Data Realms Fan Forums

RtD: Conquer or get Conquered
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Author:  MadeInKorhal [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

"In the 21th century, we started to see signs that we were not the only intelligent life in the galaxy, but we never payed attention to them. In those times, we were killing our homeland with contamination, corruption, war and indifference. All those things were going to have consequences. In the 5th of December of 2027, a fleet of Unidentified Flying Objects [UFOs] attacked the military station of Seleya, in Texas, and after bringing down everything to dust, they disappeared. This incident, under the name of "The Seleya Conflict", was tryed to keep in secret by autorities of the Goverment, but everything was revealed when a retired soldier of that station than survived the attack plublished some photos he has taken in it. After that, we accepted that we were not alone in the universe. Then, we taken 35 years to figth against those internal problems than were blocking our technological progress. After that, we discovered the Farhelli, a very advanced reptile-human like aliens not too diferent to us. They helped our scientists to develop our own Faster Than Ligth Device [FTLD], and then we started to explore the galaxy. But not all is peace. Now, a group of space travelers joined the Axeron Plan, to travel the galaxy in a search of the race that years ago threatened our civilization with war and extintion.

This is not about surviving. This is not a skirmish. This is about Conquer...or get Conquered

Now, you will aboard the C.S.T Unrinthon with your teammates to start the search through billion of stars, to find the unknown race and show them some of that we call justice"

-You first need to present yourself and add this data (I will put mine as an example):
Name (and surname if you want): Ikuto Takanashi
Gender: Male
Ocupation: Captain
Inventory (a limit of 5 ítems): Captain's binnacle, Communicator, Energy Blaster
Current Location: C.S.T. Unrinthon's bridge
Current Mision: None
-Every action you do migth be underlined, and every thinking, "between quotes"
Example: Going to the bridge. "Ah, I think I deserve a promotion"
-Try to use fluid english (If its readable don't worry, but give the best of you to make everyone understand you, and preview your post before submiting it)
-The maximum of players is 6 (If someone wants to join when the game is full he will be put in the waiting room until someone dies), which will get these roles: Captain (me), Second in command, Engineer, Pilot, Gunner and Medic, each one with it's own jobs and specialities.
-You can do a maximun of 2 actions per turn

-We all have three data: the ship information, the individual information and the faction information
The ship information is this:
Ship Name: C.S.T. Unrinthon
Status: Hull (Alrigth), Bridge (Alrigth), Shields (Alrigth), Weapons (Alrigth), Engine (Alrigth)
Hydrogen tank: Full
Weapons: 2x Plasma turret Mk1, 1x Missile turret Mk1
Founds: $4500
Current Location: International Space Station
Next Objetive: None
I'll list the faction information below. It shows the current races and factions we know and our relation with them (Native[Race]-Affiliated[Faction], Allied, Neutral and Hostile)
-As you have saw, we have founds. We earn a total of $2500 every week and we earn an undefined quantity every time we accomplish a mision. We can use founds to upgrade our ship and it's weapons, or buy some weapons for us or some war suits.
-Every action have a posibility to been acomplished, and you even can find objects when you do them. That posibility is defined by luck and your skills. It can vary from In the process you walk around the bridge, you accidentaly fall. You need some medical attention to Walking around the bridge you find $500 lying on the floor
-Be careful, that some actions CAN MAKE YOU DIE(that includes me), so think well what are you going to do next in a conflict, get well equiped and, if the luck (6-sided dice) is with you, the action will be well acomplished
-We get an individual mission every turn, so we do the actions according to each mission

Faction Information [Diplomacy]:
Races: Human [Native], Farhelli [Allied], Unknown [Hostile]
Factions: Human Space Traveling Federation [Affilied], Intergalactic Peacefull Movement [Allied], Pirate Partnership [Hostile]

Well, lets get started...

Current Players:
-Ikuto Takanashi [MadeInKorhal]
-Lt. Jack Greene [caekdaemon]
-Togashi Ryuta [Dark Flame Master]
-Jack Morrison [maart3n]



Author:  caekdaemon [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Well. Sure, why not.

Dibs on engineer.

EDIT : Here we are. I took some liberty with my char, mostly with giving him a rank and some inventory gear. Is there gonna be any dedicated red shirts security personnel?

Name : Lt. Jack Greene
Gender: Male
Ocupation: Engineer
Inventory: Engineering toolkit, Communicator.
Current Location: C.S.T. Unrinthon's engine room.
Current Mision: None

Author:  MadeInKorhal [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Well, I forgot the gunner, I'll change the navigator to it. And about the security personal, those will be like NPC's or something like that

Author:  Dark Flame Master [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Hell Yeah! I'm joining, Captain!
Name: Togashi Ryuta
Gender: Male
Ocupation: Medic
Inventory: First Aid Kit, Communicator, Needle Gun (With tranquilizer darts), Pistol.
Current Location: C.S.T Unrinthon's infirmary.
Current Mision: None.
Ready~ :)

Author:  maart3n [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Name: Jack Morrison
Gender: Male
Ocupation: gunner
Inventory: Chaingun, wrench, energy cells, communicator, remote gun control.
Current Location: C.S.T. Unrinthon's gun decks.
Current Mision: None

Author:  caekdaemon [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

MadeInKorhal wrote:
Well, I forgot the gunner, I'll change the navigator to it. And about the security personal, those will be like NPC's or something like that

Right then. I won't carry a weapon, because what kind of engineer does security's job?

A crap one.

Author:  MadeInKorhal [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Good, only Second in command and Pilot left

Right then. I won't carry a weapon, because what kind of engineer does security's job?

A crap one.

Well, that's true :lol:

Author:  maart3n [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Hey Non, why don't you join up too? I've been missing your general craziness lately.

Author:  caekdaemon [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Nonsequitorian wrote:
dur ur jack greene ulysses green herrrr. ur ulysses' grampar caek hurrrrr

Oh hey, I never realized that till now.

Guess Jack is gonna be his grampa.

Author:  Notsoscary [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Im gonna join, if i can ofc.
Name Boris
Gender: Male
Ocupation: Second Hand Pilot
Inventory: A .50 Cal Pistol, a custom TradeStar Midas SMG, a Walkie-Talkie, some batteries.
Current Location: C.S.T. Unrinthon's Pilot Room.
Current Mission: Pilot the damn Ship.

Pilot the Ship.

Author:  MadeInKorhal [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Notsoscary wrote:
Im gonna join, if i can ofc.
Name Boris
Gender: Male
Ocupation: Engineer.
Inventory: Wrench, Repairing Kit (2), a .50 cal pistol, a TradeStar Midas Shotgun.
Current Location: C.S.T. Unrinthon's Engine Room
Current Mission: Check the Engines. All Time

Check the Engines if somethings wrong.

Somebody already took enginner. Could you go for Second in command or Pilot?

Author:  Notsoscary [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Sure, just gonna change the stuff then.

Author:  MadeInKorhal [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Nice, only Second in command left

Author:  halo117 [ Mon May 27, 2013 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

MadeInKorhal wrote:
Nice, only Second in command left


Author:  TorrentHKU [ Fri May 31, 2013 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD: Conquer or get Conquered

Don't necro without a reason, plz. Especially if you aren't even in the game.
Locked, if MadeInKorhal is still alive, PM me to get it unlocked.

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