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RtD-Classic Adventure|Roll 35|Ch-2|Enter the Dragon |
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Author: | Fail Flail [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:05 am ] |
Post subject: | RtD-Classic Adventure|Roll 35|Ch-2|Enter the Dragon |
Fail Industries presents an exciting new adventure by the name of… Roll to Dodge! Classic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’ve been thinking of starting one of these for a while now, and I can’t think of a better way to start off my sure to be glorious reign then a cliché medieval fantasy game. Set in an infinitely flat plain of fantasyness 4\6 adventurers find themselves gazing into the entrance of a dungeon. First off, the character sheet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll be useing a d20 (because more numbers are obviously better) with the following table of results Now, who wants in? Still on table 1-TorrentHKU- Lv2 ????? ?-Miggles-Lv1 |
Author: | TorrentHKU [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Name: John Freeman Description: Human Fighter. Has a magnificent goatee. Weapons: - Longsword - Shield Items: - 3x Health potions - Packed lunch - Ring of Blades (+2 to using a bladed weapon) Traits\Abilities T- Bulwark (+1 to defending) A- Battle Roar (+1 to ally rolls, -1 to enemy rolls) A- Fearsome Blow (+2 to attack, -1 to next roll) |
Author: | maart3n [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:01 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Name: Mulch Lockmaker Description: Dwarf, beard and the works Weapons: - Warhammer - Trowing spears/axes(you choose) Items: - 3x Health potions - Packed lunch - Lockpicks (+2 to opening anything with a lock) Traits\Abilities T- Short (+1 to dodging) T- Sneaky bugger (+1 to stealing and the likes) A- Thunderous smash(Causes the earth to shake) |
Author: | TheKebbit [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:58 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
I'll be using my character from a previous RTD with some modifications, because I'm A: lazy and B: thought he was pretty cool guy. Name: (unknown, titled the Iron Mauler) Description: A wayward son of nobility slaughtered in a "Glorious People's Revolution", this towering brute has known nothing but war. His trail of shattered corpses and blood has finally brought him here to this mysterious dungeon. Weapons: -Great Hacksaw -Bulwark of Hate Items: -(3) Health Potions -Packed Lunch -Grisly Memento -The Black Drink -(3) Battered Iron Flasks Traits/Abilities: T- Colossus: +1 to physical strength rolls, cannot wear normal armor. T- Malice: +1 to brutal and morally ambiguous acts. A- Death's Nectar: thanks to his unnatural constitution, the Mauler can withstand sickening and toxic brews that would kill another man, and has adapted over the years to concocting them for use as fuel for his infinite hatred. The Great Hacksaw is a giant, rusty serrated sword, and the Bulwark of Hate is an angry makeshift shield, covered in spikes and crusted with gore. Ye olde Black Drink is a caustic, throat-burning stew of intoxication and hallucinogenic rage. god i hope i don't seem OP |
Author: | Fail Flail [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
@Kebbit: OP? Not really, instead of this Although I will have to ask for you to either A:change your ability to consume poisonous materials or B: Remove your ability to eat nontoxic things (ie, clag paste, food) @maart3n: Duel throwing axes seem alright, more useful than throwing spears Firstly, if I get one more applicant I'll make a proper intro into (ie officially start) game at this time tomorrow +2 hours (that makes sense, right?). Secondly, I'll now update the OP with all of your character sheets, I'll try to keep it updated with recent events, your inventory and the games story. A story will develop at some point, probably from a player action or something in this first dungeon, I might even make some sort of fancy looking world map, if your lucky. |
Author: | TheKebbit [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Basically the abilitiy is "LOLPOTIONS", but I had to think up some kind of lore explanation. So maybe he's not immune to poisons at all, but just has a liver strong enough to handle his own creations? |
Author: | Fail Flail [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:59 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Hmmmmmmmm........ Ok. I was hoping for another applicant by now ![]() |
Author: | TheKebbit [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
So, when will we start? |
Author: | Fail Flail [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
When I get one more player. Tell your Friends! |
Author: | Fail Flail [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Awesome, Rolling! (Or rather introing, but hey, same difference) |
Author: | Fail Flail [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:14 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Quote: Lady Luck finally picked the last of her four player cards, another warrior. The crowd murmurs amongst themselves, Luck is known for her risky, unpredictable moves, but even for her this is a little out of character. "Well, this could be interesting" Fate said from the other side of the board, as usual he had picked all environment cards and pieces to start the game, meaning he that he needn't show his hand. "Well, let us start, I think you've delayed the game for long enough", Luck smiled and nodded to the GM who announced the game started. Fate and Luck hadn't played one of their matches for a century now, the outcomes usually saw the end & creation of Kings & Queens, Empires & Eras. The crowd of lesser gods were eager to see the outcome of their latest game. Meanwhile.... Four adventures find themselves gazing into the entrance of a dungeon. It sits at the foot of a mountain surrounded by forest, fortunately there is a small clearing outside in which our heroes have set up a small camp. They now stand ready to delve into the dungeon and gain limitless riches and glory that surely waits below. If only they could decide who will go in first... |
Author: | TorrentHKU [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
> I'll lead the way since I'm least likely to die if something pops out, having a shield and all. |
Author: | TheKebbit [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Stamp inside, shortly after John. |
Author: | maart3n [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
"Wait for me, my legs aren't that long!" Run after the rest straight into the dungeon |
Author: | Fail Flail [ Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: RtD-Classic Adventure |
Roll=1 Nonsequitorian\Ulysses= 12 "Let us all go hand in hand, my brothers!", they all seem to agree with this (slightly ridiculous) idea and it almost goes ahead, until you realise the entrance is only wide enough for two people. So you graciously let John go first and opt to head in last instead and watch as the following events unfold. TorrentHKU\John= 17 Johns plan seems much more sensible, first in shield up, after a slight boost from the Iron Mauler this works well against the surprising amount of dart traps and you manage to get halfway down the corridor before noticing the boulder rolling down after you. After some particularly quick thinking, you use your shield as a ramp to send it flying over your head, straight over its stopping grooves and into the door ahead. As it continues its destructive streak down the corridor on the other side of the room, you notice the remains of several un-un-dead skeletons. You also gain 20 exp, whatever that means. TheKebbit\Iron Mauler= 2 You stamp inside shortly after John, only to find yourself tripping after a particularly large stamp moves a particularly large pressure plate. After falling into John sending him forward with a burst of speed, a large boulder falls onto your back then rolls off and continues down the stairs ahead. Ouch, nothing major with all your heavy armour, but your still winded. maart3n\Mulch= 1 You are unable to reach the dungeon with your little legs, even at full speed. In fact you manage to trip on a red shiny stone, being a dwarf you can't help but realise its value immediately, even if you don't know what it is. You somehow remain oblivious to the events taking place just a few meters ahead. Room 1 A small room that might have served as some sort of guard house, it contains a shelf, a chest and the remains of a table. The crushed table, skeletons and cards scattered in the boulders wake suggest they might have been playing a game of cards, you almost feel sorry for them. |
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