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 RTD: Guardians of Eden| You can (not) re-roll. 
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Post RTD: Guardians of Eden| You can (not) re-roll.
RTD: Guardians of Eden

2012, The second impact wiped out most of the southern hemisphere, and subsequently around half of the Earth population. With the complete and utter annihilation of the Antarctica, sea levels rapidly rose, the Earths axis changed and chaos ensued among the worlds governments. As civil wars broke out and a global depression encompassed the world, only a small group of individuals knew what actually happened, what was to come, and what was truly at stake. The second impact was the result of an experiment conducted on a piece of 'Lilith' (The source of all life on Earth) and alerted the presence of Lilith to a race of Demi-Gods called 'Angels', creatures of radically different shapes sizes and abilities, all intent on consuming Lilith to evolve into a God capable of eradicating all life on Earth. To counter the looming threat of the Angels they created an organization called Gungnir, which produced mankind's best hope for a future.

Evangelions, these Skyscraper sized Bio-Mechas are created from the DNA of 'Lilith', and are the only things capable of penetrating an Angels AT-field without destroying a large part of the Earths surface. The only thing standing in between us and total extinction are 6 psychologically damaged teenagers, each tasked with piloting an EVA, and their 2 Advisers, both entrusted with the care and basic command of 3 pilots.

24 Angels,
8 Heroes,
1 Destiny.


Character sheets.



Roll Table
Update Schedule
Every Saturday (probably!)

Red Team.


Blue Team.


Back up Pilots:


GM note:
Sync rates shift each turn using a highly complicated set of rules including a D6 3 coins and a bottle cap.
You may have noticed (if you're not blind, if you are, then you're lying) the two teams. The Red team is full of the new pilots, lead by a new Advisor, while the Blue team consists of experienced pilots and a more experienced advisor, so there will (If not naturally, then forced) be a bit of friendly rivalry and competition. Sometimes the teams will be split, blah blah blah, ect, ect, ect- basically, all you need to know for now is not to freak out, everything is under control, and you will not e fighting EVAs in the foreseeable future.

Last edited by Fail Flail on Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:55 am, edited 10 times in total.

Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:55 am
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Name: Jran [unknown]
Age: 14
Profile: Short black hair with a few freckles on his face and is quite skinny as a result of the horrid of the conditions he lived in as a child. There is no history of his earlier childhood, but as a 10 year old he was found on the street and put into an orphanage, which they immediately regretted. He went berserk after being touched by a child, and stabbed him in the neck. He then obtained a large scar, reaching from shoulder to fingertip, after being grabbed by the police when they came to remove him from the orphanage. After a brief struggle he freed himself, took his knife, and slit his arm. During his recovery in a Gungnir funded hospital, the staff noted his fondness of animals, and say he had a strange affinity towards them.
Psychological instabilities: The events that created these conditions are unknown, what is known is that he hates being touched, even lightly, by others and he will not eat meat,, going to extreme lengths to avoid it. While his love for animals is not of any concern, it is something to take note of.
EVA description: EVA:01 | Average EVA. Main: yellow Secondary: Orange.
EVA condition: NORMAL
EVA sync rate: -NA-

I vote caekdaemon Advisor for life.

Last edited by unwoundpath on Sat May 12, 2012 6:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:43 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Great, I'm pretty sure I get the reference, only one problem, EVA's have varying colors, but are not to my knowledge painted (how do you paint something like a gorilla anyway?) I've updated the sheet to correct that minor oversight.

Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:31 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Name: Sal(em) Kari
Age: 15
Profile: Salem, or Sal for short was born in the United Arab Emirates in 20XX to a progressive oil tycoon.
Brought up at a young age with a considerable fortune to throw around his schooling was difficult. During his 8th summer an accident with at a refinery left him with burning on his hands and arms while his legs have little to no surviving nerve endings due to severe fire damage. The resulting medical tests flagged NERV with a series of genetic markers and he was "offered" to study with NERV.

Psychological instabilities: The accident in his youth has caused him to have a strong fear of fire and some heat sources (the red hot metal of toaster filaments can unnerve him, but not to a degree that having his EVA on fire would of course).

EVA description: Sal' Kari's EVA appears to posses no eyes in the head however a number of eyes are distributed around the EVA, shoulders, thighs, wrists and where a normal persons shoulder blades would be. The EVA's colour is a mix of dark blue and burnished bronze, it also sports the occasional gold highlight. The eyes themselves have sapphire iris'

EVA condition: NORMAL
EVA sync rate: -NA-

Lemme know if this is reasonable. Im not "new" to the EVA universe, however i never got into it that much so yeah.. :)

Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:41 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Two quick things,
All players are recommended to watch at least the first episode, I would link you to youtube but I can only find a dubbed episode, and sub>dubs so I'll guess you'll just have to find your own copy... somehow.
Second thing, The game will start on Saturday as long as I can get one more pilot, an Advisor would be nice as well, but only a small team is needed to start off.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:24 am
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
unwoundpath wrote:
I vote caekdaemon Advisor for life.


What would said Advisor do?

And if it matters, this is my first time into this universe.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:39 am
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
'Advisors' are just something I thought I'd add, there is a CO chick in the series, but the pilots are mostly left to their own devices.
I thought the idea of someone giving orders would make things significantly more interesting, anyway, I'll just give a list of Advisorness,

-Advisors won't pilot and EVA, they take command from Gungnir's (Gungnir= this games NERV) HQ in the Geo-Front (Uuuh, yeah, watch the first episode, while the rest of the series may raise a few eyebrows, I believe everyone can at least bare Ep1).

-Consequently they'll have a virtually 0% casualty rate, unless an Angel manages kill all the pilots and break through several miles of armor plating before any replacement pilots can arrive, (aka you sucking at your job).

-They give basic commands to the pilots, eg "P1, you're taking too much damage! I'm opening an escape route in the eastern district, double time it!" or "Your guns appear to be useless, how about trying your Prog Knife?" rather than stealing the players turns by "Get P1 to retreat, only have him use his pistol as he falls back". Pilots also have the option to ignore your orders...

-... Saying that, pilots can gain a +/- 1 modifier if the Obey/Disobey an order, respectively.

-They will also act as a guardian/parental figure to the pilots, and are their best chance of curing their psychological quirks.

I must say, you would be well suited to this, and I really hope you sign up.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:23 am
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Fail Flail wrote:
-Advisors won't pilot and EVA, they take command from Gungnir's (Gungnir= this games NERV) HQ in the Geo-Front (Uuuh, yeah, watch the first episode, while the rest of the series may raise a few eyebrows, I believe everyone can at least bare Ep1).

So the Advisor is effectively a mission commander?


I've been looking up any words I don't seem to recognize on the EvaWiki, so knowledge of the setting should not be a problem.
Fail Flail wrote:
-Consequently they'll have a virtually 0% casualty rate, unless an Angel manages kill all the pilots and break through several miles of armor plating before any replacement pilots can arrive, (aka you sucking at your job).
Not likely to happen.
Fail Flail wrote:
-They give basic commands to the pilots, eg "P1, you're taking too much damage! I'm opening an escape route in the eastern district, double time it!" or "Your guns appear to be useless, how about trying your Prog Knife?" rather than stealing the players turns by "Get P1 to retreat, only have him use his pistol as he falls back". Pilots also have the option to ignore your orders...

Darn. I was hoping to do blitzkriegs and combined arms assaults. I guess I'll have to stick with flanking manoeuvres and spearheads.
That was a joke. Everyone know's combined arms assaults work great, and are the corner stone of most modern day military tactics. Blitzkrieg, on the other hand went down with the Third Reich, but is still useful if you need to move fast across large amounts of terrain.
Fail Flail wrote:
-... Saying that, pilots can gain a +/- 1 modifier if the Obey/Disobey an order, respectively.
Fail Flail wrote:
-They will also act as a guardian/parental figure to the pilots, and are their best chance of curing their psychological quirks.
Hmmm. That might be a problem. People used to say I have the emotional depth of Commander Data. That's not the best role model.
Fail Flail wrote:
I must say, you would be well suited to this, and I really hope you sign up.

Alright. I'll edit this post with my advisor character sheet.

Name: Bob Roberts (Bahahahahaha Bob Bob.)
Age: 42
Physiological Profile

History : Early Life
Bob Roberts was born to a military family, but much preferred the paint brush to the bayonet. His abusive father beat him, angry that he would not continue the family tradition of being prestigious military officers that had started during the Second World War. His father's beatings had the intention of making a man out of him, and were especially brutal. Bob had frequently suffered from broken bones and conveniently 'fell down the stairs' quite often. This meant that he learnt to take a punch far earlier in life, at a time when most were still learning how to spell their own names. His mother tried to protect him from his father, but was unable to stop him from hitting Bob, and received a beating for her trouble. During a weekly beating, Bob was crying from the pain, when he suddenly... Stopped. He hit his father directly in the face, but did little to faze the soldier.

His father, rather then being furious, was pleased. He had finally done what he set out to do. He had managed to make Bob separate from emotions, and made him into a emotionless blank, ready for training. When Bob returned to school after a weeks leave, everybody had noticed that he had changed. Rather then being the friendly young boy that had enjoyed art, he was cold. People who attempted to bully Bob, got a unpleasant surprise. Bob would not go running home to his father, if he did that, he would be beaten senseless. He would stand his ground, and fight. Bob's father started teaching him military tactic's, strategy and combat, enlisting him into the Cadet Corp at the nearby military base, the same one his father worked at.

Bob, when given a order, would obey without question. He was loyal, disciplined and cold. He would not form a emotional bond with people around him. This put him on the fast track toward a command position. Even though he could not make fellow cadets like him, he could make them follow.

Recent History
Bob Robert's has served with distinction in a number of wars, as well as being promoted to Major after a classified black op in the Middle East. His squad members who disobeyed his orders were frequently killed in action by enemy fire, but those who obeyed would survive the mission with barely a scratch. He received countless commendations and medals, including the Victoria cross, awarded by the United Kingdom after a cooperative mission. He left the military with a honourable discharge at the age of 25, and by the age of 26, his emotions had started to emerge once more. He settled down in the suburbs, with a well paying job as a security guard at a nearby warehouse. Bob had eventually found a wife, Joan Jones, who he started a family with, and would eventually give birth to Joe and Sam, both twins.

His life seemed to be going great. The sun was finally shining on his life after the hurricane of his youth.

But unfortunately, this hurricane still had a few storms left in it.

He was at work when the second impact happened. He immediately rushed home to check up on his family. The home his family was in was completely destroyed. He searched the rubble for days, finding no trace of his family. He did, however, find his old hand gun, and considered ending it. If his family was gone, he would like to be with them.

One way, or the other.

But before he could pull the trigger, a army truck drove past. He turned around to look at it, and found his resolve waiting for him. His emotions had vanished like his family. And in a blink of an eye, he was back to his old self.

Psychological instabilities:
Emotional disabled : After the brutal conditioning his father had gave him, and the disappearance of his family, he is almost emotionless, showing activity in the part of the brain that deals with emotional activity equivalent to someone who had a lobotomy. He does have emotions, however, and if his family is ever found, it might restart his emotions. In his present state, however, his emotional capacity is limited.

You'll have to forgive me for the names. I'm really, really bad at them. Really.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:54 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Perhaps they could have a more tactical way of doing things?

Dunno if you watch F1 on tv but think of it like that. The pit crew can monitor real time statistics from a myriad of sources.

Perhaps advisers have access to radar arrays, emplacements, EVA functionality reports.

They could set up traps with the pilots, or report movement or anything else. Basically play a more wingman style role. (order weapons too ect)

Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:18 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that.

Advisers will also have full command of the entirety of the UN military, as well as all the cities defenses and protocols.

Eg: Magikarp Angel (because this is a hypothetical situation and why the ♥♥♥♥ not) attacks the city via the ocean, in true NGE style you tell the military to throw everything they have at it, and like always, it does jack all other than provide a distraction. Then you command the city to transfer all its non emergency power into some heavy duty cables you requisitioned, and get the EVAs to shock the Red Flailing terror that is attacking the city. It's super effective!!!

The Advisers are set up in a high-tech command room under the city in a giant biosphere Called a Geo-Front, and are constantly monitoring everything about the EVAs, the pilots, the Angels, and everything to do with anything else.

The pilots themselves are unable to request weapons be sent up (Other than by screaming at you) so if a pilot ignores your orders, you can simply not give them that shiny EVA sized rocket launcher they've been eyeing, cut their umbilical cable (Giving them around 3min before their internal power runs out), or even detach the whole city block that they're standing on.

Basically, if you want the government or military to do ANYthing, all you have to do is ask.

Last edited by Fail Flail on Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:59 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Fail Flail wrote:
Basically, if you want the government or military to do ANYthing, all you have to do is ask.
Can I send them to go get me a sandwich?

Because they don't sound that useful.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:04 pm
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Damn straight you can, you could also tell them to make a sandwich of soldiers and apartment sized slabs of mint choc-chip ice-cream to lure an Angel out or something. The head of Gungnir would probably intervene there though.

On a more serious note, they can provide a distraction, or a nice meat/scrap shield. Feel free to think a little outside the box on how you use them.

Last edited by Fail Flail on Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:13 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Fail Flail wrote:
On a more serious note, they can provide a distraction, or a nice meat/scrap shield. Feel free to think a little outside the box on how you use them.

I'll try to take the least amount of casualties.

I will use them as artillery support, however.

I'm going to need load out information for the Eva's and some location information too.

Put me on the Advisor list please :)

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:17 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
A wise choice, a strategy that was (fortunately) used more often than not in the series.

I can help with a few names (Give me a few hours to sleep first, it's 3:30am over here) and there are only a couple of problems with your story, both stemming from the Second impact. It happened around 15 years ago (The year 2012), and when it did, it basically nuked the lower half of the globe, Antarctica to the state it has become uninhabitable by other worldly energies.

A nice alternative would be being beaten by your father much the same until you were 11 (2nd impact time), your father saved you from the blast of the second impact somehow (Him and your mother dieing in the process) and you wandered the devastation before being picked up by the military, you became cold through a combination of your fathers beatings and seeing all that death and destruction, vowed to never let it happen again and dedicated your life to stopping it. Your skills an vendetta got you pick out as an Ideal candidate for Gungnir, ect ect- see you in the morning...

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:22 pm
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Post Re: RTD: Guardians of Eden [NGE]
Fail Flail wrote:
It happened around 15 years ago.

I could always make Bob Roberts 42 years old.

Then I don't have to rewrite most of my character profile and it makes him seem more father figure like. Woot?

Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:54 pm
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