Joined: Sun May 06, 2012 11:43 pm Posts: 75 Location: Right behind you.
This is the Necromorph version of my first dead space 2 rtd. In this one you play as a Necromorph , and it is your duty, as set upon you by the Hivemind, to kill the players on the human side. This side will not have a storyline, as these are UNDEAD CREATURES, and they probably dont have enough brains left to do things other than kill people. you can chose to play as any of the Dead space 2 Necromorphs, but you will always be the enhanced version, if you have one.
All you need to do is set your Necromorph type. If you dont know what necromorphs are, or what they do, then look up Dead space wiki Necromorphs.You cannot look at the Human version of this post, if you do and I find out, you will be killed and not be allowed to come back into the game. That reminds me, if you die, you can come back next roll as a different necromorph. This time, however, you will not be an enhanced. if you die again, then you cannot come back into the game. You can grow more appendages, or just grow, by killing and absorbing people (lol prototype) If you have died once and come back as a regular necromorph, if you absorb enough people (there it is again) you can become enhanced again. (but you dont get anouther life unless you do something completely and totally amazing). In either form, you are slightly stronger than a regular Necromorph.
Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:12 pm Posts: 207 Location: Burrowed, waiting for you to come by.
*Cough* (This seems to have been dead for a long time. No offense but it seems like a minorly bad idea. People wanna be people with lasers, bombs hacking and all that good ♥♥♥♥. Peace out.)
This could've just been said in a PM, without raising up a clearly dead topic. A lot better than "hey is this game still running", but still.