Data Realms Fan Forums

RtD -- Down Yonder Postponed until further notice
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Author:  caekdaemon [ Fri May 06, 2011 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, the prequel to an RtD more should join!

I'm in. I'l edit the post with the base position.

The team will be called Artemis Defence Consortium.

Because companies have to be ♥♥♥♥ evil.

EDIT : Actually, it might be more efficient for me just to tell you to put the base on the river crossing. If I have to design the base, just say :grin:

Name: Max Jones
Age: 27
Description: Max has brown hair and green eyes, just like his many siblings. Unlike his brethren, he decided to be a soldier, rather then a engineer. He is more muscular and taller then his brothers. He is the regional commander for Artemis Defence Consortium, who have taken a interest in this region for its strategic location on a river crossing.
Skilled Commander : +1/-1 to friendly actions when they are ordered to do a action, which ever brings it closer to 5.
Experience Soldier : +1 to fighting a enemy.
Artemis A-42 Laser Assault Rifle - 30 shots per charge, charges have to be done at the base.
3 Artemis A-34 Photonic Grenades. (AKA Flashbangs :grin: )
Artemis A-41 Laser Pistol - 6 shots per charge, charges can be done at base or portable power cells.

Author:  Glowsticks [ Sat May 07, 2011 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, the prequel to an RtD more should join!

Imm iin.
The team will be Locketech Industries': combat and control branch, or the LICC. And our base will be on the mountain area top left.

Name: Jason Locke
Age: 21
Description: 6'2 medium build, Locke has dark brown hair, is fairly athletic and an extremely quick and concise thinker. Locke is heir to a successful pre 'rapture' technological firm. When the war broke out Locke decided to move the companies resources to more profitable and practical goals: Mainly the construction of energy weapons.
~ Steady under pressure: +1 to actions involving high pressure situations. (Combat, negotiations, etc.)
~ Imma Firin my lazor!: +1 to using energy/reactor powered weapons.
~ "XV-7" Reactor powered rail rifle (3 SPM, 5Mags)

~ Locketech Flachette pistol (5SPM, 3 mags) ( fires a small cloud of micro darts or "flachettes" EXTREMELY deadly at close range.

Author:  Glowsticks [ Sat May 07, 2011 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, WHO WANTS TO FIGHT!?

Derp! My bad.... I meant "top right"...... :oops:

Author:  Barnox [ Sat May 07, 2011 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, WHO WANTS TO FIGHT!?

Nonsequitorian wrote:
It's the first war where more civilians die than soldiers.

Oops too late.

Author:  FoiL [ Sun May 08, 2011 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, WHO WANTS TO FIGHT!?

Name: Andrew Rodrigues
Age: 25
Andrew, although young, is extremely battle hardened due to years upon years of continuous war. He is experienced with almost all sorts of weaponry, from hand to hand battle to energy weapons. He also somehow prefers older weapons of a ballistic type, namely Gyrojet weapons. This technology once abandoned in the past is now perfected and in common use, due to heavily armored personal. They allow extremely large calibers, more accuracy and faster projectiles without the painstaking recoil.

Charismatic combat veteran : Units with lesser morale can defect to Andrews party on a 5+.
Krav Maga user : +1 for fight or die situations.

Gyrojet 1.0 caliber rifle- 15 shots per magazine, will be at peak efficiency when the bullet as completely accelerated at the ~300 yard mark. 5 magazines.
4 standard HE grenades
0.600 caliber pistol - 5 shots per magazine. 2 magazines.

Author:  FoiL [ Sun May 08, 2011 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, WHO WANTS TO FIGHT!?

Maybe with arthemis. Not because I'm evil, but because Andrew is a bit of a warmonger. Namely for shock and awe campaigns, which companies do on constant basis.

Author:  Glowsticks [ Sun May 08, 2011 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, WHO WANTS TO FIGHT!?

Edited char sheet due to burst of weapon creativity...

Author:  Asklar [ Sun May 08, 2011 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RtD -- Down Yonder, WHO WANTS TO FIGHT!?

I want to join!

Name: Charlie Cross
Age: 23
Team: Locktech
Average size, thin, short black hair. Charlie Cross doesn't like to speak much of his life. He is only known for his intelligence and improvisation capabilities, and for the accident during the construction of Space Craft 33X-2.

Quick Fix: Can create weak weapons if he has materials or repair objects.
First-Aid: +1 when healing wounds from self or team.


"Roller" Modified M16 (More accurate, less powerful). 28 Shots per mag, 2 mags.

Self-Made Solar-Blaster. 10 Shots per recharge, it recharges using a solar panel (infinite recharges as long as there is light).

1 Frag Grenade.

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