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 Magitech: Frontiers 
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Post Magitech: Frontiers
This is the actual gaming thread of RTD Cooperative. Now that enough mechanics have been worked out, we can launch the game thread.

Story wrote:
In a distant land, there lies three nations, all with unique ways of life.

Stein, who rely on technology, and the power of steam. Olvitium, a nation where magic is used by all for all things. And lastly, the small state of Chermanshire, who are located in between those two giants, and use both. Diplomatic relations between Olvitium and Stein are the worst they have been in centuries, and all signs are indicating that a war is coming. Soon. Border skirmishes already occur between the Imperial Hussars of Stein and the Enchanted Guard of Olvitium.

The Empire of Stein and Olvitium are both preparing for the coming war. The factories of Stein blacken the skies and cities with smoke as mechanical war machines - mechanical men, steam powered battle trains, rifles and artillery are produced on a massive scale. The artificers of Olvitium are enchanting weapons and armour as fast as is humanly possible, their herbalists producing massive numbers of potions.

The small nation of Chermanshire, however, using both magic and technology, are shunned by both sides. The Chermanshire Rifles are posted at all entrances to the republic, their sorcerers supporting squads of soldiers with magic and enchantment. Chermanshire however, is too small to stand alone, and is located in a strategically important crossing, the only large land way that links both Stein and Olvitium together. Lord Robert, ruler of Chermanshire, has sent envoys to try and calm the tense relations between Stein and Olvitium, but neither side has agreed to a meeting.

This is a time of change, and the signs of that change are appearing. Strange creatures, creatures who people have called "Tech Fairies", have appeared. No one knows where they came from. They can speak, and are clearly intelligent. However, they appear to manage the localized laws of probability, and will follow a single person around. They are each unique, some looking like mechanical balls of gears, others like wisps of light. No one knows why they pick people, or what they do to the people they choose.

It appears war is inevitable. You are a citizen of Chermanshire. It is your home, and you were exposed to both magic and technology from the age of birth. Now, the winds of war are blowing, and it looks like it will be a hurricane.

More Story!

Game Mechanics
We are going to be using a D10 without overshoots or undershoots:
1-3 Epic Fail / 4-7 Okay / 8-10 Good Success
The setting is Fantasy Magitech. The GM's are called Tech Fairies, and the players are survivors of a destroyed town. The overall campaign goal is vengeance.
Health System: Ten Levels based on how hurt you are:
[ Healthy / Scratched / Hurt / Badly Hurt / Wounded / Maimed / Quite Maimed / Mortally Wounded / Dying / Dead ]
Basic blood system implemented as a condition. (Example: Gaping Wound (Slashed shoulder, death by blood loss in 10 turns))
Basic armour system implemented as a condition. (Example: Steel Breastplate (+2 to Defence Roll))
Inventory System: Maximum amount of item slots, no weights - holding an item takes it out of the inventory.
Skills/Abilities: Appropriate descriptives that give a modifier to Die Roll or situation.
Penalties/Conditions: Specific modifiers to certain actions.
Combat System:

A word to the DMs: Above all else, be reasonable in your rolls! Sticks don't kill anyone, Armour isn't bulletproof and no-one is invincible!
On the flip side, feel free to hurt/kill someone if it makes sense. Don't be mean - but don't be an Angel either.

Storyline Master : CaekDaemon

Yoman987 DMs Izen
Nighthawk DMs TorrentHKU
Fail Flail DMs nicolasx
TheKebbit DMs Psygnosis
Ragdollmaster Roast Veg DMs Arcalane
TorrentHKU DMs Roast Veg


Google Docs link of who has posted so far.

Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:58 pm
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Post Re: Magitech : Frontiers
Characters and rolls should be written using the following as a base:

Explanations are as thus:

Also if it wasn't clear, you can choose to be a Techist or Magician -or both.

And here are the Tech Fairies and Characters! (Same order as listed in above post)

Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:09 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
So yeah guys get posting your characters.

Fairy Description: A small ball of aquamarine light, circled by three even smaller motes of similar light. Communicates only in chirps.

Character Name: Anthony M. Lovegale
Appearance: Green eyes, short cut dark brown hair, tall muscular build.
- Sword Lover (+2 to using swords, -1 to using other weapons)
- Strong as Hell (+1 to strength)
- Blood Rush (+2 to melee rolls for 2 turns, then -1 to rolls for 2 turns)
- Magitech Claymore (Metal handle, projects a very large and wide energy blade)
- Steel Shortsword
Spellbook / Design Portfolio
Inventory: (3/10 slots)
- 2 Healing Potions
- Energy Storage Crystal

Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:00 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers

Last edited by Roast Veg on Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Ohboyohboyohboy, we get to start this.
Fun times abound.

Skeev (Izen)
Appearance: A very small, lean person. About 5' 6", slender, short blonde hair
Sniper (+1 to long-rang firing)
Piercing Shot (Ability, +1 to armored targets)
Agile (+1 to climbing)
- A long-ranged rifle/w bayonet
- Boot dagger
Design Portfolio
(I'll put some Designs in here eventually. I can't think of anything at the moment.)
Inventory: (3/10 slots)
- Gun ammo
- Boot dagger (see above)
- Compass
Does light armor count as a condition? If it does, assume I'm wearing some Light Armor

Anything that needs work / improvement, just let me know.
It's a big character sheet...

Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Fine I'll go first second you big sissies.

Isaac (Arcalane) [???]

Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:39 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Why would a DM have a character sheet?

Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:25 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
I guess it's because they're actually present ingame.

But what would those abilities even do, though? Would they affect the actual "Tech Fairy" or just its patron player?

Additionally, I find the Spellbook/Design Portfolio confusing. My questions are threefold:

Does it limit you to three spells maximum for the whole time?
For invention blueprints, what happens to the blueprints when you build the invention?
Wouldn't you be able to exceed three inventions that way and cause serious imbalance?

Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Because the Tech Fairy has to look like something! Those Skills would affect the patron player, yes. Do not want?

TheKebbit wrote:
Additionally, I find the Spellbook/Design Portfolio confusing. My questions are threefold:

Does it limit you to three spells maximum for the whole time?
For invention blueprints, what happens to the blueprints when you build the invention?
Wouldn't you be able to exceed three inventions that way and cause serious imbalance?

No. I'll make an arbitary limit just for organisational purposes, but if someone has more than that it'll be Ok.
They are permanent unless specified.
You could technically, but it would depend on your inventory space (aha!) to store them in and materials.

Additionally, only one Spell/Invention per turn, though some more advanced ones could take multiple turns - reasonably.

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:00 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
I don't see how giving the DMs skills or abilities makes sense. Physical characteristics sure, but skills is just randomly empowering the players in ways they might never even want to use.

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:07 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
I just did it without say-so, so that's gone.

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:12 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Dammit, I was halfway through chooseing my abilities.
Why wouldn't work? They're faries, they just use magic.

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:29 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
Hokey. Here's mine:
Rotor Seven, Fairy of Ancient Rust
Appearance: A small, corroded iron cube, hovering erratically with at least three pairs of helicopter blades spinning every which way. Every few seconds, its curved exhaust pipes belch thick black smoke and showers of sparks. As you inspect it, the closed dome at its front opens and projects a flickering image of a human eye. It is staring right at you.
Teeny (cannot be attacked)

It doesn't really seem like a good idea to give people bonuses based on their DMs.

also i just realized how creepy mine is

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:35 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
One skill would be alright, It would also help match a player up to a GM.
Name: Charlotte
Appearance: A small blue fairy, with data streams flowing through her wings. She does not put up with any stereotypical "Hey listen" bull♥♥♥♥ typically associated with her type of fairy.
"Seriously, just shut up and listen.": (+1 Speaking.)
Teeny (Cannot be attacked)
And yes, your does sound quite... disturbing

Last edited by Fail Flail on Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:38 am
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Post Re: Magitech: Frontiers
it's probably eldritch
Don't do that, it doesn't display right. And if it's zalgo-text then it's annoying in the first place.

EDIT: Alright, I won't.

Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:40 am
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