Data Realms Fan Forums

RTD Reality
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Author:  nicolasx [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  RTD Reality

If you are in this section you should already know RTD rules but incase you don't

Character Sheets are this:

Assume that the abilities will be determined by me, but sometimes based on the scope of the game I will say otherwise

Rolling style is as follows
Main Action

I will not always display speech in the roll but will try to do so when appropriate

Story/Scope: {we were all different people, in different cities, some of you even in different countries until a few days ago, when something changed, you see all of us have been in able to manipulate reality to our will, unable to be contained restrained or killed, There were 8 of us at the beginning you see, lying low in hiding in wait trying to live normal lives, but of course we were being monitored, I know you probably know all of this already but I had to tell you now in case some of you didn’t, one of us died two days ago, someone is coming after us and we all need to run NOW}

Soldier:“That signal was transmitted to eight computers across the USA and the world two days ago Mr. Evens”
Evens: “good then trace the signal and send our best”

Author:  Yoman987 [ Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTD Reality

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