with CEOs and other high level executives having a guaranteed spot. However, that many power hungry individuals could never be satisfied as co-rulers of a single new nation, so it was agreed that once there were enough "drones" (employees), new "Republics" would be formed, run along the same lines as parent companies and child companies. With this system, ThraxoCorp continued its corporation legacy into the stars.

Last edited by Tomaster on Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:01 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Backgroud, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Foa wrote:
Backgroud, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Take your time, no need to rush. I won't be able to start this till all slots are filled and even then I probably won't make the initial starting roll till the end of this week.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Speaking of backgrounds, let me know if you approve of mine caeky.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:45 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
CrazyMLC wrote:
Speaking of backgrounds, let me know if you approve of mine caeky.

You have my approval, also nice to see someone trying out a Democracy.

I hope someone tries a Federation, since it took quite a bit of thinking on how to make it work. If anyone has any questions, please, feel free to ask.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Background, hlep.

I'm so stressed over probable origins

Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:09 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Ship: Exodus
Nation: Kyran allegiance
Government: Workers' commonwealth
-the ship
A former military ship converted to a colony ship, it features the armor and weaponry of a military frigate, but with less speed and less weapons than one. The Kyran allegiance has sent it to another colony in its territory, but it has been reassigned to visit other nations and planets to make treaties. But before it could, an attack forced the ship to jump to a random location. This is the location.
-The Kyran allegiance
Formed 30 years earlier, the allegiance was thought to be weak and soft. But after defending itself from a full scale invasion, it shows that the allegiance can hold its own, but it's still ridiculed as a small weak nation, only able to rely on others for help. But even through this nation showed its strength, it still tries to show its best with a stronger industry and science.

-3 Deploy-able outposts. 3 points.
-2 ATV recon vehicles. 2 points.
-2 communication satellites. 2 points.
-Planetary sensor array. 1 point.
-1 prefab housing. 1 point.
If i got it wrong, tell me.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Foa wrote:
Background, hlep.

I'm so stressed over probable origins

There's a lot of different places that your colonists and ship could come from. Hell, if you want it, you could make up a company and use that. If you want, PM me some ideas and I'll help where I can.
halo117 wrote:
Ship: Exodus
Nation: Kyran allegiance
Government: Workers' commonwealth
-the ship
A former military ship converted to a colony ship, it features the armor and weaponry of a military frigate, but with less speed and less weapons than one. The Kyran allegiance has sent it to another colony in its territory, but it has been reassigned to visit other nations and planets to make treaties. But before it could, an attack forced the ship to jump to a random location. This is the location.
-The Kyran allegiance
Formed 30 years earlier, the allegiance was thought to be weak and soft. But after defending itself from a full scale invasion, it shows that the allegiance can hold its own, but it's still ridiculed as a small weak nation, only able to rely on others for help. But even through this nation showed its strength, it still tries to show its best with a stronger industry and science.

-3 Deploy-able outposts. 3 points.
-2 ATV recon vehicles. 2 points.
-2 communication satellites. 2 points.
-Planetary sensor array. 1 point.
-1 prefab housing. 1 point.
If i got it wrong, tell me.

The ship part doesn't fit the back story, but other than that it's all good.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:40 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Takin spot. Will edit with the required info.

Name of colony ship : The Galactic mind.
Name of nation/organization : M.W.C. (Minds of the World Combined).
Government type : Scientific Commune
Modifications : Communications Satellite, ATV Recon vehicles, Complete cultural database, Advanced Mainframe, Planetary Sensor Array.
Background : Interested with keeping the research of the new technologies that the earth was uncovering in the years before the event, the Governments of the world gathered some of the best thinkers and researchers of the time into one colony ship so the research can be preformed from these great minds in humanities future on a different planet. They were not interested in military might of these people, so only equipped the ship with necessary equipment for scouting a good location and building up the moral of their colony, along with the colony itself. They also took a mobile laboratory, so that they could start right research away when they reach a habitat planet. They also believed that the planets themselves might lead to new technological advancements, as their might be new minerals or elements yet to be discovered that have interesting properties, however, this is unknown and they were just preparing in case of such a event. The people of this vessel are from all different kinds of cultures and ideas, as is the best for minds to work together, and the result of the governments of the world assembling all the best minds. Some, however, didn't come, maybe some other vessels appealed more to them, but no matter as there was plenty of minds left to make a sizable colony ship like the others. These people are practical people, and as such focus on functionality over form, so things they might build will end up looking like garbage but preforming well at what they do. They are not interested as much as most in the spreading of people through galactic might, and prefer to just stay on the defensive and do science, and spread only for researches sake, not conquering other people.

EDIT: Haha I forgot to name them.... Also darn it Caek I really wanna play SotS now.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:43 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Just waiting on Tomaster, Foa and Halo before I get this bus moving.

Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:36 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
caekdaemon wrote:
Just waiting on Tomaster, Foa and Halo before I get this bus moving.

I was ready the entire time. teehee.

Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:18 pm
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