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 You are a Commander 
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Post You are a Commander
It is the 185th year of the Space Age, Year 3589, and several empires have formed among the stars, and are now engaged in a war for the Galaxy. The three main empires in this war are the ETU (European Trade Union), Axis, and AEF (Allied Earth Forces) with many others scattered among the rest of the galaxy as most fight to protect their rights, freedom, and homes from those who wish to exploit them for their own purpose.

You have decided to set forth, and fight, whether it be for personal gain, or freedom is up to you, but first there are a few things you will need to decide before you begin conquering freeing the galaxy.

What is your name Commander ?
Who do you fight for?
(One of the three main empires, pirates, a smaller nation, or a nation you wish to create)
What does your Commander look like ?
What kind of ship would you wish to lead ?
(Carrier, Stealth, Cruiser, Freighter, etc. )

Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:00 pm
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Post Re: You are a Commander
What is your name Commander : Frank Smit
Who do you fight for? The Axis ( I assume these are the bad guys?)
What does your Commander look like ? He is approximately 6ft tall, unknown weight due to the large armour he wears during boarding combat. He has never been seen without his distinctive helmet, which has the symbol of the Axis engraved onto the forehead.
What kind of ship would you wish to lead ? Dreadnaught

Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:54 am
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Post Re: You are a Commander
What is your name, Commander? : Joey Roger
Who do you fight for? Pirates! Yaaarh!
What does your Commander look like?


What kind of ship would you wish to lead? Rustbucket Frigate called "Desperation".

Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:26 am

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Post Re: You are a Commander
You are Ulysses Green a freighter recently recruited freighter Captain, and you command the ship, the I.D.S.S. Kaiman, an old Mk. I Supply Freighter that has been modified with some new weaponry to help protect you from pirates, and other factions of the 1st Galactic War. Your currently stationed at a small mining colony called PX-8J on the outer fringes of the The Indie Deep Space Transport Co.'s territory, and have been charged with the safety of its supply line to, and from Central.

You are currently sitting at the helm of your ship reviewing the information you currently have of the colony, and you small fleet whilst sipping a nice Jo'gran Coffee.

Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:54 pm
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Post Re: You are a Commander
Now, lets go somewhere and recruit crew.

Then launch a planetary invasion of the smallest colony we can find.

Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:03 pm
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Post Re: You are a Commander
What is your name Commander ?
Ivan "Beard" Volgin
Who do you fight for?
A nation I wish to create. A place where anyone is free to come and go, and the locals have a strong bond, sort of a small nation.
What does your Commander look like ?
He has a fancy for Victorian gear. He dons an old captains hat, a brown trench coat, classic standard issue armored cloth shirt and pants. He has a moderate sized beard.
What kind of ship would you wish to lead ?
A large carrier ship, finished with the shell of an old cargo ship from the 20th century, named "Skadovsk"

Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:57 am

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Post Re: You are a Commander
You order your men to turn the ship towards the colony, and begin bombarding it, so that you could claim it as your own. All of your missiles come crashing down onto the asteroid's surface wiping out the colony, and damaging the mine, but as you turn your fire to the Star-base the fighters had already launched, and were now bearing down on your ship. Your shields hold for about two minutes before they suffer failure, and the fighters take that chance to fire everything at your ship. The engines are hit, and the cargo bay is blown up.

Fire engulfs the Bridge, and then nothing, but darkness. Several minutes later you jolt awake, and whistle as you remember that strangely vivid dream then pull up the shipping quota. It seems that half the ore you currently have in storage on the planet should already be on route to the capital. If you don't get the freighters loaded, and moving soon Fleet Command's going to be on your tail. What do you do now ?


Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:04 pm
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Post Re: You are a Commander
Like I said.

Launch planetary invasion.

Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:31 pm
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Post Re: You are a Commander
So, err, what exactly is the purpose of this? :???:

Joey Roger makes a steering error and flies his ship "Desperation" into the sun. His octopus-like body is fried into an overcooked plate of fish 'n chips.

Game over for me. :cry:

Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:43 pm

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Post Re: You are a Commander
It is a single player game I am sorry if that wasn't clear. You are currently Ulysses Green a Commander Protecting a small mining outpost, and you are Part of the Trading Company, so actions please.

Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:10 pm
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Post Re: You are a Commander
my bad.
Order in some backup.

Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:45 pm

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Post Re: You are a Commander
I will post the turn some time later today, or tomorrow until then I will take more actions for the next turn.

Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:29 pm
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